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2022年考博英语-大连工业大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题( )is forbidden in some states in the United States for religious reasons, while it is permitted in some other states.问题1选项A.ConceptionB.AbortionC.DeliveryD.Perception【答案】B【解析】名词辨析题。A选项Conception“怀孕”;B选项Abortion“堕胎,流产”;C选项Delivery“分娩”;D选项Perception“感知”。句意:由于宗教原因,美国有些州禁止堕胎,而有些州允许堕胎。选项B更符合语境。2. 单选题The( )of electrical energy into thermal energy is a process that is easily carried out at 100% efficiency.问题1选项A.conversionB.conventionC.conversationD.version【答案】A【解析】形近词辨析题。A选项conversion“转化,变换”;B选项convention“约定,习俗”;C选项conversation“交谈,会话”;D选项version“版本”。句意:把电能转换成热能是一个很容易以100%的效率进行的过程。选项A符合句意。3. 单选题Everyone has a legal ( )to provide the tax office with details of their earnings.问题1选项A.refinementB.constrictionC.obligationD.impulsion【答案】C【解析】形近词辨析题。A选项refinement“改进,改善”;B选项constriction“收缩,压缩”;C选项obligation“义务,职责”;D选项impulsion“冲动”。句意:每个人都有法律义务向税务局提供他们收入的详细情况。选项C符合句意。4. 单选题The( )of the word is unknown, but it is certainly not from Greek.问题1选项A.originB.generationC.descentD.cause【答案】A【解析】名词辨析题。A选项origin“起源”;B选项generation“产生”;C选项descent“下降”;D选项cause“原因”。句意:这个词的起源尚不清楚,但肯定不是来自希腊语。选项A符合句意。5. 单选题It goes without saying that people who refuse to( )with the law will be punished.问题1选项A.concealB.consentC.abideD.comply【答案】D【解析】动词辨析题。A选项conceal“隐藏,隐瞒”;B选项consent“同意,准许”;C选项abide“忍受”;D选项comply“遵守”。句意:不言而喻,拒绝遵守法律的人将受到惩罚。comply with意为“遵守”,所以选项D正确。6. 单选题A new survey by Harvard University finds more than two-thirds of young Americans disapprove of President Trumps use of Twitter. The implication is that Millennials prefer news from the White House to be filtered through other source, not a presidents social media platform.Most Americans rely on social media to check daily headlines. Yet as distrust has risen toward all media, people may be starting to beef up their media literacy skills. Such a trend is badly needed. During the 2016 presidential campaign, nearly a quarter of web content started by Twitter users in the politically critical state of Michigan was fake news, according to the University of Oxford. And a survey conducted for BuzzFeed News found 44 percent of Facebook users rarely or never trust news from the media giant.Young people who are digital natives are indeed becoming more skillful at separating fact from fiction in cyberspace. A Knight Foundation focus-group survey of young people between ages 14 and 24 found they use “distributed trust” to verify stories. They cross-check sources and prefer news from different perspectivesespecially those that are open about any bias. “Many young people assume a great deal of personal responsibilities for educating themselves and actively seeking out opposing view-points,” the survey concluded.Such activity research can have another effect. A 2014 survey conducted in Australia, Britain, and the United States by the university of Wisconsin-Madison found that young peoples reliance on social media led to greater political engagement.Social media allows users to experience news events more intimately and immediately while also permitting them to re-share news as a projection of their values and interests. This forces users to be more conscious of their role in passing along information. A survey by Barna research group found the top reason given by Americans for the fake news phenomenon is “reader error,”, more so than made-up stories or factual mistakes in reporting. About a third say the problem of fake news lies in “misinterpretation or exaggeration of actual news” via social media. In other words, the choice to share news on social media may be the heart of the issue. “This indicates there is a real personal responsibility in counteracting this problem,” says Roxanne Stone, editor in chief as Barna Group.So, when young people are critical of an over-tweeting president, they reveal a mental discipline in thinking skillsand in their choices on when to share on social media.1.According to the Paragraph 1 and 2, many young Americans cast doubts on( ).2.According to the Knight Foundation survey, young people( ).3.The Barna survey found that a main cause for the fake news problem is ( ).4.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?问题1选项A.the justification of the new-filtering practiceB.peoples preference for social media platformsC.the administrations ability to handle informationD.social media as a reliable source of news问题2选项A.tend to voice their opinions in cyberspaceB.verify news by referring to diverse resourcesC.have a strong sense of responsibilityD.like to exchange views on “distributed trust”问题3选项A.readers outdated valuesB.journalists biased reportingC.readers misinterpretation
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