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学习必备欢迎下载一单词拼写I. You should abeing late for school.2.1 made this bookshelf on my o.3. Who (发明)the TV set?4. The girl has just had an o.5. They went out to play( 尽管)the snow.6. Take good cof yourself and you ll feel better soon.7. It was sof you to trust.8. Don t worry. he is careful (足够)to look after little Betty.9. He comes from C.10. The teacher told me to (重写)this article.II. Please (登)the plane immediately.12. She always makes efor being late.13. (一切)is good.14. I wgo abroad with my wife.15. A lot of people (献身于)to save their motherland.二单项选择()1. They re looking forwardthe film.A. to saw B. to see ingC. seeD. to see()2. We got lost in the street, so we stoppedat the map.A. read ingB. to readC. looki ng D. to look()3. He wasexcitedhe could not speak.A. such;that B. so;thatC. too;toD. not eno ugh;to()4.-What does Jim like best? - He en joysTV very much.A. watch B. watch ingC. seeD. see ing()5.How manyare there tomorrow?A. flight B. flightsC. flyD. flies()6.1 mfrightenedI cansay anything.A. so;that B. such; that C. so;D. such;()7.he is very young,he knows much.A. Although;but B. Although; C.;becauseD. As;()8.Dami ng is.A. sixtee n year old B. sixtee n years oldC. sixtee n-years-oldD. sixtee n-year-old()9.you have a map of Shan ghai, you will get lost easily.A. AlthoughB. BecauseC. IfD. Un less()10. I d love to go to Italy.A. So do I B. So am IC. Neither am I D. So would I()11.We went to the train stati on and saw our friends.A. on B. outC. offD. over()12.-That s my flight! Goodbye,everyone!-Byebye!.A. So do I B. Stay in touch C. There it is D. Tha nks()13.-1 m afraid that the plane might crash. -.A. Don t be silly B. Have a safe trip C. There it is D. That s OK()14.Mr Smith didn t feel well, he still come to give us lessons.A. So B. BecauseC. ThoughD. As()15.lt isan important meetingI can t miss it.A. so;that B. such;asC. such,thatD. so;as()16.The car issmall for us to take on.A. veryB. quiteC. soD. too()17.lmagine you could go any where in the world. Whereyou go?A. mustB. canC. mayD. would()18. The trip costthat they all went.A. such little B. so littleC. so muchD.such much()19. He gave his lifethe rare wild ani mals.A. to saveB.savi ngC. to savi ngD. D.save()20. My mother did nt go to bedfather came back last nightA. afterB. whe nC. un tilD. since三完型填空Have you ever heard _1a girl of 15, who has set up a compa ny of her own? Wendy Wong isthe girl. She started the bus in ess _2. She has already_3several successful compa nygames. They are so _45over half a milli on games are sold every year. Now all of herfamily work in her bus in ess. And she is_6_ at school.She gets up early in the morning, and then has a talk with her family about the _7_ over breakfast. Every day duri ng week days, she goes to school in her own car with a _8, _9sheis not old eno ugh.She enjoys her school, but some of the work is too easy for her to feel _10.She usually gets A grades in all her subjects, so the other stude nts ofte n ask her for help.She finishes her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her home. After dinner, she goes to her office and goes on working on her computer, writing games until 2 a.m. She does not usually n eed so much sleep as other childre n.()1. A.fromB. ofC. toD. over()2. A.two years agoB. for two yearsC. since two years ago D. two years()3. A.workedB. playedC. writte nD. bought()4. A.afraidB. popularC. expe nsiveD. surprised()5. A.whatB. C. thatD. where()6. A.stillB. hardlyC. oftenD. sometimes()7. A.l ess onsB. friendsC. examsD. bus in ess()8. A.doctorB. teacherC. driverD. visitor()9. A.soB. becauseC. butD. and()10. A.i nterestedB. in terest ingC.unin terestedD. unin terest ing四阅读理解AHeight: 164 cmType of blood: ABDate of birth: July 26, 1985Weight: 50 kgPlace of birth: Chan gsha, Hunan Favorite city: ParisHobby: musicZhou Bicha ng was the runn er-up in the Super Girls fin al, which was hosted by Hunan TV stati on.She did quite well in her studies and got a high score of 681 in her NCEE in 2003.Zhou Bicha ng graduated from Futia n High School in Shen zhe n and is now a stude nt at the Xin ghaiConservatory of Music (音乐学院)in Guangzhou.Although her pare nts gave her a n ame with the meaning “ write flue ntly ” in the hope that she would become a writer, Zhou seems to be a born sin ger. She could sing theme songs of TV shows very well whe n she was only two years old. She owns more tha n 4,500CDs.Zhou has attracted fans across the country duri ng the con test. Fans gave her a n ick nameand themselves a title“ Chalks ” . However, BBndtoeenjoy ths udden success. Now sheis b
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