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简单句的五种基本句型练习题一用公式标出下面简单句的类型。1. Anna speaks Russian. 2. Daddy bought Tom a new dictionary. 3. Kate calls her cat Mimi. 4. Polly laughed. 5. Lily felt cold. 6. The picture looks beautiful. 7. Jim brought me my English books. 8. It is dangerous. 9. You must wait. 10. Mr Green cant keep the house tidy. 二. 选择正确答案11 Look ! There some apples in that tree.A is B wasC are D were12. The ground must be just right _ too wet _ too dry.A. either; orB. both; andC. between; andD. neither; nor13. He coffee at all. He _ tea.A. doesnt like, prefersB. likes, doesnt preferC. would like, not prefersD. prefers, is not food of14. We _ happy about the price of meat.A. dontB. are notC. wontD. werent being15. I _ trouble finding the place.A. didnt have manyC. didnt have muchB. havent a great deal ofD. hadnt a lot of16. _ of us likes the film.D. SomeA. BothB. AllC. Neither17. They_lunch at home every day.A. have notB. didnt haveC. dont haveD. have not any18. They are _ young _ carry the box onto the table.A. enough; too B. too; to C. so; to D. very; to19. The two girls are only two years old. This girl is _ thanthat one.A. not tallerB. as tall C. so tall D. more taller20. Some apples are _ than these oranges.A. not biggerB. bigC. small D. much big三根据中文意思完成下了句子,每空一词。1. 展出的小汽车都是中国制造的。The cars are all made in China.2. 开车只需半个小时就可以到达购物中心。Its half an to get to the shoppingcenter .3. 这个主意听起来不错,我会考虑的This idea a good one . I will thinkabout it.4. 是我们努力学习英语的时候了。It is for us study hard.5. 早饭你想吃什么,鸡蛋 面包还是面条?What would you like to have eggs,bread or noodles?四.专项练习题单项选择1. On Sunday I often stay at home and do some .A. read B. reads C. readingD. to read2. My mother often asks me early.A. get up B. got up C. getting up D. to get up3. The teacher told her students in public.A. not to shout B. didnt shoutC. not shout D. to not shout4. The teacher told the boy late again .A. to not be B. not be C. not to beD. to be5. He talked fast for us catch up with.A. so ,that B. such ,that C. enough , toD. too, to6. The man downstairs found very difficult to get tosleep.A. themB. that C. what D. it7. Chinese by many people in the world.A. speaksB. is spokenC. is speakingD. spoke8. Whats your mother?A.She is a workerC she is cooking supper9. May I use your bike? . Its broken.A. Yes, please.C. sureB.She is niceD she works in a shopB. Im afraid not.D. No, thanks.10. is your mother today?She is much betterA. How B. What C. Where D. How old 五.翻译句子1 多读书对我们有好处2 在强烈的光线下看书不好3 你给我这么多帮助,你真好4 李平昨晚花了半小时做作业5 你能把自行车借给我吗?6 你给他量过体温了吗?是的,我量过了,他的体温好像没问题。7 我们怎样才能与同学和睦相处?8 格林先生来这所学校多久了?三年半了9 你们家里有多少人?10 当别人犯错误时,不要嘲笑他们。附参考答案:. 1.S+V+O2.S+V+InO+DO3.S+V+O+OC4.S+V7. S+V+InO+DO10.S+V+O+OC11- 15.CDABC5.S+V+P8.S+V+P6.S+V+P9.S+V16.- 20. CCBAA1.on show 2.hours ride3.sounds like4.time to5.for breakfast四 . 1.- 5.CDACD6. 10.DBABA五 . 1 .Its good for us to do more reading2. Its bad for us to read in strong light.3.Its nice of you to give me so much help.4. It took Li Ping half an hour to do his homework last night.5. Can you lend me your bike? Can you lend your bike to me?His6. Have you taken his temperature? Yes. Ihavetemperature seems to be all right.7. How can we get along on with our neighbors?8. How long has Mr. Green been in this school?About 3 and a half years.9. How many people are there in your family?10. Dont laugh at others when they make mistakes.
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