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定语从句专项练习1.sorry, we dont have the coat _ you need。a. what b。 who c。 whom d。 which2.this is the dictionary _ mum gave me for my birthday。a. which b. what c。 whose d。 whom3。do you know the man _ is sitting behind nancy?a。 what b。 which c。 who d. whom4。the book _ he bought yesterday is very interesting。a。 / b。 why c。 when d。 what5。i have found some pictures of the most interesting places _ you can visit during the winter holidays.a. where b. which c. what d。 that6.id like to tell you about the table manners _ you should know when you visit korea.a. which b。 who c。 what d。 how7。i shall never forget those years _ i lived on the farm with the farmers, _has a great effect on my life.a。 when; who b。 that; which c。 which; that d。 when; which 8。is oxygen the only gas _ helps fire burn?a. that b. / c。 which d。 it 9.is _ some german friends visited last week?a. this school b. this the school c。 this school one d. this school where 10.-what kind of music do you like? -i like music _ has great lyrics.a. that b。 what c. who d. whose11。that is the only thing _ i bought from the supermarket.a。 which b。 that c。 what d. where12.the place _ interested me most was the childrens palace.a。 which b。 where c. what d。 in which13。the computer _ last week has gone wrong.a. which i bought it b. i bought c。 what i bought d. i bought it14.that is the poor boy _ father died in a traffic accident last year.a。 who b. whom c。 whose d. which15。do you know the girl _ is standing under the tree?a。 who b. whom c。 which d. where16.is the woman _ talked to our teacher yesterday your mother?a. who b。 whom c. which d。 what17.the young lady _ we met yesterday is our new maths teacher.a. what b. whose c。 whom d. which18.i like to live in a house _ is big and bright.a。 that b. who c. how d. why19。i hate people _ talk much but do little。a。 whom b。 which c. who d。 when20。i am one of the boys _never late for school。 a。 that is b。 who are c。 who am d。 who is21.mr green, there is someone at the front desk _ would like to speak with you.a。 he b。 who c. which d。 whom22.i love the small village _ i was born。a. that b. which c。 where d。 whose23.here comes the girl _ handwriting is the best in our class。a. which b。 whose c. that d。 who24.my parents usually buy me some simple clothes _ can last a long time。a. who b. that c. whom d。 whose25。-is the girl _ is interviewing the manager of that company your friend?-yes, she is a journalist from cctv.a。 whom b。 which c. who d. whose26。-do you know everybody _ came to the party?-no, i dont know the one_ you had a long talk with near the door.a. who;/ b. whose; that c. that; which d. /; whom27.the boy_ won the first prize is called roy.a. when b。 whom c. who d. which28。children like houses _ are painted in different colours.a. which b. they c. those d。 what29.do you think most students prefer tests _ have easy questions?a. who b。 where c。 that d. it30。 he is one of the experienced engineers in this factory _ hard work was repaid with the development of the factory.a。 where b. whose c. in which d。 thatkeys:15 dacad 610 adaba 1115babca16-20 acacb 21-25 bcbbc2630acaca1。 A football fan(球迷) is _ has a strong interest in football.A。 a thing that B。 something thatC。 a person who D。 what2。 The house, _ was destroyed in the terrible fire, has been repaired。A。 the roof of which B。 which roofC。 its roofD. the roof3. Can you lend me the novel _ the other day?A。 that you talked B. you talked about itC. which you talked withD. you talked about4。 The matter _ you were arguing about last night has been settled.A。 that B。 whatC。 whyD. for which5. They talked for about an hour of things and persons _ they remembered in the school。A. which B。 thatC。 who D。 whom6. Who _ has common sense(常识) will do such a thing?A。 which B。 whoC. whom D. that7。 All the apples _ fell down were eaten by the pigs。A. that B。 thoseC。 whichD. what8. They asked him to tell them everything _ he saw at the front.A. what B. thatC。 which D. where9。 Ill tell you _ he told me last night。A. all which B. all whatC. that all D。 all10. A child _ parents are dead is called an orphan.A. who B。 whosC。 whose D. which11. Is this the museum _ you visited the other day?A。 that B。 whereC。 in which D. the one12. Is this museum _ some German friends visited last Wednesday?A。 that B. where C. in whichD。 the one13. -How do you like the book?-Its quite different from _ I read last month。A。 that B. whichC. the one
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