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商业银行公司信贷的风险管理研究-以中国农业银行台州市分行为例 摘 要信贷风险直接关系到银行的生存与开展,目前商业银行的信贷风险不仅存在,而且涉及面广、风险度高、不良贷款率也比拟高,严重影响了商业银行的可持续开展,因此如何有效地提高信贷风险管理水平是我国银行业面临的重大课题。本文的研究,对于深刻认识目前商业银行信贷风险管理现状,探索提高信贷风险管理水平的途径,缩短与国际先进银行的差距,提高商业银行在金融市场上的竞争力都具有重要的现实意义。 本文以中国农业银行台州市分行(文中和以下均简称:台州市农行)为研究对象,通过对台州市农行目前经营状况、贷款市场占比、信贷结构分布和信贷业务种类等信贷业务开展状况的分析,指出台州市农行公司信贷管理上所存在的主要问题(如近年来不良贷款额突增、不良率偏高和流动性相对过剩等)。并结合2021年台州市农行发生的一件信贷违约案例来进一步阐述台州市农行公司信贷风险产生的原因。同时,结合国内外商业银行的先进管理方法和我国商业银行信贷管理的现状,提出了加强台州市农行公司信贷风险防范的具体措施。本文的研究有力地促使台州市农行信贷管理模式从粗放化向精细化转变,有利于改善台州市农行的信贷管理质量,提高其综合竞争实力。关键词:商业银行公司信贷风险风险管理1 AbstractCredit risk is directly related to banks existence and development. At present,the credit risk in commercial bank is very serious with a wide scope, high risky level and high unhealthy loan rate. It seriously affects the subsistant development of bank, therefore, how to improve the level of credit risks management is the key topic our bank is facing. The study of this article will play an important role in realizing deeply the current status of credit risk management; exploring the way of improving the credit risk management level; narrowing the gaps with the advanced banks in the world; and in the meantime enhancing the competition capability of our bank in the financial marketThrough analyzing the study object, Taizhou Agricultural Bank of China TZABC including the current management status, loan market occupancy rate, credit structure distribution and credit business types, etc. this article has indicated the main problems in credit risk management of TZABC such as increasing dramasticely of unhealthy loan value in recent years, higher defective rate, and excessive mobility, etc. and further clarified the reasons causing the credit risk around a breaking credit treaty case. In the meantime, with the support of advanced management experience of commercial banks within the country and also abroad, it raised some detailed methods in strengthening the precautions for credit risks of TZABC. This study will accelerate the change of the management mode of TZABC from roughness to fineness and will be helpful in improving the credit management quality of TZABC and enhancing its comprehensive competition capabilityKey words: commercial bank,corporation credit risk, risk management2 目 录1.前言1.1 研究背景与意义1.2 国内外研究现状1.2.1 国外研究现状1.2.2 国内研究现状1.3研究内容框架和方法1.3.1 论文主要内容1.3.2 论文研究方法1.4 创新与缺乏2. 公司信贷风险概述 2.1 公司信贷风险的定义及分类2.1.1 公司信贷风险的定义 2.1.2 公司信贷资产风险的分类2.2 商业银行信贷全流程风险管理的特点 2.3 风险的管理方法和技术2.4 国外先进商业银行信贷风险管理经验 3. 台州市农行公司信贷业务开展状况 3.1 台州市农行经营状况概述3.2 台州市农行贷款的市场占比3.3 台州市农行信贷结构分布3.3.1 区域分布3.3.2 贷款投向分布3.4 台州市农行信贷业务种类4. 台州市农行公司信贷风险及原因分析 4.1 台州市农行公司信贷风险现状 4.2 公司信贷风险案例分析4.3 公司信贷风险产生的原因分析 4.3.1 金融危机的影响4.3.2 汇率走势的波动4.3.3 信贷市场信息不对称的效应 4.3.4 银行内部信贷管理存在的漏洞 I4.3.4 信贷风险管理文化的缺失5. 加强台州市农行公司信贷风险防范的具体措施5.1 建立多渠道信息收集系统5.2 强化人力资源的管理 5.3 加强躲避汇率风险5.4强化贷前管理5.4.1 严把贷款准入管理关 5.4.2 强化信贷风险预警 5.4.3 推进客户结构调整 5.5 审慎贷中管理 5.5.1 严格控制担保风险 5.5.2 严把授信执行管理关 5.6 完善贷后管理 5.6.1 加强对融资企业监管 5.6.2 加强资金和帐户监管 5.7 培育新型的信贷文化 5.7.1 转变风险管理意识 5.7.2 完善责任考核机制 5.7.3 充分发挥内部审计作用5.8 加强宏观审慎的金融监管参考文献致 谢IIContents1. Foreword 1.1 The studys background and significance1.2 The present condition of the study in home and abroad1.2.1 The present condition of the study in home1.2.2 The present condition of the study in abroad1.3 The frame and method of the studys content1.3.1 Innovation and inadequate1.3.2 the summary Of company credit risk1.4 The difinition and classification of the company credit risk2. The sumnary of company credet risk2.1 The difinition of the company credit risk2.1.1 The classification of the company credit risk2.1.2 The characteristic of the entirely procedure risk management incommercial bank 2.2 The method and skill of the risk management 2.3 The experience about credit risk management in abroad advance commercialbank 2.4 The development condition of company credit operations in TaizhouAgricultural Bank of China TABC 3. the loans development condition in TZABC3.1 The management condition of TZABC3.2 Market loan own rate in TZABC3.3 Credit structure in TZABC3.3.1 Distriction3.3.2 Loan spreading3.4 Tbe loans business kind in TZABC 4. Analysis of credit risk and cause in TZABC 4.1 The company credit s risk condition 4.2 The company credit s risks case analysis4.3 The company credit s risks cause analysis 4.3.1 The financial crisis influence4.3.2 The fluctuate of exchange rate performanceIII4.3.3 The effect from unsymmetry of information in credit market4.3.4 The loopholes of credit management in bank4.3.5 The culture deficiency of credit risk management 5. The specific countermeasure to credit risk in TZABC5.1 Building multichannel collection of information system 5.2 Strengthing the management of human resounces 5.3Strengthing evadeing the risk from
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