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最新教学资料外研版英语www.ks5u.comGRAMMAR短语动词短语动词是一种固定词组,由动词加介词或副词等构成,其作用相当于一个动词。常见的短语动词有以下五种:1. 动词+介词相当于及物动词,其后的宾语位置比较固定,通常置于介词之后。如:I ran across him at a conference in Milan.Dont worry, Ill deal with this.2. 动词+副词相当于及物动词(当宾语是名词时,名词可置于短语动词之中或之后;当宾语是代词时,则只能将代词置于短语动词之中)。如:He brought his children up strictly. He brought up his children strictly. He brought them up strictly.相当于不及物动词。如:Mind your head. Look out.即可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。如:I rang up Lucy to ask about the time of the meeting.If you cant come, please ring up and let us know.3. 动词+副词+介词相当于及物动词,常见的有:catch up with, go in for, live up to, look up to, look down on, go back to, come up with, keep up with等。如:I cant put up with these noisy people.4. 动词+名词+介词相当于及物动词,常见的有:attach importance to, find fault with, have confidence in, lose sight of等(名词前可加形容词)。如:The elder sister takes (good) care of the young children.5. be+形容词+介词相当于及物动词,常见的有:be short for, be proud of, be tired of, be connected with, be aware of, be interested in等。如:My brother is fond of music.I am tired of his endless interruptions.【即学即练】I. 选用括号内合适的内容填空。1. Would you like to _ (come along / hold on) with us to the film tonight?2. Briggs will _ (set off / take over) as general manager when Mitchell retires. 3. My mother opened the drawer to _ (put away / take off) the knives and spoons.4. I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasnt able to _ (drop in / get away). 5. Sam _ (looked up / picked up) some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. 6. No matter how low you consider your position, there is always someone _ (looking up to / coming up with)you wishing they were that high. II. 选用方框内合适的短语动词并用其正确形式填空(每个短语限用一次)。be aware of, be familiar with, come across, go back to, get up, hear from, look outLast summer I went to the seaside to spend my holiday with my family. One day, I was swimming in the sea when someone shouted, “1. _. There is a shark not far away!” On hearing that, I was scared to death because I 2. _ its dangerous characteristics. “Dont worry, Tom!” my father said to me, “but in order to avoid being harmed, lets 3. _ our hotel.” We stayed at the seaside for about two weeks in all. Though the weather was much hotter than in my hometown, I got used to it and felt at home. Every morning, I 4. _ earlier than my parents and went for breakfast ahead of time. Then I went to see my new friend, John, who I 5. _ during my holiday. John was a native and he 6. _ the seaside. I visited many interesting places nearby with John acting as my guide. Since we parted, we have been kept writing to each other. Now, I still often 7. _ him. In our letters we talk about everything in life. 参考答案【即学即练】I. 1. come along 2. take over 3. put away 4. get away 5. picked up 6. looking up toII. 1. Look out 2. was aware of 3. go back to 4. got up 5. came across 6. was familiar with 7. hear from 最新精品英语资料
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