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高二上学期期中考试英语答案听力答案 15ABCBC610 ABABA 1115CABBB 1620ABCAB阅读:21-24CAAC 25-28DCAB 29-32DABC 33-35BAA 七选五:C A G E D完形填空:41-45 C A D B A 46-50 C D B A B 51-55 D D A C B 56-60 D A C A B语法填空:61. who/that 62. moving 63. from 64. devotion 65. and 66. an 67. patiently68gave 69. myself 70. to become短文改错1.who 后加 was 2.verytoo 3.thatwhy 4.hashad 5.itthem 6.Athe 7.bookbooks 8.butand 9.suchso 10.去掉of 书面表达范文DearSteven, ImgladtoreceiveyourletteraskingformyadviceonhowtolearnChinesewell.Hereareafewsuggestions.First, itisimportanttotakeaChinesecourse, as youll beabletolearnfromtheteacher andpractisewithyourfellowstudents. Then, italsohelpstowatchTVandreadbooks, newspapers andmagazinesinChinesewheneverpossible. Besides, itshouldbeagoodideatolearnand singChinese songs, becausebydoingsoyoulllearnandrememberChinesewordsmoreeasily.YoucanalsomakemoreChinesefriends. TheywilltellyoualotaboutChinaandhelpyoulearnChinese.TryandwritetomeinChinesenexttime. Imlookingforwardtohearingfromyousoon. Yours, LiMing- 9 -
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