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Unit 8 When is your birthday?第3课时 Section B (1a-2c )教师寄语:Never do things by halves)一 学习目标: 1.掌下列握单词 test,trip,art,festival,dear,student,thing,term,busy,time,there 2.熟练掌握询问日期的句型When is -? Its -.3.熟读2b回答问题 培养阅读能力【学习重点】:学会使用序数词描述日期 二自主学习学习任务一: 根据汉语写出下列短语并展示英语测验_ 学校郊游_ 篮球赛_ Sally的生日聚会_足球赛_ 学校开放日_ 售书_ 英语节_艺术节_ 体育节_语法学习:熟读并背诵下面基数词变序数词的歌谣,看谁记得快,用得准确。基变序,有规律,词尾加上-th; 一、二、 三特殊记,末尾字母 t,d,d;八减t,九去e,f 来把ve替; th要从四加起,ty变成tie;若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。写出下列序数词:第一_ 第二 _ 第三 _ 第五 _ 第八_ 第九_ 第十五 _ 第十八_ 第二十 _ 第三十一_三合作探究:小组活动:询问学校活动安排的时间,然后向全班同学做汇报询问所用语言: 回答所用语言A:Does your school have a ? B:Yes .it is /No,it isnt A:When is the ? B:ItsMy school doesnt have The School Day is 学习任务二:听力训练,完成1b,1c. 学习任务三:阅读训练2b(一)熟读2b,回答问题1.Do the students have interesting thingsthis term?2.What activities do they have in their school? 3.When is the School Day? 4.What do they have on November 30th? 5.Do they have a book sale? (二)熟读2b.填写下列表格 DatesActivities 四基础检测(一用适当的介词填空1.We have some interesting things _you.2.We have a school trip _the afternoon.3.We have two ball games _the 12th.4.We have a book sale_the library5.My birthday is _August.(二)句型转换1. I was born on May 4. (同义句 ) _ _ is on May 4?2.March is the third month of a year. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is the third month of a year?3. The English Party is in October. (对划线部分提问) _ is the English Party?4. There are twelve months in a year.(对划线部分提问)_ _months are there in a year?5.Im fifteen years old. (对划线部分提问 _ _ _ you?(三)翻译句子1.你们学校有校庆日吗?_2.我妈妈的生日是十一月11日。_3.我们都喜欢棒球和排球。_4.看这些著名人物的照片。_5.艺术节在什么时候? _6.我们在三四月份举行篮球赛.We have a _ _ in _ and _.7.演讲比赛是哪一天? When is the _ _?8.陈先生的生日晚会是什么时候? When is Mr Chens _ _? 9.他哥哥的生日是一月一号. His brothers birthday is _ _. 五拓展延伸补全对话Lucy: Hello, Jack. Jack: Hello, Lucy. Who is that boy in blue?Lucy: 1._ name is Bill. Jack: 2._ _3._ is he?Lucy : He is fourteen 4._ old. Jack: 5._ is his birthday?Lucy: His _6_is November 11th.(六课后作业: (一)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1.When is the school t_,Mary?2.Daves birthday p_ is on May 1st. 3.N_ comes before December. 4.-When is the speech c_? -Its December 7th._(二)选择正确答案1 . Li Mings birthday is _ April 11. A. on B. at C. in D. of 2. My birthday is _ March. A. on B. at C. in D. of3. When were you born? I was born _.A. September, 1989 B. in July 7,1989 C. in November 4 D. on June 1, 19894. The boy is only _. Today is his _ birthday.A. five; five B. fifth; five C. fifth; five D. five; fifth5. _ today? Its Monday.A. What day is B. Whats the date C. When is D. How is(三)翻译短语 1.演讲比赛_ 2.学校郊游_ 3.生日聚会_ 4.篮球比赛_ 5.一个十二岁的女孩_ 6.your birthday_7.October tenth_ 8.February 2nd_ 9. your birthday_ 10.October tenth_11.February 2nd_(四)选择适当的词填空.speech contest,When,January,December,us,Who,we 1._ is she? 2._ is Sams birthday party? 3. Please,Mom,let _have a party. 4.The twelfth month is _. 5. Does your class go on a _?七、课后反思通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是_我还有哪些疑惑?
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