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9B Unit 4 Great people 单元练习一、单项选择1. The fox the chickens were killed was shot.A. whichB. thatC. at thatD. by which2. The computer can store a lot of information is widely used.A. in which B. with whichC. That D. where3. No matter how late he is, his mother always waits dinner.A. for him to haveB. for him havingC. him havingD. him to have4. The police asked the lady the lost wallet, but she couldnt give a description of it.A. describeB. describedC. to describeD. describing5. If by any chance somebody comes to see me, ask them to leave a .A. letterB. noticeC.messageD. sentence6. I really dont know .A. which topic to chooseB. what to choose topic C. which to choose topicD. what topic choosing7. He was of the danger by the look.A. warned; warnedB. warning; warning C. warned; warningD. warning; warned8. “Write your answers in the blank ”, said the teacher.A. spaceB. spacesC. roomD. rooms9. The book twenty passages, two short plays.A. contains; includesB. is containing; including C. includes; containing D. contains; including10. Our English teacher worked late into the night, the exams for the following weeks.A. to be preparedB. preparedC. preparingD. was preparing11. Could you tell me what you have mind? I think I can give you some advice it.A. at; aboutB. in; onC. in; ofD. on; on12. There are people the street.A. too much; onB. too much; inC. too many; inD. too many; at13. Lets do listening first. Listen carefully, please.A. practicingB. practice C. example D. work14. There are too many people in the house. There isnt enough for us all.A. roomsB. spaceC. floorD. ground15. The fire was getting stronger and stronger and it seemed to .A. lose controlB. be under controlC. be out of controlD. be controlled16. Many satellites have been sent into space.A. forB. outC. offD. up17. The police the man to see if he had a gun.A. searchedB. looked forC. found outD. searched for18. Things are on the moon on the earth.A. as heavy; asB. not so light; asC. heavier; thanD. much lighter; than19. This is the only one of the books we need.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. all20. Everyone is busy working. You cant stay here you keep quiet.A. ifB. whenC. onceD. unless21. The CD player isnt mine. It belongs to .A. sheB. herC. onceD. unless22. What will happen in the future?A. do you think B. are you thinking C. you thinkD. did you think23. The plane at the Dalian International Airport in a few minutes.A. landedB. was landedC. will landD. have landed24. Li Ming his father is going to Beijing next week.A. alongB. together withC. andD. as well25. I spent two weeks . Its really .A. on the sea; excitedB. in the sea, excitingC. at the sea; interestedD. at sea; exciting26. of money spent on education every year.A. A large amount; wasB. Large amounts; areC. Large amount; wasD. Plenty; has27. She a pretty present yesterday, but she didnt it.A. received; acceptB. accepted; receive C. received; receiveD. accepted; accept28. He is only in his early thirties, but he more than fifty.A. seemsB. likesC. appearsD. is29. A traffic policeman reported an old lady risk very fast on the high-way.A. to see; to driveB. seeing; drivingC. to see; drivingD. seeing; to drive30. All of us suggested that the thief into prison at once.A. be referred to be putB. referred to be putC. referred to should putD. referring to should be put二、单词拼写A. 根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空格填一词1. You will find Wu Dong (interest) if you talk with him.2. He made a shelf (care) to keep his new books.3. The computer room must be always kept (clean).4. She is (tall) of the twins.5. Chinas Shenzhou manned spacecraft (land) safely on October 17th, 2005.6. This is one of the most important the great (invent).7. Mr Cheng told his son not to spend too much time (play) computer games.8. He joined the air force and took (flight) lessons.9. When they went into the park, they saw someone (play) Chinese kungfu.10. “What did she forget when she left for home?” “ (take) the keys.”B. 根据句意及汉语提示,在下列各句空缺处写出各单词的正确形式,每空格填一词。11. (在期间) his life time, he wrote more than 12 novels.12. Yang Liwei (挑选) to be Chinas first astronaut to fly in space in 2003.13. Those who won the World Cup were regarded as the national (英雄).14. What he said is quite (真的).15. The students of Class 3 spent a (整个的) d
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