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文件编码Doc. No.: Page No.: 4 of 4标题:实验室废弃物管理程序TITLE: PROCEDURE FOR LABORATORY WASTE HANDLING1.0目的Purpose : 规定实验室废弃物的收集、处理程序。确保废弃物的排放能符合国家有关环境排放标准。Define the procedure for collecting and handling the laboratory waste, thus ensure that the waste discharge meets the related national environmental requirements. 2.0范围Scope :该规程适用于实验室废弃物。This procedure applies to the laboratory wastes.3.0定义Definitions : 废弃物:指检验用剩余试药、试液、检验后的反应液等。Waste: refers to the remained reagents, solutions and the reaction solutions after testing.4.0责任Responsibility:QC 检验员/组长/经理助理/经理QC analysts/Group Leader/Manager Assistant/QC Manager5.0程序Procedure : 5.1 无毒无害的废弃物倒入废液桶后,在检验完毕后由化验员直接倒入下水道中。Un-toxic and un-hazardous waste could be poured into the waste bucket, and directly poured into sewer after finishing the test. 5.2 实验室的少量废气一般可通过通风橱或通风管道,经空气稀释排出。Small amount of waste gas could be diluted by air, and then discharged from fumehood or air-duct. 5.3 大量的有毒气体必须通过与氧充分燃烧或吸收处理后才能排放。Large amount of hazardous gas should be first thoroughly burned with oxygen, or treated by absorption before discharge. 5.4 有毒有害的废弃物倒入专门废液桶,由专人按下列规定立即处理。Hazardous and toxic waste should be collected in designated bucket, and then treated by designated people, following the rules below: 5.4.1 无机酸类:用1%碳酸钠或1%氢氧化钙溶液中和,中和后用大量水冲洗。Inorganic acid: neutralized with 1% sodium carbonate or 1% calcium hydroxide, and then washed with large amount of water. 5.4.2 氢氧化钠、氨水等无机碱类:用6mol/L盐酸溶液中和,用大量水冲洗。Inorganic base, e.g. sodium hydroxide and ammonium etc.: neutralized with 6mol/L hydrochloride acid solution, and then washed with large amount of water.5.4.3含汞、砷、锑等离子的废液:控制酸度为0.37mol/LH+,使其生成硫化物 沉淀。Waste solution which contains mercury, arsenic, stibium ions: the acidity of the solution should be controlled at 0.37mol/LH+, allow it to precipitate as sulphide.5.4.4 含氰废液:加入0.1mol/L氢氧化钠溶液使酸碱度达pH10以上,加入过量3%高锰酸钾溶液,使CN-氧化分解。Waste solution contains CN-: add sufficient amount of 0.1mol/L sodium hydrochloride solution to maintain the pH to above pH10, add excessive amount of 3% potassium permanganate solution to oxidize CN-.5.4.5 含氟废液:加入石灰生成氟化钙沉淀。Waste solution contains F-: add lime to produce calcium fluoride precipitate.5.4.6 溅落的汞:溅落汞的地方洒上硫化钙、硫磺或漂白粉或喷洒药品使汞生成不挥发的难溶盐,干后扫除。Spilled mercury: to the place where mercury spilled, add calcium sulfide, sulfur or chloride of lime or substance which could react with mercury and produced insoluble salt. Remove the waste after dried.5.4.7 有机溶媒废弃物收集后交由公司环保员倒入废水站处理。Organic solvent waste should be collected and then disposed by HSE person within Matrix.5.4.8 含镉废液的处理:在含镉的废液中投加石灰,调节pH值至10.5以上,充分搅拌后放置,使镉离子变为难溶的Cd(OH)2沉淀分离沉淀,将滤液中和至pH值约为7,然后排放。Waste solution contains cadmium: add lime to the waste solution, adjust the pH to above pH 10.5, thoroughly stirred and then allow it to stand, and precipitate the cadmium as insoluble Cd(OH)2. Separate the precipitate and neutralize the filtrate to pH 7, and then discharge.5.4.9 含铅废液的处理:在废液中加入消石灰,调节至pH值大于11,使废液中的铅生成Pb(OH)2沉淀。然后加入凝聚剂Al2(S04)3 ,将pH值降至78,Pb(OH)2与Al(OH)3共沉淀,分离沉淀,达标后,排放废液。Waste solution contains lead: add lime hydrate to the waste solution, adjust the pH to above pH 11, and precipitate thelead as insoluble Pb(OH)2. Then add Al2(S04)3, adjust the pH to pH 78. Pb(OH)2 coprecipitate with Al(OH)3. Separate the precipitate, and then discharge.5.4.10含酚废液的处理:低浓度的含酚废液可加入次氯酸钠或漂白粉煮一下,使酚分解为二氧化碳和水。若是高浓度的含酚废液,可通过醋酸丁酯萃取,再加少量的氢氧化钠溶液反萃取,经调节pH值后进行蒸馏回收处理后的废液排放。Waste solution contains hydroxybenzene: As for waste solution contains low concentration of hydroxybenzene, add sodium hypochlorite or chloride of lime, boil to turn hydroxybenzene into carbon dioxide and water. As for waste solution contains high concentration of hydroxybenzene, exact with butyl acetate, and then add small amount of sodium hydroxide solution to reverse-exact, adjust to pH and then distill, discharge the waste solution after handling.5.4.11 综合废液处理:酸、碱调节废液pH为34、加入铁粉,搅拌30min,然后用碱调节pH为9左右,继续搅拌10min,加入硫酸铝或碱式氯化铝混凝剂、进行混凝沉淀,上清液可直接排放,沉淀于废渣方式处理。Waste solution mixture handling: adjust to pH by acid or base to pH 34, add ion powder, stir for 30min, add then adjust pH to pH 9, stir for 10 more minutes, add aluminum sulfate or aluminum ferric chloride, basic to precipitate. Discharge the supernatant, and collect the precipitate as waste.5.4.12 微生物检测培养过的琼脂平板应121灭菌30min,趁热将琼脂倒弃处理。Sterilize the agar plates used after microbial testing at 121 for 30 min, and then discard the agar.6.0相关文件Related Documents:无 Nil7.0修订记录Revision Record:序号S. No.版本号Revision Status修订内容Details of Revision备注Remarks *文件终结符END OF DOCUMENT制定人Prepared by审核人Reviewed by批准人Approved by签名/日期Sign / Date名字Name 职务Designation
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