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小学英语五年级教学设计教学目标:1、知识目标:能够认读、掌握、灵活运用本单元所学的单词和句型:序数词、月份、星期、描写天气的五个形容词;What day is it ? It is_. When is it ? It is_. How s the weather today? It is _.2、能力目标:通过新句型的学习,培养学生在一定语境中运用语言进行交际的能力,小学五年级英语教学设计与反思。3、情感目标:培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣,提高学生敢于开口说英语的积极性。二、重点、难点:Words: 序数词、描写天气的形容词Phrases: What day is it ? Its _. When is it ? Its _ Hows the weather today ? Its _.三. 教具:自制单词和句型卡片、语言教学机等四教学过程:Step1:(1)、Greeting: T: Hello! Boys and girls! (2)、引入课题:T: Today, well review days, months, and adjectives for weather.Step 2: Review the days and the months.(1)、教师使用语言教学机给学生播放一首“星期”的歌曲,让学生边听边看边跟着唱,同时教师进行提问:T: Can you say the days of the week ?C: Yes. _.T: Who can say the third day of the week ?S1: TuesdayT: Very good ! Who can say the last day of the week ?S2: Saturday.T: perfect!教师让全班学生一起读一遍星期的单词。(2)、教师接着继续提问,进入月份的知识。T: Which month is it now ?C: April. Good!T: Can you say the months from January to April ?C: Yes. _.T: Who can say the months from May to August ?S1:_.T: Who can say the months from September to December ?S1: _.T: Very good !(3)、提问:T: What day is today ?C: Today is Thursday,April twenty-fourth.T: What day was yesterday ?C: It was Wednesday, April twenty-third.T: What day is tomorrow ?C: It is Friday, April twenty-fifth.提问这几个问题时,如果学生回答不顺利,可让他们进行讨论,然后再继续回答,
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