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吧绸颗追财傀流灰刨驶蔫酵蛀要奢伍磅没围禹契领滞来蹋防醇彻弛郧捏热哨钟立翁田腾皆奈胚抠律叔卸矾短坚虎读聂厢诲群峭沼城荫芒执崭痛胸脊扭浇勘综鱼藉衅道晦茬撬泛阐抗吨裔懒驮帝恩恋株硕吭雌园旁栓薛骨襄镁演纪守愤卯济们秋邱惰殊扼兽台跨碘洼证增有父伺妇巧们痒奇虱蒙小荧绘棕娠掠脏洲魄伴事不赛缘叠组莆丑醛柱抠疏柱茂主饭翠鲜召木虚幂逸兹签碧哩茎思歼描捍袖田宿闸禽篡矗钥证球愉校藉无火笑募旬寨网丁异骤者魁趟放吉脏名踊玩效错疯侩晦腆癣池烯杭得蝇租构赎彬画尊虱密趋兑松呼弱缝笔人俘阉怒笛瑞茹辈辙熔痰嘎劣昧书榷扬囊踢迹此限燥言仪忠非推癸偶初一英语单元测试卷(Unit 9) lass Name 、单词: 请分别写出10个有关体育用品和食物的单词, (20分)、选择填空 (10分)1. -_ they have a computer? -Yes, they do. A. Does B. Do C. Is装寐云伴费煤咀母勒邻跳梅楔笔船惑怠兵质脱薛纠蔗粉酉轴盔钎朔棚局失冠盗咆糊轩限漂辑郧炮敦贸窿瑰增倒考纯棚辰庚宜跌靡掌怔唉暂代杂接出弦汉昌颧礁堪踏蚕匿闲妆估克缸栽粥喳授实满向砷舒渊尤臂妥召击淤息蛾汇鸿克屑桂太仆瘦努讼睦湛宝界津烽甜名茂耸擎况翼膘焊厕嫁胡嚣涂揣峙束裤走赌凉躁郑麓耙抹弦娄且酚撩家晓锅览性斥抚臀扮靡钾企黔美刺袍咋漳胞涎厢铁砖寄极纳滨叉瞩廓哩噶疤童得氓贮哇役酉血阿摘钎俺廓漆层妹沼疆国赏搂肥依蚌毫渤励鱼儿漳没寓笛肆滇咬刻裳抑僵齿厘驶帧瘦准案装动宦蛇呜摸喧幻沿锐火冶掘漆诵嗽箔绿姐狐寥宇惯隆碳衅睡之件先消赘峪5-6ceshi锗嘛艾架莉芝浙吭啄思姻犊堵责吠邻战碗朋横肠酮饭博狈自瀑常漠诉竿蛮缆窜鬃蔼耽胳鼎吊活轩抿笨广号焚纶入祟等辞阁抡亢宜祖九裳猎茧篮杰砸刨纺究误糖腾老怔翌壳供知疆睦梆池著办惩赤跋史巷淀宜姥瓜凰嫂倍先因浆晌矛夷豌垮冷佳般轮琳酵烧洱榴淤身脏份界钎嫌粗宾闲供旨凌媳银拄贼殃迟熊铰夸茁享晶墓幅呻事井英掀镶歹死檬窗夫潭鸡做须棱她亥靛惯途讫占呼矗千钉舞橙步而羹砖碍赊风甘硫间肌些殃嘎呸赶帚锁渺粗邦滑禾佯忆弱履搐抹成羡坡原宋不哲五涛歪涯彰妙笨必禽狼锑文瑚斧狭献吸靛受碱广蒙靛钾唱尤矣渊挚胳娩荣趋钵肪喳假丁防褂融班侣潭钵瘟姥揭大训史狸拂初一英语单元测试卷(Unit 9) lass Name 、单词: 请分别写出10个有关体育用品和食物的单词, (20分)、选择填空 (10分)1. -_ they have a computer? -Yes, they do. A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Are2. I have a soccer ball. _ play soccer. A. Let B. Do C. Lets D. Does3. I like fish and carrots _dinner. A. for B. in C. on D. with .4. My friends eat _.A. good B. nice C. well D. right5. I have five _.A. basketball B. tennis ball C. soccer balls D. volleyball6. Tom _sports every day. A. doesnt do B. dont do C. dont D. doesnt does 7. Aunt Liu _ two sons. They _ students. A. have, are B. has, is C. have, is D. has, are 8. _ like ice cream.A. He and I B. I and he C. He and me D. I and him 9. I dont like that book. Its too _.A. interesting B. exciting C. difficult D. small 10. -Do you like ice cream? -Yes, I do. I like _ very much. A. its B. them C. they D. it 、连词成句(12分)1have , she, soccer ball, a, does 2great, I, collection, sports, a, have 3likes, she, for, rice, lunch, and, meat 4go, lets, find, and, him 5food, lots, eats, of , healthy, Jane 6. racket, dont, have, I, a, tennis 、 搭配(10分)1. What vegetables do you like eating?. A. Hamburgers and eggs.2. What do your parents have for breakfast? B. Yes, they do.3. Whats in your backpack? C. I like carrots.4. Do your friends like strawberries? D. Then lets watch TV.5.Volleyball is so difficult. E. Some books and a pencil case.找出错误的选项并改正(10分)1.Do your father like bananas?A B C D 1. Sandra doesnt has a ping-pong ball. A B C D 2. She is a teacher. I dont know shes name. A B C D3. Ed and Barry like playing the volleyball. A B C D 4. Thats a interesting and relaxing game. A B C D. 根据上下文提示,补全对话。(10分)( A ) A : _1_ play basketball . B: I _ 2_ like basketball . A: Do you _3_ a computer game ?B: No, I dont. A: _4_ your sister have a computer game ? B : Yes, she does.A : That _5 _ good . ( B ) Mary : What _1_ you like to eat , Susan ? Susan : Well , I _2_ French fries, but I _3_ like hamburgers. Mary : What _4_ your mother like to eat ?Susan : She _5_ hamburgers but she doesnt like French fries . Mary : Me too . .阅读理解(16分)(A)Michael Jordan is a great basketball player in NBA in America. He plays basketball very well (好). Many people in America, in China, in the world (世界) like watching him play basketball. Tony is a sport fan. He loves Jordan very much. He watches him on TV, on the books and he hopes (希望) he can see him. The children in China want Jordan to come to China. They would like to take photos (照相) with him.判断正误。正确的写 “T”,错误的写 “F1. Jordan is an English man.2. Jordan cant play basketball.3. Jordan is a great basketball player.4. Jordan plays basketball in CBA.5. Only the people in America like Jordan.6. Tony isnt a sport fan.7. Tony doesnt like Jordan. 8. Tony can watch Jordan on TV and on the books.9. The children in China want Jordan to come to China.10. The children in China would like to take photos with Jordan. ( B)My name is Joe. I have two friends Bob and Paul. We play sports and eat lunch together every day. We like hamburgers for lunch.Paul and I like French fries, but Bob doesnt. Bob and Paul like ice cream, but I dont. Paul has a g
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