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2019年真题解析(一)Part Dialogue Completion (10 points)Directions:In this part,there are three dialogues with three or four blanks,each followed by four choices marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the choice that best suits the situation until the dialogue is complete. With Dialogue One,all the choices will have to be used. With Dialogue Two and Dialogue Three,one choice will be left unused. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the center of the letter.A. Cant complain.B. Take it easy.C. Here is my phone number.D. Its really been a long time.Dialogue OneAndy:Hi Henry! What a pleasant surprise!Henry:Yeah! It sure is. 1 . So how have you been these days?Andy: 2 .Is this your first visit to Sydney?Henry:Right. I just came a few days ago. The weather here is a big trouble for me.Andy: 3 .It will take you a little time to get used to it. But you will be all right with it soon.Henry:I hope so. Oh,Im afraid its time for me to go. 4 .Lets get together for dinner sometime.Andy:Alright. See you. Take care.对话一本题是关于朋友久别重逢的对话,对话中的两个人是朋友关系。四个选项都是陈述句。1、网校答案:D 网校解析:安迪与亨利不期而遇,两人互相打招呼。空格1后一句是亨利问安迪这段时间过得怎么样,很明显二人有一段时间没见了。选项D(我们真是好久不见了)符合语境,故答案为D。2、网校答案:A 网校解析:亨利问安迪这段时间过得怎么样,选项2应是对此的回答,所以安迪就要对自己这段时间的生活状态简单说明一下,选项A(还可以)符合语境,故答案为A。3、网校答案:B网校解析:亨利说悉尼的天气对他来说是个麻烦,空格3后面安迪说亨利需要花一点时间适应,但相信他很快就会适应,所以空格处应该为安慰亨利的话。选项B(放轻松)符合语境,故答案为B。4、网校答案:C网校解析:空格4之前亨利说他要走了,后面又说有空要和安迪一起吃饭。选项C(这是我的电话号码)符合语境,故答案为C。A. Just call me Betty.B. Thats alright.C. Were so glad you could make it.D. Actually,I just tried to make it simple.Dialogue TwoBetty:Good evening. 5_ Joanna:Thank you for inviting me.Betty:Take a seat. Just make yourself at home.Joanna:Thank you. What a lovely house! Did you make it yourself,Mrs. Johnson?Betty: 6 .Yes,I did the decorating. _7_ Joanna:I like it a lot.对话二本题是关于去别人家拜访的对话,对话双方可能是刚认识的邻居。四个选项都是陈述句。5、网校答案:C 网校解析:客人到来,贝蒂作为主人和客人乔安娜打招呼。由下一句乔安娜感谢贝蒂的邀请可以推测出,选项C(我们很高兴你能来)符合语境,故答案为C。6、网校答案:A 网校解析:乔安娜问贝蒂房子是不是贝蒂自己装饰的,并称呼她为约翰逊夫人,选项A(叫我贝蒂就好)与上文衔接最紧密,且填入此处可使语义顺畅,故答案为A。7、网校答案:D 网校解析:空格7前贝蒂承认房子是自己装饰的。剩余选项中,选项B(那好吧)不符合语境,故排除。选项D(实际上,我只是想简单布置一下) 与前面正在谈论的装饰问题一致,更符合语境,故答案为D。A. Well,I have some 5s,B. Oh,thats even better!C. How do you want it?D. You surprised me,Dialogue ThreeCashier:How can I help you,Miss?Jackie:Could you break a 20 for me?Cashier:Sure. _8_Jackie:Could I have two 5s and the rest in ones?Cashier: 9 but I dont have enough 1s. Are quarters fine with you?Jackie:_10_对话三本题是关于兑换零钱的对话,其中一方是收银员,另一方是需要兑换零钱的人。四个选项中有两个是陈述句,一个是特殊疑问句,一个是感叹句。8、网校答案:C网校解析:空格8之前,收银员表示可以为杰基兑换零钱,之后杰基回答自己想要两个5美元和十个1美元,由此可知收银员问的是想怎么兑换。选项C(你想兑换成什么?)符合语境,故答案为C。9、网校答案:A 网校解析:在空格9之后,收银员用but表示转折,说没有足够的1美元,可知前面说的应该是有足够的5美元,选项A(呃,我有一些5美元)符合语境,故答案为A。10、网校答案:B 网校解析:收银员问杰基都换成25美分的可不可以,下一句杰基要对这个提议做出回答。选项B(哦,那更好!)符合语境,故答案为B。Part Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions:There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the center of the letter.11、According to the passage,Trautweins Boston neighborhood .A. had to overcome a unique problemB. suffered from a long-term problemC. created a new problem without knowing itD. shared a problem with other communities12、Fresh Truck serves as .A. a school busB. a grocery storeC. a supermarketD. a restaurant13、According to Morgan,the term “food deserts” .A. refers to a supply of foodB. helps to identify the areas in needC. gives an inaccurate descriptionD. fails to include practical solutions14、Palmers group intends to .A. educate people on available fresh produceB. push for more favorable food policiesC. provide healthy food at affordable pricesD. open new grocery stores for local communities15、Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A. An Oasis on WheelsB. A Nutrition WarC. Food as a ToolD. Food Deserts or NotPassage One(1)In 2011,Josh Trautwein was working as a nutrition educator in Boston. He learned that the neighborhoods only grocery store was closing for a year of repair. The families were having a tough time finding another nearby market that sold fresh produce.(2)Residents of Trautweins Boston community are not alone when it comes to lacking supermarkets that sell fresh and healthy food. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) ,17% of Americans lived more than half a mile from a supermarket in 2017. The USDA uses the term “food deserts” to describe neighborhoods that lack access to nutritious food.(3)Trautwein began to imagine a new kind of market,an oasis (绿洲)for c
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