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AGREEMENT TO EXCHANGE FOREIGN CURRENCYUSED UNITED STATES DOLLAR (USD) AGAINST THE AGREED EQUIVALENT CURRENCIESTransaction Code:Party A s Code:Party B s Code:KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:所有人都知道这些代表事项:ThisAgreementtoExchangeForeignCurrencyUnitedStatesDollar(USD)againsttheagreed equivalent Currencies (Hereinafter referred to asAgreement “” ) is entered into andexecuted on this day the xxxxxxx , 2013, by and between the following parties:此协议对交换外币现行使用的美元(USD)对同意的等值货币( 以后指协议) 在 2013 年 x月 xx 日下列两方签订及执行:USED USD Provider(美元供应方 )Name姓名Passport Number护照号码Nationality国籍Address地址Telephone Number电话号码Email Address邮箱地址Hereinafter referred to as the“ Party A.”在下文中 , 称为 ”甲方 ”EURO/RMB/HKD Provider:( 歐元、人民币、港币供应方)Company Name公司名称Represented by法人代表Nationality国籍Passport Number护照号码Address地址Telephone Number电话号码Email Address邮箱地址Hereinafter referred to as the“ Party B.”在下文中 ,称为 ”乙方 ”WHEREAS, “ Party A ” confirms with full corporate authority and legal responsibility, that he is ready, willing and able to provide genuine, Used Notes USD, clean and clear and noneof criminalorigin, to“ Party B” and provides his Bank Deposit Account, with Banking detailsattached hereto asAppendix A.鉴于, “甲方”使用过的美元钞票录 A。确认在公司权力范围充分的授权及法律责任下, 已经准备好, 愿意及有能力提供真实的, 已, 干净的和洁净的,没有犯罪来源, 给 “ 乙方 ” 并提供他的银行存款帐户的银行座标如附WHEREAS,“ Party B” confirmswithfullcorporateauthorityandlegalresponsibility,thathe is ready,willingandabletoarrangegood,cleanand clear, andofnoncriminaloriginEURO/RMB/HKDinexchangefortheUnitedStatesDollarUsedNotesandprovideshisBanking detailsfrom HSBC,HongKong,xxxxxxxBranch,whichareattachedheretoasAppendixA,astheProofofFunds,intheamountofUSDOneBillion(USD1,000,000,000.00)withtheLetterofAuthorizationto “ Party A” fortheVerificationo fthesaid funds, under this Agreement as per Transaction Code: xxxxx.Party A InitialPage1 Of 16Party B InitialAGREEMENT TO EXCHANGE FOREIGN CURRENCYUSED UNITED STATES DOLLAR (USD) AGAINST THE AGREED EQUIVALENT CURRENCIESTransaction Code:Party A s Code:Party B s Code:鉴于 , “乙方” 确认在公司权力范围充分的授权及法律责任下,已做好准备,愿意和能够提供真实的,干净的和洁净的,没有犯罪来源的歐元、人民币 、港币来兑换已使用过的美元钞票并提供银行确认信(BCL) 及银行坐标如同附录A,作为 资金证明 , 总金额为10 亿美元 (USD 1,000,000,000.00), 从“乙方的”银行 , 汇丰银行 , 香港 xxxxxx分行出具 , 同时提供授权查询函给予“甲方”以核实所述之金额, 根据交易代码 :xxxxxxxxxx 。NOWTHEREFORE,inconsiderationof themutualinterestsand covenants,the partiesherebyconfirmwithfullpersonal andcorporateandlegal responsibility,under penalty ofperjury,andunconditionallyagreeto thefollowingtermsand conditionsstipulatedhereunder:因此现在 , 考虑到双方的共同利益及契约,双方特此确认充分的个人和公司的权利,以及法律责任 ,根据伪证处罚法律,无条件的同意下列的条款及条文规定如下:1. SPECIFICATION规格“ Party A” Currency :United States Dollar (USD) Used Notes.“甲方”货币美国美元已使用过的现鈔“ Party B” Currency :EURO/RMB/HKD“乙方”货币歐元、人民币、 港币Year of issue USD:1997 2008发行年份1997- 2008Denomination:Used US$100 Bank Notes.票面额已使用过的100 美元现鈔Quantity:USD Three Billion (3 Billion)with Rollovers and Extensions.数量30 亿美元可循环并延展的First Tranche:USD xxxxxMillion (USD xxx00,000,000.00).第一笔交易xxxxxxx美元Subsequent Tranche:Each Tranche USD xxxx Million (USD xxx00,000,000.00).随后的交运每次和每一笔交易 , xxxxx美元Price:FOB Hong Kong: The Rate of Banking Exchange on the day.价格离岸价 , 香港 , 当日交易的银行兑换率Discount Rate:Gross 15 % Net to EURO/RMB/HKD Provider 10%.折扣率總折扣率為15 %,淨折扣率為 10% 給歐元、人民币、 港币供应方Commission:2.5 % for“ Party A s ” Intermediaries to be paid from佣金“Party A s”Account.2.5%为“甲方的”中介人费用由“甲方的”账户支付,2.5 % for“ Party B s ” Intermediaries to be paid from“ Party B s ” Account.2.5%为“乙方的”中介人费用由“乙方的”账户支付。Delivery Location:FOB, Hong Kong交付位置FOB香港Payment:Bank to Bank basis付款方式银行对银行为基础Party A InitialPage2 Of 16Party B InitialAGREEMENT TO EXCHANGE FOREIGN CURRENCYUSED UNITED STATES DOLLAR (USD) AGAINST THE AGREED EQUIVALENT CURRENCIESTransaction Code:Party A s Code:Party B s Code:2. LANGUAGE 语言“ Party A ” and “ Party B ” agreed to use English as the official Language for this Agreement.根据本协议“甲方”和“乙方”同意以英语作为官方语言。3. PAYMENT 付款Based on the discount Rate: Gross 15% and Net to” Party B” 10%.“ Party B” pays for“A” 87.50%andpaysco
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