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sitting disease 久坐症If you spend a good part of your day sitting down, the thought has probably already crossed your mind that all that time on your gluteus maximus cant be doing your body any favors. In fact, sitting for prolonged periods can be downright deadly, and the condition caused by that has been dubbed sitting disease.如果你白天大部分时间都是坐着的,那么你估计也想到这种屁股长时间不离开椅子的状态不会对身体有什么好处。事实上,久坐对身体的负面影响可能会是致命的,因久坐引发的疾病被称为“久坐症”。Experts reported that even people who sit for extended periods but regularly hit the gym are at risk. Exercise in itself, though obviously critical to our bodies overall, doesnt seem to counter the damaging effects of all this time spent seated.专家指出,就算久坐的人定期去健身房锻炼,他们的健康还是有风险。体育锻炼虽然对我们的整个身体状况有明显不可忽视的作用,但这并不能消除久坐带来的不利影响。Prolonged sitting, it turns out, flips biochemical switches inside muscle cells that boost your odds for heart failure, up your risk for fatal heart disease by 27 percent and fatal cancers by 21 percent, even if you exercise regularly.研究发现,就算你定期锻炼,但是久坐仍会激活肌肉细胞内能够增加心脏衰竭几率的生化反应开关,使你患严重心脏病的几率增加27%,患致命癌症的几率增加21%。
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