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英语教案(新目标 高一年级上册(必修1)Unit4 Earthquakes小组成员:张春秀 104050348高静平 104050325陈雪文 104050123李艳梅 104050133李红芬 104050054谷从弟 104050047New Senior English for ChinaStudents Book1Students level: Senior Grade OneUnit4 Earthquakes (1) Instructional ObjectivesA. Language knowledge a. Topic: Basic knowledge about earthquakes How to protect oneself and help others in disastersb. Vocabulary: canal, quake, dig out, bury, shelterc. Structure: The Attributive Clause (1) (that, which, who, whose)d. Functions: By the end of the class, students can talk about their experiences and express thanks e. Pronunciation: Make students read aloud the passage fluently and correctly B. Skills Reading: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to grasp the main words and sentence structures of the text.Speaking: Practice their oral English Writing: Apply knowledge we have learnt to our daily life (2) Educational Objectives A. Affect The willingness to help others, self-rescue in the earthquakeB. Learning strategies Communication and cooperation ability C. Cultural awarenessUnderstanding and awareness of loveTeaching focus: Vocabulary & GrammarTeaching aids: 1. Blackboard2. Pictures3. PPTTeaching Time: 45minutes Teaching Stages:1. Presentation1. 1 Ask students what is an attributive clause and then explain to them.T:Good morning class,do you know what is an attributive clause?S:No.T: Ok, I will explain to you about it, attributive clause is a sentence using that, which, who, whose. Maybe you cant understand it well, dont worry.1.2 Find the sentences with attributive clauses from the reading passage.T: Now, try your best to find the attributive clauses in the passage we learned, can you?S: Yes.T: Have you find some sentences?S1: Yes. ”A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty meters wide out across houses, roads and canals”T: What else?S1: No.S2;Another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangshan.T: very good. Who would like to try another?S3; The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead1.3. Show the attributive clause which students find in the passage and explain them one by one, including attributive clause which contain “that” ” which” “who” “whose”T: Ok, now, let us look them on screen. Have you find something same among these sentence?S: These sentence including that, which, who and whoseT: You are right and let look at these sentence one by one. The first sentence ”A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty meters wide out across houses, roads and canals”, we use “that” refer to people or thingsT;Clear?S: Yes.1.4. Show the pictures and explain these words (canals, quake, dig out, bury, shelters)T: Let us look at some pictures and guess what it is?S1: RiverS2: CanalsT: Yes, its a canal, we say “运河”and read after me. Canal,S: Canal T: And this one?S: .Quake T: And this one?S: Dig outT; The last one、S: Shelters2. Practice2.1 Vocabulary T: we have learned the new words of this unit. It is so smart of you to guess the meanings. Can you understand all the new words? S: Yes. T: OK. Now, lets do some practice. Turn to page 28, exercise 1, and look at those phrases. You have to find the correct word or expression according to each of the meaning. Ill give you 2 minutes. T: time is up, lets check the answers together. T: If you didnt get the right answers, please correct it now. T: Finished?S: Yes!T: Lets move on!2.2 TranslationT: You have done a good job. Next, please translate the following sentences into English. Make sure your sentences contain the new words of this unit. If you cant speak fluently, you can write them down first.1.被困在煤矿里两天的矿工们最后得到了营救。(mine, miner, rescue)2.他拒绝谈起那场可怕的灾难。(terrible, disaster)3.他们重建了地震中被摧毁的大坝。(destroy,dam)4.爸爸丢了那根毫无用处的水管。(water pipes, useless)T: the fist one, who want to have a try? You please.S: The miners were rescued after they had been trapped in the mine for two days.T: Right, we can translate in another way. The miners who had been trapped in the mine were rescued at last. Next, you please. S: He refused to talk about the terrible disaster.T: Good and we can say: He refused to talk about the disaster that was terrible. How about the third?S: They.T: Now, look at these sentences we did just now, can you see the words in red?S: Yes, that.T: very good, in last class,show you a new type of sentence. We can use attributive clause to make these sentences. Please look at the screen, and pay attention to the words in red. Do you remember what they are?S:关系代词T: Yes! We call them relative pronouns.T:关系代词包括that、who、whom、which、whose.2.3 Attributive ClauseT: After we have an understanding about attributive clause and relative pronouns (that, which, who or whose), we need to use them to
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