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Lesson 16 Li Ming s Summer Holiday一、教学内容: 冀教版英语六年级下册 Lesson 16 Li Ming s Summer Holiday。二、教学目标:1 .语言能力:会使用 What will you do for the summer holiday? I will 会拼 写并使用 visit 。2 .思维品质:能够根据时间,去年夏天或者今天夏天,使用一般过去时或一般将来时,总结或计划自己的暑假生活。3 .文化意识:大致了解国外孩子假期生活的异同,感受这个暑假与之前的区别,珍惜小学的最后生活。4 .学习能力:能够用一般将来时介绍自己的暑期计划。三、教学重、难点:教学重点:可以用 What will you do for the summer holiday? I will.讨论今年的暑假计划。教学难点:用 will 表达自己想要或将要做的事,并明白还可以用 be going to 表达一般将来时。四、教学过程:(一)巧设情景激趣引思1 .激趣Hello, boys and girls. How are you? What day is today? Lets play a game.Please close your eyes and then tell me what it is? So what season is it? Itssummer. How do you feel in summer?In summer, we will have a long holiday. So today we will learn Lesson 16Li Ming s Summer Holiday.【 设计意图: 通过聚光灯功能, 引起学生的好奇心, 让他们看物体猜测季节,导入本课主题 Summer holiday 。 】2 .复习旧知In summer, we can do many things. How about your last summer holiday.First, I want to share with you My Last Summer Holiday. Look at the mind map.【 设计意图: 用思维导图的形式, 展示我的去年暑假生活, 复习动词过去式 的不同形式。 】What about your last summer holiday? Now who wants to show your last summer holiday?【 设计意图: 先由老师示范, 再由学生介绍自己去年的暑假生活, 复习一般 过去时。 】(二)自主互动探究新知1 .新授Now summer is coming. This year, we will have a special summer holiday. Why? Because we will not have homework. I have some plans for this summer holiday. First, maybe I will fly home. Then I will visit my grandparents. Next I will swim in the swimming pool. I will also travel in Tian Chi. The important thing is that I will eat some dilicious food, such as mutton kebab and fresh grapes. Then I will still study. What will you do for this summer holiday? Will you ? Yes, I will. No , I will not./ No, I won t【 设计意图: 通过比较今年和去年暑假的不同, 使学生意识到小学生活即将结束。用自己的假期计划做引子,教授学生学习新句型What will you do thissummer holiday? I will 】2 .课文讲解Today we will know Li Ming s summer holiday plan. Listen and do these exercise.Listen and Judge.1. Li Ming will go home by train.2. Li Ming will meet his parents.Listen and fill.Li Ming will his aunt and uncle. He will his counsin,Jing.He will his friends and play ping-pong with them.【 设计意图: 通过判断和填空学习课文内容。 】3. 复述课文Now who can introduce Li Ming s summer holiday?【 设计意图: 通过复述课文,检验学生对课文的掌握程度。 】(三)应用拓展反思交流1 . 游戏This year, Li Ming will do many things. What else can we do for summerholiday? Let s play a game. If you can, please speak loudly.【 设计意图: 通过闪图动词短语, 发散学生思维, 使他们意识到假期生活不止是旅行,日常的一些事都可以在假期计划内。 】2 .小组练习What about you? Now please be a jounalist to interview your group member s this holiday plan. We also can ask them other plans.【 设计意图: 通过小组活动,学生自编对话练习句型。 】3 .练习This summer holiday is coming. There are only about thirty days left in our primary school life. Do you have a plan? Who can introduce it?【 设计意图: 展示自己的暑假计划。 】4 .歌曲Now let s listen to a song and do a match. Then tell me a question: What is the boy going to do?【 设计意图: 通过歌曲拓展一些暑假可以做的事, 同时使学生了解一般将来时还可以使用 be going to do 的句型。 】5 .拓展国外生活I think you will have a colourful holiday. What about American students? Now please watch a video and answer some questions: do they have homework in summer holiday? How long is their summer holiday? Listen again and tell me: what differences are between us?The time is different. This summer is special for you. Why? After this summer holiday, you will say goodbye to me. We had a wonderful time in primary school together. It s unforgettable. I hope you will have a good life in the future and be happy every day. I will miss you. Best wishes for you.HomeworkSo today s homework. Make a plan of this summer holiday , write it down.五、板书设计:Lesson 16 Li Ming s summer holidayWhat will you do this summer holiday?I will .fly homevisitmetraveleatswimstudy
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