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学 案 装 订 线 M2 Unit6 Lesson 4 Dream Houses 阅读导学案Class: Group: No._ Name: 组内评价: 教师评价: 【learning aims】:1. To find the usage of key sentence pattern from the contexts;2.To compare the real house and dream one;3. To talk about preferences about dream house. 【自主学习 温故知新】Activity1: Words Bank:Please note down the words and phrases.1.在三楼_ 2. 到.为止_3.吵闹_ 4. 在镇的另一头_5.搬家_ 6. 梦想_7.屛住呼吸_ 8. 树木环绕_9.running water_ 10.have no mercy on sb._11.on either side_ 12. share the yard with sb._13pay rent to sb._ 14. adapt from_【静心阅读 .运用阅读策略】Activity2: .Detailed Reading Multiple-choice 1) Which of the following statements about the house on Mango street is TRUE?A. We need to pay rent to landlord. B. The house is not a wanted house at all. C. We should share the garden with others. D. We cant make too much noise there.2)The reason why they left the flat on Loomis is wrong. A. Because the house was too old. B. Because water pipes broke and nobody would fix them. C. Because we should share the washroom with others and carry water by ourselves. D. Because there is no front yard.3)Can you find out the words in the text to replace them: garden, repair , toilet? A. yard, flat , pipe B. fence, fix, pipe C. gallon, fix, basement D. yard, fix, washroom 4) The passage is mainly about_. A. the places where they lived before moved to Mango Street. B. the life on Mango Street C. a dream house and a real house on Mango Street D. the reasons why they moved to Mango Street 【合作探究能力提升】Activity 3: Discussion 1)What is the differences between her dream house and the reality? 2) What do you think was the biggest problem with the house on Mango Street?Activity 4: Fill in the passage according to the text. We didnt always live on Mango Street. But _1_ I remembered most is moving a lot. The house on Mango Street is ours, _2_ even so, its not the house _3_ we thought wed got. In the flat on Loomis there were many problems, like worms in the _4_(wood) walls, and_5_(break) water pipes . That is _6_ we moved to Mango Street. But the house on Mango Street is not the _7_ the described it at all. Our dream house would have _8_(run) water and at least three washrooms so _9_ we wanted to bathe we wouldnt have to tell everybody. And our house would have a great yard with trees _10_(grow) around it. 【学以致用 熟能生巧】Activity5: Translate the following sentences. 1. What I remembered most is moving a lot. 译_仿写:我记得最清楚的是电影的结尾。译_2. That is why Mama and Papa looked for a house. 译_仿写:这是他辞职的原因。 译_3. The house on Mongo Street is not the way they described it at all. 译_仿写: 我不习惯这里人们交流的方式。 译_定语从句3.1) The invention _ she spent two years will do good to the world.A. which B. that C. on which D. when2) The invention took her two years will do good to the world.A. which B. / C. on which D. it3) The place_ you visited during your holiday is where I used to be for years.A. where B. which C. in which D. to which4) The place you stayed for 3 years is where an ancient city used to be. A. where B. which C. that D. to which5) The place interests the children most is Disneyland. A. that B. where C. it D. in which6) Tom, with _ I went to the concert, is a friend of mine.7) Tom, _ I went to the concert, is a friend of mine.8) Tom, _ bicycle is new, is a friend of mine.9) Tom, _ bicycle I went to the concert, is a friend of mine.A. at whom B. whom C. who D. in whom E. with whom F. whose G. that H. on whose育人设计:方法导引:第一步:阅读课文dream houses 做词汇储备。第二步:阅读文章,方法引领:采用(scanning)扫读进行有目的的阅读。Detailed reading 关注细节,有理有据。第三步:小组讨论,深层理解课文,提炼自己的观点。第四步:课文填空,巩固课文内容,词汇运用,落实基础。第五步:补全句子练习,巩固所学重点词汇。第六步:熟能生巧定语从句练习帮助学生总结提炼规律。1
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