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I. Dirct:Filin th ln each of t followig tatemnts wito word,te fit letterf whic s alrea givenasa lu. ote that yo are tofll in ONEwor ny.1. Cear 1 and dak are allones f the same oeonem /1/Thy eertak h s poit in sound combintions, hsthe ar id to be incmplementar distribton (P2)2 Mhoy is temllt meaingul uni lanuge. (2)3 Cnsnant unds cn be ithecelss or voie, hle all vowel sounds ae voicd.(P16)4. I makng cnversatio,the genel princile hat all participns are xpte to obv i aled the Cooperativeprncipl propoe b . Grce (P86-87).Language xists tie an chages throuhti. he descritn of a nae at ompoint e s calld nchronic stud of anuage(P4)6.A essetial differnce beteen onsonant an vowels is whethe th ir cm prom he lungs etswith an obrucn hn ou is prdced. (P18)7.X maytain mor than justX.r example, te P“the boywikes tis pppy” consis of Det, andS,ith Det being thespecifer, N t ea and S teompleent.(P46)9.Wlth manig of sentenc s bst and decnexualied,thatof an utan i cocet nd cotextdpendet. (70)1. ycholiusicseates th dy of language o psychooy taims o answer such uestionsashow the anmindworkswhenpeple se nguage.(P70)12. A diachoicsudy oflnuage isa histrcatudy,it studies he itorcal deveopment of lanuage oer a peid o ti.(0)3.Languaei ayse, hich osiss f twoet of stures, or w levels. t th loer ll, thereis atrucue f eaingles ound, whch can be cobned in a lare numbeofmeaingul unts at he highe leve.his desin featr s alled dulit. (P70)1. The ricuatrappartusofa human beg is contine in thee impotant area:th parygel cv,the oalavity and he nascay. (P5).Surasegmetal fetussuch a tress, one and ntonationcn inuenceth interprettinof mang. (70)1 Honym reers o tehnomenon that wordsavingdifern eanigs are entilin sd r peln, orin bot. (P70)19. Tethre brances f phonetis ae ble as artiulayhontis, uioryphoetics anacstic phoneics especivey ().ytax sui theentene structue o languge. (P7) n “tear” dth veb “tea” are hmony.(P7)2 Speeh ct thery s an impornt th th pragmatc stud oflngug. (P70)24. Th modern linguisics i descriptie, no scripie, adis investgtionareaeo uteticand ainly spoenlngugedata. (P70)5. Lagu rfers t h language sem srd bya commit feaker whileprle conttd it langu is theocet actof spekn in acual situatns an inidlspeake. (P7)6. In emai triang,h reltionbetee a wr and thngit ees t isnt diect, and it i medat by oncep.(P7)2. H. Sweet mad a distinctio eten arownbroad tnscriti. (P)28.In th coopri princpl, Grce introuced our cateoies of maxms. Teyare axm ofquality, maximof quantty,maxim relatin andxim ane. (P70)29 Pragmtics isthe sdy f langue use.(70)0. Hisica lnguistic studies lanuagecaneor stricaeelopmenof lang. (P70)I recos:Decid wheth eah fthe folowig tatmnts is ue olse. Puta T or ru r F o falsenhbrackets in ontofech samnt( T ) anguage is arbtrary in t ese a ther no ntris conntionbetwen wods nd what thee wordcually referto.(T ) 2 The static rulesf anylanueare finitein number, ad e there is o lmit toth number o sntences naiveseker o that languae are bl topuce and mpehnd.( )3. Twpopl hare born andbrought p in te sa tow a spek the sm regoaldialect maspeak ffrently besof a nmer o sial crs. ( T ). In mo lguti sies, the soken form lauage s give mr mphsi an the wrteform fr a number f raso (F ) 5. hepunword “reading-room” is heplce where soncn rea oosThi indcae thattheeag of compound is e sum toa of the mnngs f it compnts. ( T) 6 Onlywhen amm und Cooertive rinple is blatatl ilated and theere kotht t is being ioatedo conersaional imlcuesris.( T ) . In Englis, ongvwels are also tense owels ecaue we e prnouc lon weluc s /i:/,te larnx ina stteofteson( T ) 8. Aniontdiference etwen taitinal gaarian d modern inguiss in teistud languashatthe forrtended toover-mpasize the write fom languag
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