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外研英语八年级上Module 12 Traditional life 公开课教案Unit 1 You must wait and open it laterI. Teaching objectives 教学目标及重难点技 能 目 标 听 Listen for what you must and mustnt do 说 Ask and answer about customs Say what you must and mustnt do 读 Read the passage to know what you must and mustnt do 写 Write advice about customs and rules in China Write advice for foreign guests to a Chinese family 语 言 目 标 功 能 句 式 Talk about customs and what you must and mustnt do You cant be serious. You mustnt do any cleaning on the first day of the Chinese New Year. And you cant cut your hair. No, in China, you must wait and open it later. What must I do at Spring Festival? Must I use both hands? Ability goals 能力目标 Enable students to listen to and talk about things they must and mustnt do. 教学重难点1. 重点词汇 chess, chopsticks, purse, soap, hang, immediately, accept, lucky, do some cleaning, break, anything, receive, set, chat, move, hang on, wrap, custom 2. 认读词汇 set, chat, move, wrap, custom, greet, wedding, light, around, pour, mobile, body, pavement 3短语 do some cleaning, wash up, hang on, waste bin 句式Must/mustnt and can/cant . Teaching materials analyzing 教材分析 本单元以Traditional life为话题,设计了三个单元的内容。旨在通过单元教学使学生学会谈论不同国家和地区的风俗习惯;了解英国的风俗;学会表达“应该与不应该做的事情”;能就中国的风俗习惯进行写作;能给外宾提供一些建议,使他们了解中国的风俗习惯。 教学过程如下:Step I Lead-in Ask students to learn some new words by doing activities 1 and 2. T: In our daily life, we cant do anything without the help of certain things. For example, we Chinese eat with chopsticks, we look up new words in a dictionary, etc. Now listen to the tape and number the words and expressions in activity 1. Play the tape and ask students to repeat these words and expression and then number them and match them with pictures. Step II Listening In this procedure, students will listen and read a dialogue. Ask them to do pair work to find what you must and mustnt/cant do in China. T: Today is Linglings birthday. Her friends bought her a present. Lets listen to the dialogue. From the dialogue, we know some different traditions in China, the USA and Britain. Now listen and find out. After listening, ask students to do activity 4. Then ask them to read the dialogue and finish activity 5. Check the answers with the class. Step III Pronunciation and speaking In this procedure, ask students to listen to the tape and pay attention to the questions and answers and then make up conversations in pairs to practice must, mustnt/cant. ask them to write them down if time permits. T: In the dialogue, there are some sentences containing must, mustnt. They show that you are told to do something or not to do something. Thats an order. You cant break. Help students find the sentences out. Then play the tape and ask students to listen and repeat after the recording. After this, ask students to list the things they must and mustnt do in the given situations and then work in groups and say the things out. T: In our daily life, there are many things we must or mustnt do. Think over and make a list. Lets see whose is the longest. Sample lists: At home: You must wash your hands when you enter your home. You must help your mother do housework. At the dinner table: You must wash your hands before having a meal. You mustnt talk with your food in your mouth. At school: You mustnt go to school late. You must hand in your homework in time. Step IV Homework 1. Ask the students to learn and remember the new words and expressions of this unit. 2. Ask the students to finish activities 36 on pages 156-157 in the workbook. 教学反思:本节公开课是一节听说课,在教学过程当中,学生对知识点掌握较好,课堂气氛比较活跃,但是对于教师的英语口语有一部分学生还是有点听不太懂。在今后的教学当中,应该注重实用英语教学
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