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导读:8月2日,在柏林举办的第二十届世界翻译大会会员代表大会上,许渊冲专家荣获国际译联“北极光”杰出文学翻译奖(FIT“uraBorais” Prize futsandngTansaionof Fitio Literaure),成为第一位获此殊荣的亚洲翻译家。一起去看看许老的那些“神翻译”!关雎Coong d ooing关关雎鸠,Byriveside cooing在河之洲.A r of urtledv;窈窕淑女,A goodoung mnson君子好逑.Afar maienhe loves参差荇菜,Water fl left d right左右流之.O cress ln hee,ortere;窈窕淑女,he yth rn da andniht寤寐求之.Fr the gd d fai.求之不得,His yearning gw sstrong,寤寐思服.He cn ot fllsep,悠哉悠哉,Bt tosesall nih lon,辗转反侧.Sep in love, s dep!参差荇菜,Now gath et and rght左右采之.Cress lgorhor an ender!窈窕淑女, lut, play musc bright琴瑟友之.Frthe brie weet nd lender!参差荇菜,Fastrieds t left and rht左右芼之Oncre coedtll tnde!窈窕淑女,O blls nd rum, delht钟鼓乐之.Thbrie so swee ad slndr!垓下歌XIANG YU AS ONG力拔山兮气盖世,Iould pullontainsown, oh!Witinand mght,时不利兮骓不逝。But my goo frtue wane, oh! M steedt figt骓不逝兮可奈何!Weerystd wil ght,oh! Ido nocare虞兮虞兮奈若何!Wha a d ihyo, oh!Myldy f!回乡偶书HOMECOMNG贺知章H Zhihg少小离家老大回,Ol, I returnt he omeldwhleyun,乡音无改鬓毛衰。Thnnerhas gwn y har, houghI speak tesmetongue.小朋友相见不相识,My cidre,whm meet, d notkno m I.笑问客从何处来。“herere ou fom, deair?” thy as with beamingee.七步诗RITTWILE TAKNGSEVENACS曹植Ca Zhi煮豆燃豆萁,Ps bunedcok peas,豆在釜中泣。eas weep ithe pt:本是同根生,“Grow fom same t,pease,相煎何太急。Whybol u s hot?”归园田居REURN O NAURE陶渊明Tao Yunming种豆南山下,I o beaneah sother hll;草盛豆苗稀。Bea shoos ar lstwhre weso erthepat grow.晨兴理荒秽, wed atdawn thug early stil;带月荷锄归。 plod home withmymoli oe.道狭草木长,h pah is arow, grsses tal,夕露沾我衣。Wih evening ew m ohes we,衣沾局限性惜,To wic I paye at all,但使愿无违。I my esireanbut be met.登鹳雀楼O THE STOCK TOWER王之涣Wang Zhhua白日依山尽,Te sun ynd th mountan glows;黄河入海流。Te ellw Rersars flows.欲穷千里目,ou annjoy a geatsght;更上一层楼。B limbingto geatr height春晓RING MORIG孟浩然gHaoran春眠不觉晓,his spring morning n bdI ying,到处闻啼鸟。Ntto awke tillbirdsarecryig夜来风雨声,Aftr on night ofindand soes,花落知多少。owmany areth flln flowers?静夜思 TRAQUIL IHT李白Liai床前明月光,Befr my bd a polf niht疑是地上霜。Can itbe horost ontherund?举头望明月,Ling up,I fid the n bright;低头思家乡。Boing, In homesicnessImdrnd早发白帝城LEAG THEWITE KGS TOWNAT DN李白LiBai朝辞白帝彩云间,eaving tdawn th hieKg cowed wi rinw cloud,千里江陵一日还。I vesaied hosandmiles throgh ree orge a d.两岸猿声啼不住,ithonkeys sad adies the rivbns are loud;轻舟已过万重山。Mboat ha let en thouht mountisfa away春望SPRIN IEW杜甫u u国破山河在,O wartrn adtreams flow nd mountans stan;城春草木深。In town unquitra and weeds unriot.感时花溅泪,rieved er th year, fowersare ovedo tes;恨别鸟惊心。Senu prt, birdsr with bken ear.烽火连三月,e bac fi hasone highe an hier;家书抵万金。Word ro hseholdare rth thi eightin god.白头搔更短,I can nt bear to scrtchm grizling ha;浑欲不胜簪。It gow to hin to old alighairpin.赋得古原草送别RASSON THEANCIEN PLAN AWELL TO AFRIND白居易BaiJuy离离原上草,Wild gassesspred oer ancit li;一岁一枯荣。Withspring and a hey coe and o野火烧不尽,Wi iecant urn thm up ai春风吹又生。hey rse wenvebres blow.远芳侵古道,Theirfagraoverruns te way;晴翠接荒城。heir gee nades te runeon.又送王孙去,T see my riend go far ay,萋萋满别情。My rrow grow ike rass oergown.绝句A QUATRAIN李清照Li Qngzho生当作人杰, man of m hile y ar aive;死亦为鬼雄。Besoul of suls een thogh yourdead!至今思项羽,Thinkf Xan Yuhoo survive不肯过江东。is men, hse lod fohi wa shed.观书有感HE BK朱熹ZhuX半亩方塘一鉴开,Thre lies a glassy oblog po,天光云影共徘徊。hee liht d shade purethei cus.问渠哪得清如许?Ho an it bso cla and col?为有源头活水来。For wat fsh mes from itsoue秋思AUTUMN THGHTS马致远Ma Zhiyuan枯藤老树昏鸦,ver od treswathed with otn vne fly evenig crow;小桥流水人家。Undr all bridge nera cottage stremfows;古道西风瘦马,On ncietroad in th es wind a l horsegos夕阳西下,estwardeclnesthe un;断肠人在天涯。Far, ar romhome is heartroken one.石灰吟SONG TOHE LIE于谦Yu Qian千槌万凿出深山,Yucome out of de mutains afe hamr blow;烈火焚烧若等闲。ner ie ad wat
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