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高一英语暑假练习卷(一)(2016.07)第二部分 完型填空(每题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。An American businessman who travelled in southern Mexico met with one young Mexican fisherman rowing a small boat at the dock (码头).Inside the boat were several large 21 . Enjoying the warmth of the sun, the American 22 the Mexican for the quality of his fish. He thought they must bring the Mexican lots of money.“How long did it take you to 23_ them?” the American asked. “Oh, a few hours,” the Mexican fisherman 24 . “Why dont you 25 longer and catch more fish?” the businessman then asked. The Mexican answered, “With these fish I have more than enough to 26 my family.” The businessman then became 27, “But what do you do with the rest of your 28?” With a smile, the fisherman answered, “I 29 with my children, watch ballgames, see my friends, sing songs .” The American businessman cut in, “Look, I have an MBA, and I can help you 30 more money. You can start by fishing several hours longer every day. You can then sell the 31 fish you catch. With the money, you can buy a bigger boat, then a third one, and so on, 32 you have an entire fleet (船队) of fishing boats. You could leave your village and move to a big city, where you could even further 33 your business. Finally, youll be able to set up your company and become very34 . What do you think?”Having never 35 such things, the Mexican fisherman asked, “Really? 36 would I do with it all?” The businessman said proudly, “Then you could 37 retire (退休) with all the money. You could 38 to your peaceful fishing village where you could play with your grandchildren, and watch ballgames. And you could 39 your friends often and sing with them.”The story tells us: Know what really matters in life, and you may find that it is already much 40 than you think. 21. A. equipment B. clothC. wood D. fish22. A. terrified B. praised C. puzzled D. spotted23. A. catch B. eat C. feed D. sell 24. A. agreed B. doubted C. replied D. promised 25. A. give up B. dig down C. settle back D. stay out26. A. avoid B. support C. show D. understand 27. A. angry B. serious C. excited D. sad28. A. time B. money C. food D. work29. A. fight B. deal C. play D. meet 30. A. spend B. borrow C. make D. save 31. A. small B. dead C. extra D. last 32. A. until B. though C. because D. if 33. A. start B. expand C. leave D. plan34. A. rich B. confident C. healthy D. clever35. A. relied on B. suffered from C. thought of D. set down 36. A. What B. When C. Where D. Why 37. A. regretfully B. happily C. carefully D. tiredly 38. A. devote B. lead C. return D. refer 39. A. judge B. visit C. remind D. find 40. A. closer B. simpler C. slower D. wider第三部分 阅读理解(满分40分)第一节 阅读下面文章,从四个选项中选出最佳选项(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A One afternoon Peter and Jim went out for a bicycle ride. When they passed a place they saw a large area of grass and bushes on fire and a strong wind was blowing the flames towards a village. The firemen had already arrived and were trying to put out the fire. The boys left their bicycles and ran towards the village to see if they could help to fight the fire. On the way they met two firemen. “Quick, you boys,” said one of the firemen. “Come and help us to pull a pump (泵) to the stream. We cant beat out the fire. The wind is too strong. The pump is our only hope.” The two boys ran further until they came to a heavy pump. They helped to pull it to a stream not far from the village. Soon the pump was working well so the boys went to watch the fire. It had already reached the edge of the village. The boys saw that two houses were on fire, and the flames were attacking a third building. Suddenly there was a shout from one of the villagers. “Keep away!” a voice shouted. “Theres paint stored in that building.” The boys and villagers moved away quickly. With a loud explosion (爆炸), the whole building burst into flames, sending clouds of thick black smoke into the sky. At this time Peter and Jim began to think that the whole village would be burnt to the ground. The firemen had left the burning buildings and were pouring (浇) water onto the neighboring houses, trying to stop the fire from spreading. Then the wind died down. A second pump was brought up to help, and the fire was gradually put out. “Its soon finished,” Peter said to his friend. “We must go or we shall get home late.” “Yes, come on,” agreed Jim, and with a last look at the ruins, they walked back to thei
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