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四年级上册英语同步练习答案最新苏教版四年级上册英语练习册答案第一课时一、1. A: Whats this?B: Its an orange.2. A: Do you have a mango?B: Yes, I do.3. A: Is this an apple?B: No, its a pineapple.4. A: What are these?B: Theyre apples.5. A: Do you have any pears?B: Yes, I do.6. A: What do you like?B: I like grapes.(1. L 2.J 3. J 4. L 5. L 6.J)二、1. banana 2. grape/grapes 3. mango 4. pineapple三、 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B人教版四年级下册英语配套练习册答案:Recycle 1一、wall ball fatherruler puter nursehamburger bird girl二、1、A 2、A 3、A 4、A三、1、get up2、rainy3、8:00 a.m4、cloudy5、go to the library6、cold7、12 p.m.8、have PE class9、sunny苏教版四年级英语练习册答案第三课时一、1. A: Are those horses?B: Yes, they are.2. A: Would you like a pie?B: No, thank you.3. A: Do you like cakes?B: Yes, I do.4. A: Look! I have a toy panda.B: How lovely!5. A: Wheres the monkey?B: Its in the tree.6. A: Do you like lions?B: No, I dont.(5 3 6 1 4 2)二、 2 5 3 1 4三、1. at these toy 2. Would you 3. Do, like lions第 页 共 页
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