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英文演讲1分钟英文演讲1分钟英文演讲分钟 licaces are ast, but eatig eerydycan i ak o lose aptite. happinessis wht veryoneongsfor, bttoo mch ppiess an spoil peol o m nocare boutt pinesstheyaed hve. is univral to lie in hainess without knowing it t same i rueithlove.vr ew peopleca lov the sm perso pasatly all thr live all ove stricome to aned nmatte how bauifulthey ar, wch adeonstate the changeaiiy ofloe what one has en chasn wilyay uninto somehng oewas togetrdof esperatey n he en. besides,loe i usully lind,especally those ofallin oe a the irst ight.at th very begng, bot ry todemosate thrbeafu ad ver up thiweakes. fooled by he mysterious clo o ve, one often miaes he knss as merithoweve, s tme pass by,frequentcoas make n boed, andvmerits bco dects,anten the en of loe s oming.whats more, there are the capricous en aoen wh neake love serously,leaving te devoted ons sffern ae. th saying tt tedvoted is alays aaoned by thartless aamost becme the truth of lo affars. what we c nelect is thatloe may trnin hred, and lover ay also become nmies. the bstroof istenumerous dvces英文演讲1分钟2 owver, fternlle inot stabe.being away f to log time, loing all cmmnbeefits, rends willbecome estanged once thentresthshanged, thy o onerdrstaneac otr, and ven his would harm rienip. allimes d i all counies,man close fiendan ecompin who onc worked etherd fougt together ecae enemies in te . quiea fw ofthe meror in cient hinaee kiled tose wh hd heled them foundther nates. th tipigheavenlykingdom ould noave faild f i hntbenfothecontedig an sarng aog the thoseo firstroseinrbllion at hegining of te ursg.hat elswe ed to paattenton ois tat some frends, ftreingaway froeahother for to lon a tm, aost omc o ther ignl ractertha wen meting aain, ou will fl tha y ae till te ame asyu wr, wil they arnlongertheseles. the ay haethe ame feelin ab yo, o omems i eer ot tomet ehother gai. as th hine prover ges “ieship nno lastforhre esandflowers cano tay inblossm for three moths”it not so asy to ntain ral fiendship hhneeds utua udesandig,lrance ansarfie. ay knds of harsh tratmen wldmae finship.英文演讲分钟3amato love has en amytery for age theseithr crteron t jud no a common ul t folw. nboy can tll th exteonswhy loveeeges. s not always beuse of ea (heugdoreeper uasiodoin the unhbc o nor dam is loed by tebeauifu ypsy girleserla),nor knes (iler also ha ismistres),r wsdom (ee theblckead my sometmsmrya beautifu grl),nr tregth (melove starfom symphy).rueloe is likegeing n lectr shk, shakng ur ul.it is a setdream, akind ofioxication, idulence, and edle passn tue love osntneed a log tme to grow up,to ak cler the fmytree ofhe ther,eie oes ineeds the timo ok ahead and behidgainand agan. lovi nt mriage,wich usuay tarts ro love, ut sn alway depnonovto mantain. onglastin marriag caeventally turn to akind of amily lov, aind of opanionship which preserves te copaion but loss the ssion. lov ofe an wk of the ee,ora mie that hin muua unersanding in spite ote great disa bewee them, peopl my fal n ve ncidentaly. nc t syg “a disant mariag istied up wit a ysteriusthrea”. love needspassio, and itcan san bmpsnstuble,ups an downs, cmplat andblmswheni turns i pool ofar, epecially d wter, withoutny llows oraes, its time for ittoie.本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页
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