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学英语报社英语(人教版)必修4 Unit 1 Women of achievement 第三课时任务型教学设计一、教学内容分析教学内容英语(人教版)必修4 Unit 1 Women of achievement 第三课时教学对象高一学生教学项目词语结构Grammar:Agreement between subject and verb课文其他Speaking教学目标语言知识在实际交际中逐步做到语音、语调自然、得体和流畅;使用适当的语言形式描述事物,简单地表达观点、态度或情感等。语言技能能在日常交际中对一般的询问和要求做出恰当的反应;能描述人物或事件,并进行简单的评论;能根据话题要求与人交流、合作,共同完成任务。语言运用在描述人物的过程中能准确运用主谓一致。文化意识了解世界各国女性朋友的经历、成就和贡献;通过学习英语了解世界文化,培养世界意识。情感态度能了解并尊重异国文化,体现国际合作精神;在英语交流中能理解并尊重他人的情感。学习策略利用推理和归纳等逻辑手段分析和解决问题;善于总结所接触语言材料中的语言规律并加以应用;在学习中,善于抓住重点,做好笔记,并能对所学内容进行整理和归纳。教学方法任务教学法、学生中心教学法、多媒体教学法教学媒体PPT幻灯媒体、黑板教学重点理解和掌握主谓一致的用法和意义。教学难点在描述人物的过程中能准确运用主谓一致。运用任务Task of Unit 1: The English Club in your school is holding a speech contest next month, the theme of which is Women of Achievement. As a member of the club, prepare a description of a great woman you admire for the contest.Task of Period 3: In groups, talk about the qualities of the woman and write a short passage about it.二、课堂教学过程时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的第1-4分钟复习导入,启动教学In the last two lessons, we learnt Janes and Lin Qiaozhis stories. What do they look like?Do you admire them? Why?What did they impress you most?How would you describe them?In pairs, ask and answer the questions. The following may help you.hard-working, energetic, active, determined, intelligent, fair, generous, kind, helpful, considerate, confident, brave, honest, modest, unselfish, devoted, warm-hearted, educated 思考并回答问题。复习前两节课的内容,导入本节课学习。第5分钟呈现任务Today, youll work in groups, talk about the qualities of the woman you choose and write a short passage about it.了解和接受任务。让学生明确任务,有兴趣有目的的学习新语言项目,以完成任务。第6分钟导入Before finishing the task, youll learn agreement between subject and verb to make your writing more accurate.Today, well adopt a new way to learn. Do the exercises first, conclude from the exercises, and then listen to my explanation.了解学习语法项目的目的,思考学习的方法。让学生明确学习的目的和方法。第7-13分钟学习语法项目Do Ex.2, P5. What can you conclude from Ex.2?Collective nouns (集体名词):有生命物的集体名词,如audience等,u 如被看作一个集体, 则作单数用;u 如被看作组成该集体的成员, 则作复数用。o Our class was No. 2 in the tug-of-war last month. (Collective)o Our class are now playing games in the playground. (Individual)Can you make sentences like that?Do Ex.3, P5. What can you conclude from Ex.3?Indefinite pronouns (不定代词):verb: singular o Everything about Vincent is interesting, you know. o Anyone who breaks the rules in Vincents class is to be punished. Can you make sentences like that?做练习,总结语法规则,并认真听教师的讲解,做好笔记。通过练习了解学生的水平,并让学生在练习的基础上自己归纳总结语法结构,教师进行适当引导和帮助,培养学生自主学习和探究学习的能力。第14-22分钟讲解语法项目Ex.1, P43u What can you conclude from Qs 2 & 8? 主语 + as well as / as much as / rather than / no less than等引导的介词词组 + 动词形式依主语单复数而定u What can you conclude from Q1? 主语(由more than one /many a构成) + 单数动词u What can you conclude from Q6? the number of 意义是“的数字”:单数谓语;a number of 意义是“一些”: 复数谓语。u What can you conclude from Qs 4 & 5? Neither Vincent nor other Senior 1 teachers _ _smoke_ (smoke). 并列主语(由or / either or /neither nor / not only but (also) 连接的) + 动词单复数形式由最靠近的主语决定。Ex.2, P43What can you conclude about subject-verb concord? 做练习,总结语法规则,并认真听教师的讲解,做好笔记。通过练习了解学生的水平,并让学生在练习的基础上自己归纳总结语法结构,教师进行适当引导和帮助,培养学生自主学习和探究学习的能力。第23-27分钟总结归纳语法项目基本原则:Vincent is a good guy. I like Vincent. Oh, you like him?We all like him!They like him, too.Ah, you all like him, right?3rd person, singular1st person, singular2nd person, singular1st person, plural3rd person, plural2nd person, plural基本原则:General ruleSubject: plural or singular? Person?谓语动词与主语的人称和数一致。注意一些词语和结构:集体名词:根据句子意义判断该集体名词是否该视为一个整体或只是其中的成员(个体)。不定代词:谓语动词用第三人称单数。Three Principles of Agreement (主谓)一致三原则:u Grammatical concord语法一致原则(即基本原则)u Notional concord 意义一致原则None / Neither of 若说话者着眼于“每一个/两个中的任何一个都不”时,动词用单数;反之,着眼“所有的/两个中全部都不”,用复数。时间、长度、价值等复数名词作主语时,看作整体,谓语动词用单数。u Principle of proximity就近原则There be 句型,如果主语不只一个, 谓语动词通常和邻近的主语一致。Either or ; neither nor ; not only but (also) .总结归纳语法规则。在以上练习的基础上,总结归纳语法规则,让学生对主谓一致这一语法项目有全面系统的认识和理解。第28-32分钟巩固练习Ex.4, P5In pairs brainstorm a list of six questions that use collective nouns or Indefinite pronouns. Make sure you know the answers. Then join with another pair of students and take turns to ask your questions.Examples:Are the government planning to give more chances to women in their career?Does anyone in the village think she is generous to the children?头脑风暴,思考相关问题,小组间互问。巩固练习语法项目。第33-39分钟完成任务Now its time for you to work in groups, talk about the qualities of the woman you choose and write a short passage about it. Please check your writing using the three principles of agreement to make it more accurate.小组讨论完成短文。运用语法项目,完成本课时任务,为完成本单元任务做准备。第40-44分钟随堂检测布置该课时随堂检测题(请到PREE英语教育资源平台里“学生随堂练习”处下载)。完成随堂检测。对本课时内容进行检测,对学习效果进行评
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