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2012届高考英语二轮专题复习经典导学案资料(九十七)每日一句He meant to take the next train to the place that he had been keen on, which meant staying here another night.他打算搭乘下班列车前往心仪的地方,这也意味着他得在此处再呆一个晚上。基础词汇强化练习1.The standard_ (键盘)of the computer has just over 100 keys. 2.Most matter has three states: solid, _ (液态)and gas. 3.She was the teacher who taught us English _ (文学) . 4.The third season of a year is _ (秋季). 5.He is very ill and needs an_ (手术). 6.This bus is large enough to carry 60_ (旅客). 7.You can click on this_(按钮)to return to a page that you saw earlier.8.Her brother has just received his graduation_ (证书). 9.Mary was always coming up with new ways to attract_(顾客). 10.The stars are shining like_ (钻石)in the sky . 1keyboard 2. liquid 3. literature 4. autumn 5. operation 6. passengers 7. button 8. certificate 9. customers 10. diamonds书面表达经典句式强化记忆289. You are required to.要求你.You are required to show the ticket. 你必须出示门票.290. You are supposed to. 你应该.You are supposed to have finished reading this novel by now. 到现在你应该看完这本小说了.291. You dont have to. 你没必要.You dont have to be present. 你不必到场.书面表达经典朗读素材Help Ex-consStart New Life-帮助有前科的人开始新生活I once read a story about a person who was put into prison for his bad behavior. After serving his time in prison, he returned home.“How can you have the face to come home, go away!”his angry father shouted at him. Two months later, he was put into prison again for stealing.I also read a story about a different person in the same situation, but when he returned to his village, no one looked down upon him, and people helped him find a job to make a living. Five years later, he became a millionaireand contributed to the building of a school in his hometown.Different attitudes produce different results.Generally speaking, after reeducation most people have learnt their lessons and find a legal way to support themselves through honest labour. When returning to society, only a few returned to their old ways. But even though the number of the ex-felons who return to a life of crime is below 8 per cent, we should understand that these repeated offences are much worse than first offences.The task of guiding these people is a job that belongs not only to the persons themselves and their families, but is a task the whole society should confront.经典谚语积累Fools grow without watering.朽木不可雕。高频考点拾贝书面表达系列你叫李宏,你校在为一批来自加拿大的交流学生征寻为期两周的住宿家庭。你有意申请,写封信说明你申请的理由(包括所具备的条件)。学生习作外教批改June 7,2010Dear sir,Sir/Madam,I hear1understand that our school will welcome some Canadian students tostaywithusforor for two weeks.Students who want to invite themtostaycantakepartinit.Iwanttotry.2 I am writing to offer to host one of them.First,my parents and I can speak English well.Thatbenefitsustocommunicatewitheachother So3 there will be no problem communicating with them.Second,4 our house is big enough for he_or_she5 them to stay.Furthermore,I live near the Huangpu River.It has a good view of Shanghai.Last but not least,in my home,heorshe they will enjoy_much_China_culture6 experience a wealth of Chinese culture.My grandpa and grandma are good at handwriting7 and8 my grandma also_has_a_good_skill9 is also skilled in Chinese painting.I think our friendly10 friendliness will give him them a both11 an interesting and comfortable experience.Thank you for your_reading_during_your_busywork12considering my application.Ihopethatyouwillagreewithme.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely faithfully,Li Hong旁批1正式信件中用understand更好。2这句话不必要,要切入正题。3原句语法上不正确,另外,可以用连词使句子变长,并把两句话的内容衔接起来。4这是另一个要点,应该另起一段。5这样表达很别扭。这种情况下,即使你指的是一个人,也可以用复数形式them。6这句话有两处错误。第一,“中国文化”的正确表达是Chinese culture而不是China culture。第二,动词应该用experience(体验)而不能用enjoy(喜欢),因为你不能确定他们是否会喜欢这种文化。7作者可能想说calligraphy(书法)。handwriting指“写字风格”或“笔迹”。8这两句意思相关联,应该连成一句。这样也可以减少作文中短句子的数量。9不能说某人has a good skill in something。可以用skilled in something。10词性错误。friendly是形容词。11词序不当。12这样写很别扭。参见修改后的句子。这是一篇较好的作文。作文完整地回答了题目要求。但是没有达到三星级的水平,原因在于作者没有抓住机会写出并列句和复合句而使用了太多简单句。记住:如果这样写,你就无法向考官展示你在高中阶段的学习水平。高分作文秘诀之十五:使用短语作状语时,要避免逻辑关系混乱。例如:Instead of (不要说:)At the age of ten,my grandfather died of cancer.Use (要说:)When I was ten,my grandfather died of cancer.Instead of (不要说:)As a middle school student,his parents are strict with him.Use (要说:)Since he is a middle school student,his parents are strict with him.Instead of (不要说:)To swim properly,a course of instruction is necessary.Use (要说:)To swim properly,one needs a course of instruction.Instead of (不要说:)Walking through the park,an old tower came into sight.Use (要说:)When we walked through the park,an old tower came into sight.Instead of (不要说:)Falling off the bicycle,my leg got badly hurt.Use (要说:)Falling off the bicycle,I had my leg
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