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第三单元What are you going to do?学情分析对于小学六年级的同学,在学习本单元之前同学已经积累了接近30个动作类和10个以上的时间类的单词或短语,以和一般现在时和现在进行时的用法,具备了一定的自主学习能力,能进行简单的语言交流。因其独立性和自主性,对本课内容比较感兴趣,愿意独立布置自身的活动,有强烈的求知欲和竞争意识。因此在教学过程中以同学熟悉的歌谣、歌曲、猜谜导入新课学习,设计了许多符合同学生活体验的任务活动如:拟订自身的周末活动、采访他人的活动布置、购书、当小导游如何布置合理的路线,以和设计自身的梦想等,引导同学感知、体验、实践、参与和探究,让每位同学都有学习语言、运用语言的机会,将所学的知识和技能转化为语言运用能力。同时发挥小组合作的精神,拓宽同学的创新思维能力和想象力。大局部同学能积极参与到英语游戏、竞赛、唱歌等各种英语活动中,合作学习能力较强,能与其他同学团结协作,相互交流,一起完成各项学习任务。但也有局部同学随着英语学习的升级,学习兴趣逐渐降低,对英语学习丧失自信心,对课堂活动的参与也越来越被动,作为教师应始终注意对他们的鼓励和认可,尽量激发并维护他们学习英语的兴趣。相关话题已学单词: play sports read books visit week morning afternoon evening storybook fruit shop plant 相关话题已学句型:Is it ? Yes, it is. ? No, it isnt.、单元教学目标1 Ability Objectives(1)talk about the plan with the sentence structrue: Whatwherewhen are you going to do? Im going to (2)Get to know the others plan: Shehe is going to (3)Enable the Ss to sing: what are you goin gto do?2 Knowledge Objectives(1)Four skill words and phrases in lets learn.(2)pronunciation: a: m n th的两种发音 (3)Enable the Ss to master the sentence patterns:What are you going to do? Im going to Where are you going? Im going to When are you going? Im going 3 Emotion objectives(1) Emotion manner:Help the Ss to make plan about study and life.(2) Study Tactics: group work and communication(3) Culture:文字记载方面的知识教学重点教学难点语法突破相关语音知识Lesson 1Enable the Ss to master the words and phrases: take a trip,go to the cinema,read a magazine. Enable the Ss to master the sentence patterns: What are you going to do this evening?Im going to the cinema. Enable the Ss to chant. Enable the Ss to sing the song: Where are you going?Four-skill word in Lets learn.Be going to 一般将来时what 引领的问答复习字母组合or: short Tomorrow morning north 本课相关小语篇:What are you going to do? Im going to the hes going to the Shes going to the Lesson 2能够准确自如的运用并会书写be going to do句型描述自己的活动计划与他人甲流Four_skill sentences: What are you going to do on the weekend? Im goin gto visit my grandparents this weekend.Be going to.Will do 的用法本课相关小语篇:A: what are you going to do?B: Im going to A: Is it ?B: Yes. No. So Im going by car bikebusA: Have a nice day.Lesson 31. 读懂lets read, 并能写出提纲式的Liu Yuns weekend plan. 2. 谈论陈述自己的周末活动安排。转述他人计划时第一人称和第三人称的人称代词与物主代词的变化。第一人称和第三人称的人称代词与物主代词的变化。本课相关小语篇:Hi, this is Im going to have a weekend. On Sat. morning, Im going to . In the afternoon, Im going to In the evening, Im going to On Sun. morning, Im goin to In the afternoon, Im goin to . In the evening, Im going to Lesson 41 Four_skill words in lets learn.2 一般将来时中关键词的替换。3 Part C pronunciation.Dictionary 的发音和th的2中种发音。What和when引领的一般将来时特殊疑问句的问答。Th的2种发音本课相关小语篇:Lets play 中的小语篇。Lesson 5能够听说认读what where when引导的特殊疑问句并能做出相应回答。一般将来时中what when where特殊疑问句的真实交际。区分,总结 5 wh: where who when why what/a/ path father mars nasty asking/ thumb thus must nut hungry本课相关小语篇:阅读周周练 unit 3 lesson 9Lesson 61 Enable the Ss to understand the passage of lets read.2 Talk about their future job.听说认读lets read 的对话。变疑问句: I m going to . Are you going to?本课相关小语篇:阅读周周练 Unit 3 lesson 10School: Baihe Primary SchoolGrade: 6Class: 3.4.6.Students:Contents:PEP English BookTitle: What are you going to do?Teacher:Date:2013,10一、 教学目标1 .Learn the phrases: take a trip read a magazine go to the cinema tomorrow tonight this morning/afternoon/evening next week.2 Use What are you going to do this evening? to ask questions and use I am going to . to answer freely.3 Learn lets chant.二、 制定依据1 教材分析本教材根据新课标的要求,教学目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立爱学英语的兴趣和自信心;打好培养学生语感、语法、语调、书写基础;本册教材以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线,使学生初步具备应用简单的英语进行英语交际的能力;帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯,为学生进一步学习英语打下基础;同时培养学生的观察、记忆,丰富思维扩展能力;适当介绍中西方文化差异,培养学生爱国主义精神。内容比较灵活,每单元“A、B、C”三个大课型设计,C部分是选学内容,使学生能够满足个性化发展的需求。整套书以小学三年级为起点直至六年级,联系紧密,整体设计。在这阶段教材的编写中,充分考虑到各级段学生的年龄特点和认知规律,有针对性地提出教学目标,安排教学内容与目标自然衔接,以确保各学段的顺利过渡。本课在整个教材中占有重要地位。在巩固前两单元的句子的基础上增加新的内容,为以后的课程奠定基础。具有承上启下的作用。2 学生分析学生在学习本课知识前已掌握了很多相关动词短语,如: do homework go to . Have a picnic plant trees take a look.以及相关的可用于表达将来时的时间状语: in the evening after school Sunday ,可帮助学生在课前进行复习、积累以运用于本课的对话中。Teaching procedures: The 1st period: sectionsLinksActivities for teacherActivities for studentsmethodLet me knowRevisionEncourage the Ss to enjoy and speak English1. Sing some English songs: where are you going?2. Daily talkTPRoverviewPresent a task:Make a survey: what are you going to do tonight?Finish the task after learning:Activities: WhenVisit grandparents tonightPlay sports Read books Clean my roomGo to the science museumTASKPresentation (1) Lets guess. Draw some frames on the blackboard and stick the pictures of some places in it.(2) Do the game “Lets guess” again. T: No.3 is a cinema. We can
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