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六年级英语期末模拟试题姓名找出划线部分发音与其它单词不同的选项(10分)()1、A.namieB. bag C. atD.and()2、A.tenB.desk C.bed_D.me()3、A.liveB.hjsC. fiveD.fish()4、A.onB.no C. shop_D.not()5、A.useB.much_ C. but_D.lunch二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(10 分)1. I have a beautiful cat. Nameis Mimi . (it)2. Liste n!Some girls(sing) in the classroom.3. He ofte n(have) dinner athome.4. There (be) some water in5. It s Friday today . What she (do) this weeke nd?6、Tom (fly) kites in theplaygro und yesterday.7、 Do they like (swim)。8、Look! She is (draw) apicture.9、Danny eats cakes ,eggs and(grape) for lun ch.10、Yesterday he (be) late for the meeti ng.三、择正确选项(30分)()1.What s this? This iseraser.A. an B. a C. the D.two()2. He is playi ngpiano a ndshe is playi ngfootball.A. the; / B. /; / C. /; theD. a; the()3. Have you got a mapShan ghai?A. of B. s C. inD. to()4. Lily is wearing purple shorts a Thursday morning.the bottle.A. at B. in C. onD. tobike?()5. It s timehave lunch.A.doB. Do C. does D. DoesA. for B. to C. at()13.Where did youtheD. onMp3.()6. August hasdays.A. buyB. bought C. buyingA. thirtyB.D.to buythirty-o ne C. thirty-first D.()14.he like music?twenty-nineA.AreB. Do C. Does D. Is()7. My house is onfloor.()15.DoyouhaveA. thirdB.the thirderasers?C. three D. the threeA. some B. anyC.an()8、We send some cards to ourD.ateachers on。四、根据要求变换句型(10分)A. Teacher s DayB.1、The stude nts are clea ningTeacher s daythe classroom.(变一般冋句B. C. Teacher DayD. the作肯定回答)Teacher s Day()9. Whose desk is this? Its2、The childre n have lunchatA. Jim and Tom B. Jim sand Tom shome (改否定句)C. Jim s and Tom D. Jim and Tom s()10. Which day is Christmas Day?3、4、The old man is sitti ng on_A. Nov. 25th B. Oct. 1st25th D. Sept. 10thC. Dec.the chair.(There are划线提问)()11.a lovely girl!some potatoesonA. HowB. how C. whatD.the table.(改单句)What()12.yougo toschool by5、Is this your pen cil?(变陈述句)五、找错并改正(10分)1.I am read a booknow ()ABCD2.Every oneareyourteacher。()AB C D3.WillJennygoesswimmingtomorrow。()ABCD4. Did you ate ice-reamyesterday ?(B)CAD5.Thisis my pencil,thatis your。()A BCD六、给问句选答句(10 分)()1 、Howdoes Amy feel?A. Went swimming She is tired.()2、What did you do last weekend?B、He is a teacher()3、Where does the rain come from ? C、It comes from the cloud 。()4、Wha s your father?D We have social studies.()5、What do you have on Mon day?E、She is tired.七、从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话(10分)Helen: What are you looking at, Tom?Tom: 1Hele n:2Tom: I ll leave on the first of theNew Year.Hele n: How will you get there?Tom:3Helen: My Dad went to there last year.4Tom:5A. Wherwill you leave? B. By pla ne.C. That s great!D. The Great Wall, I m going there on holiday. E. I want to go there, too.八、根据短文内容判断下列句子正(T)误(F). (10 分)An English student went to a city in Australia to study.He walked around the city tocity is near the south end of the earth.look for a warm room. One evening he was walking along the street with a map. He saw a small board in the window of a house. The word “Room” was on it 。“What a nice room it is !” he said , “ the window are in the south side 。 The sun will come into the room during the day. I like it. But he was wrong. The sun is always in the north in the city. Do you know why?( )1. The English student went to Australia for a trip.( )2. He knows the city very well.( )3. The sun is always I the north in that city.( )4. He liked the room because he thought the sun would come into the room during the day.( )5. The English student was wrong because the
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