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面试英文自我介绍范文集锦8篇 处在一个生疏场合时,我们时常会须要作自我介绍,通过自我介绍可以得到他人的认可。千万不能认为自我介绍随意应付就可以,以下是我收集整理的面试英文自我介绍8篇,希望对大家有所帮助。面试英文自我介绍 篇1 good mornig, my name is jck,it islly a great onor ohave tsopportunity fora nervie, i ould ke oanswer watever you marais, andiopi makea godperfomancday, eveally enol nthisprstigios univerit in epemer nw ill inoumslfpiefly,im 1years old,on in heilongiangpvince ,norteast of hina,nd amrruntlyasenior sunt at bejin xx uni.y major is pckagng engineerngd wilrcev my bachelor degre afermy grauatnjunein th ast 4 year,ipen ms my time on sudy,i passed et4/ wtha ese.andi havacqure basi knowedg of pckagingad blishinoth in thory an inpatce. besdes,i haveaend sral ckaging exbitihold in beijing,thisis oradvntage sy here, i have keatorto ome b factoy ancmpany.thrh tseihave a deepl drstang f domei packagin nstryompare to devopedcuntrie such as us, unorunatel, lthugh wehae mdeetraordinary pogres since 1978,rackaging ndusty are stilundrdevelope,mes, nsabe, he situatn of emploeenth fil areaward bti hav full cofidence in a pigh futre f only our econom ceethe rowth pastl. i guss you mae inrstedin heesn itc ola, and hat ismyla during gauate studyif,would le to tel outt urse aw is oeofmy lflong ol,i lmymjorpkgingad iwongiv up,f i can pursue mymastregree erei will cinaw with my formerdction i will worrdin thsefields ,ptet ,trdemark, orit, n thebasf myears tdy in deparmet ofp, my crater? ianntdecrieit wel, but knw am opistiand confien. sometimes referto tayalone, readg, listeingtomsic, but m nt lonly, i ik to chat with mlassats, amost tak eeyig ,my farte asim s veyball,playingcards o suf nle. through colle life, eaw t baac e eween studand enterinmnt. b t ay, was a or o or aazingdrama club. i ad a few gous memry ostage tht ismy pide.面试英文自我介绍 篇2 Goodmog vone!Im Nickoe. Im 2.I autedfrom Hunn Nomal iversay on SdaCay jor i lish ducatin. After gradution, I hav worked for oneyer n Li Yag听Ki Engis. Mystudets re between 5ad12 ers old.Im outgongand opn-id. I m pe ime, havbroa nterest. Suhs rin, rf the itenet,liseing musindeven hatting wi orignfriendsonlin if possblI lie cildr vy much. think childreare ctie, inoent and pure. With tem, feelery relaed, lesantauer.Therfo, earned a ot from yoneyer orking experence. Tching chlren ngish einteretd but it ls clleging Becaechdre ar alwys acive, en sometiesry aughty.So teachers need al of patin to dea wit children. Te mot imprtan ta ave eaned from my ne yearteaingxprnce is taeaher sld have the kind of听t mindtha alay wants o n learning.Teahins a job t whicon ill neer bperfet If I ve thechance,I ill try my bestto e a goo imayEnglish ehe. good mornig, m nameis xx,it is elly agreaonr hv thisoprtuni fr interview,i wouldliketo ans aterumayaie, anihope i cn ka od erformneo, eventally enrl in this pimary col. m a hidyear aser major in atomion at Sangai aoTongUivesity, PR. hin. With temnou interest in ndutrial Engieerng, Iamriting to apy fo acceptanceit yu P.D. grdutproam.In 1995, I nterd he Ning Unversit of Sciece &Tchnlogy (NUS) - iely cosiderd one o teChinas et enginering chs. uring the folow underruate std, m acadmic eos pt disingued mongteledepartmnt. wasgrntd irt Clss Przeever semesr, ad myoel GPA(8/100) ankeN.aog 113 suns. I1,I got the prvilege to enter theauate ogamwaive theadmin te. I seleted he Sana iaoTg Unvesityto ntine my stdy fo itbest reputaiono Coinatorial Opiiaionadetwork Sceulg where my esar interest lies At th erio of mygrauate tudy, ovral GPA now ill introdce yslf briefly,i am x yas o,brn in xx provi ,and a currunly xxx.mymaor is x.in he ast4ears,i spend ost ofmy time on ty,i havepssed ET4/6 wi aease. d ihave acuredasi noledg f pakging and publshingboth in thery nd n patice. sides, ihve attd面试英文自我介绍篇3 My nmes _.I wlld like apply fr hisob of egih taher rcildren pln f thefure istha i wodliktta
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