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word2A Module 1 Unit 2单元整体设计一、模块教学目标1、掌握简单的时间类名词、性别类名词,数词,形容人物外形的形容词,能够做到发音标准、理解词义、拼写正确和灵活运用。2、能根据适当情景如遇见他人问好、再见,表达自己的需要,进展相关的会话。3、运用以下句型“Are you ? Yes, Im No, Im ; Who are you/ am I? Im /You are; Who is he/she? He/She is询问自己和他人的,并作正确回答。4、能够使用Im / Youre 来对自己或他人的外貌特征进展正确地描述。5、学习数字,并用一般疑问句来询问对方和做出相应回答。6、学习字母Aa Ff的正确书写与发音规律。7、能熟读、背诵课文中的儿歌,并可进展适当改编。二、单元教学目标知识、能力、情感1、知识目标:单词:boy, girl, big, small ,am, is, are句型:“Whos he/she? Who am I?“Im; Youre ; Shes; Hes Im and ,Youre and Yes, Im/youre and “No. Im/ Youre2、技能目标:(1) 在情境中运用Im句型描述自己的性别和特征。(2) 学习使用Youre Shes Hes 句型描述他人的特征,并能初步学习对be动词的使用与搭配。(3) 掌握“Whos he/she? Who am I?进展问答,和同伴进展猜谜游戏.(4) 在简单句型的根底上学习使用新句型:Im and ,Youre and 。(5) 初步认识一般疑问句,并使用Yes, / No, 来进展完整回答。3、情感目标:懂得通过沟通与交流与同学朋友之间增加了解、增进友谊。三、分课时教学目标教学目标第一课时第二课时第三课时第四课时语言知识词汇boy, girl, big, smallwho, I, he, sheand, am, is, are Cc, Dd, it句型Im . ;YoureWhos he/she? Who am I?“Im; Youre ; Shes; HesYes, Im/youre and “No. Im/ YoureIs it a cat?Yes, Its a 语言技能与运用1. 正确朗读、理解并识别单词:boy girl big small。2. 用最简单的方法介绍自己或别人。1. 正确朗读、理解并识别单词:who, I, he, she。2. 正确提问与回答有关或外在形体的问题。1. 正确朗读、理解并识别单词:and, am, is, are2. 用猜谜或复述的方式表达他人的外形特征。1. 正确朗读并、识别并书写字母:Cc, Dd。2. 用一般疑问句提问并回答。情感态度文明礼貌,见面积极主动打招呼。了解他人,关心他人。增进亲人、同学、朋友之间的感情。增加人与动物之间的感情交流。学习策略1. 在人物介绍中逐步引入并学习单词。2. 通过学生相互合作练习句型与句型转换。3. 运用猜谜游戏学习句型。4. 在情境对话中认识人物。1. 在歌曲中复习单词读音。2. 在对话中练习句型问答。在儿歌中穿插学习字母与句子,并通过游戏,带动学生学习积极性。四、单课教学设计Youre a girl.Youre short.Youre thin.Youre Kitty.1.文本:AIm a girl.Im short.Im thin.Who am I?B) Is it a cat? Is it a dog? A cat and a dog. Is it a cat? Yes, its a cat. Is it a dog? Yes, its a dog.Oxford English 2A Module 1 Unit 2 Im Danny P6Teaching aims:1. Learn the new words “boy, girl, big, small.2. Review the words: “tall, short, fat, thin3. Learn the new pattern: “Im . Youre4. Make the students know each other better by the cooperation.Key points: 1. Using the new patterns to introduce ourselves or others.2. Using the new pattern: “You are to describe others.Difficult points:Using the new pattern: “You are to describe others.Teaching aids: Books, word card, stationeries, multimedia.Teaching procedures:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeI. Pre-task preparation1. Warming up.(2 min)Song: Hello! How are you?歌曲导入,增加课堂气氛。2. Revision(1 min)Greet the students and introduce myself.How are you?Good morning.Hello! Im Miss Zhu.温习旧句型为新授打根底。II. While-task procedure1. Teach: Im Youre(8 minLearn the new pattern: Im You are)1. Show the pictures/puppets to elicit the key words: boy.T: Look! This is Danny .(Show the word and picture.) Hello, Im Danny.2.Role playS1: To be Danny and say the sentence: Hello, Im Danny.T: Im Danny. = I am Danny.Ss: Hello, Danny.3. To learn: YoureT: Hello, Im Miss Zhu.S1: Hello, Im S2: Hello, Im S2: Hello, Im T: Yes. YoureSs: Read the sentence.4. Say the opposite sentence.T:Im(Miss Zhu/tall/short/fat/thin/ a boy)T: Youre = You areS1/2/3: Yes/No. Youre通过图片认识新人物,并且能够运用句型进展介绍。通过介绍自己去找朋友的游戏巩固Im 句型并过渡到新句型。通过师生个别和集体的问答巩固所学句型并过渡到单词的学习。2. Teach: boy girl(8 minLearn the new words: boy and girl.)T: I will show you two things; pls. tell me what are thinking about? (a skirt and a pair of shorts)Ss answer this question.1. To teach: boy girla. Danny is a boy and Im a girl.Read the word one by one.b. Say the rhymeTall girl, short girlOne and two.Tall girl, short girlI see you.Fat boy, thin boyOne and two.Fat boy , thin boyI see you.c. Learn: boys girls2. Try to introduce yourself like Danny.Read: Hello, Im Danny.Im a boy.Im fat.Im short.Introduce Mary: T: Danny has a friend. Her names Mary. Can you be Mary?Hello, Im _.Im a _.Im _.Im _.3. Use the pattern to introduce yourself.Hello, Im _.Im a _.Im _.Im _.通过句子练习,使学生明白词不离句,学了男孩后,就要用相应的句型来介绍。通过几句话来介绍课文中的人物,过渡到介绍自己,巩固句型。给出关键句型,让学生们能够做到看着这个句型结构将句子补充完整。3. Try to say more with Im Youre(6 minUsing the new patterns to introduce oneself or others.)1.Make an exampleS1: Hello, Im _.Im a _.Im _.Im _.T: Yes, youre_.Youre a _.Youre_.Youre _.2. Pair-work.Ss introduce oneself and then introduce the partner.从介绍自己过渡到介绍对方,同桌互练增进了解。4. Teach: big small(5 min在人物介绍中逐步引入并学习单词。正确朗读、理解并识别单词 big small。)1. Introduce more roles.Kitty/EddieAlice/TomSam/ JackT: Now, look at them. Do you know them? Can you introduce them?( Choose some Ss to say something about them.)2. To el
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