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琼州学院QIONGZHOU UNIVERSITY2014届本科毕业论文题 目:初中英语课堂提问策略的实例研究以三亚市二中为例学外国语学院专英语学生姓班12英语本(专升本)学 12255029指导教师姓李树刚职 讲师日2014年4月琼州学院教务处二。一三年六月制第一部分毕业论文一、毕业论文 1第二部分过程管理资料二、本科毕业论文课题任务书 20三、本科毕业论文开题报告 23四、本科毕业论文中期报告 28五、毕业论文指导教师审阅表 29六、毕业论文评阅教师评阅表 30七、毕业论文答辩评审表 312014届本科生毕业论文初中英语课堂提问策略的实例研究以三亚市二中为例学院:外国语学院专业:英语学生姓名:刘洋学号班级:12英语本(专升本)12255029指导教师姓名:李树刚职称讲师最终评定成绩.2014 年4月A Case Study of English Questioning Skillsin Junior Middle SchoolTaking San Ya No. 2Middle School for ExampleBy Liu YangA thesisSubmitted to the Department of Foreign Languages ofQiongZhou UniversityIn partial fulf川ment of the requirementsFor the degree ofBachelor of ArtsSupervised byLi ShugangApril 2014初中英语课堂提问的实例研究以三亚市二中为例作者:刘洋导师:李树刚摘要课堂提问是课堂教学中使用最频繁的课堂教学技能之一。作为英语课堂中的一个重要手段,课堂提问是有效教学中的一个重要组成部分,它被应用到整个教学过程中,成 为联系教师和学生双边互动的桥梁。本文通过从目前教学中存在的主要问题如效率不 高,形式单一,学生与老师零交流等问题,以本人所在城市中学为个案,系统研究了课 堂提问与教学效率提高的相关方法,如创设有效的教学情境,教师提前做好课程准备, 教师具备一定的提问技巧等。因此,调查和研究现在英语教学中课堂提问的现状,发展 优势,改进不足,对于提高英语教学质量有着十分重要的意义。关键词:课堂提问;教师;学生A Case Study of English Questioning Skillsin Junior Middle SchoolTaking SanYa No. 2Middle School for ExampleAuthor: LIU Yang Supervisor: LI ShugangABSTRACTClassroom questioning is one of the most frequently teaching skills, which is an effective teaching component. It s also the link as an important tool in English classroom; it contacts both the teacher and the students. At present, classroom questioning in San Ya NO.2 Middle School has some problems, such as inefficient teaching, teaching form is single and so on. Taking the school in my city for example, this thesis makes a systematic research in how to boost the students to study, how to enable the students to participate in classroom communication activities. So teachers should carefully design and properly use a variety of types of questions and then they can guide the students to think actively, to increase the comprehensible result, enhancelanguage acquisition and ultimately achieve the purpose of effectiveness teaching. Therefore, it is vital to research the current situation of classroom questioning in English teaching. To develop the advantages and boost the weaknesses have the extremely significance to increase the quality of English teaching.Keywords: classroom questioning; teacher; studentAcknowledgementsI would like to thank all those who have given me their helps, which have been the major driving force for me to complete the thesis.First and foremost, thanks to my advisor, Li Shugang. It wouldnt have been finished without the help of him, who devoted his precious time to giving me advices on my thesis. His spirit has inspired me to overcome difficulties.Besides, I ,m also grateful to all the teachers, from whose devoted teaching and lectures I have benefited a lot so I can prepared for the thesis.Last but not least, my thanks will go to my families for their loving and great confidence in me all these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my classmates who gave me their help with my problems.CONTENTS1 Introduction1.2 Literature review and theoretical basis.1.2.1 Literaturereview1.2.2 Krashen stheory2.3 Investigation and analysis of the questions4.3.1 Researchquestions4.3.2 Researchtarget.43.3 Researchmethods4.3.3.1 Classroom observation53.3.2 Questionnaire5.3.4 Data collection.5.4.1 Data analysis.64.1.1 The types of teacher questioning64.1.2 The Strategies of teacher questioning7.4.1.3 The distribution of teacher questioning84.1.4 The wait-time of teacher questioning94.2 Suggestions1.14.2.1 Using various types of questions.114.2.2 Applying effective strategies1.14.2.3 Distributing questions reasonably.124.2.4 Offering enough time for thinking1.25 Conclusion1.2Bibliography1.4Appendix A 15Appendix B 171 IntroductionAccording to the investigation of NO.2 Middle School in San Ya, this thesis finds that some teachers do not make full preparations for the classroom questioning, lack good understanding of the effective questioning, and they are short of experience in the system design. Only when teachers use valid strategies can they make effective questioning. Meanwhile, teachers should encourage the student task “whyto come up with the queries. In students v iew, to ask a question can not only contribute to their study, enhance their ability of expression and communication skills, but also give them confidence. However, most of these students like to wait teacher to ask them rather than actively to answer the questions. This situation attributes to two reasons, on the one hand, the teacher does not give students enough time to think and answer the question; on the other hand, students passively keep silent at the back of the classroom. This research intends to dig out these problems and seek some solutions.2 Literature review and theoretical basis
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