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中英文版操作规程目录1、小车及载重汽车安全技术交底3Safety Technical Disclosure for Small Vehicles and Load-Carrying Vehicles32、平板拖车安全技术交底6Safety Technical Disclosure for Platform Trailer63、推土机操作安全技术交底9Safety Technical Disclosure for the Operation of Bulldozer94、油罐车安全技术交底12Safety Technical Disclosure for Oil Tank Truck125、散装水泥车安全技术交底14Safety Technical Disclosure for Bulk Cement Truck146、叉车安全技术交底16Safety Technical Disclosure for Forklift167、混凝土搅拌输送车操作安全技术交底18Safety Technical Disclosure for the Operation of Transit Mixer Truck188、振动压路机安全操作规程技术交底19Technical Disclosure for Safety Operation Regulations of Vibratory Roller199、平地机安全操作规程技术交底21Technical Disclosure for Safety Operation of Grader2110、机动翻斗车安全操作规程23Motor dump truck technical clarificaiton safety regulations2311、轮胎式装载机安全操作规程25Wheel loader technical clarificaiton safety operation procedures2512、单斗挖掘机安全操作规程29Single- bucket excavator safety rules2913、汽车、轮胎式起重机安全操作规程31Motor Crane/Wheel Crane Safety Operation Regulations3114、自卸汽车安全操作规程36TIPPER SAFETY OPERATION REGULATION3615、电焊工作业安全操作规程38Welders safety operation procedures3816、气焊、气割工作业安全操作规程40Gas welder safety operation procedures4017、钢筋切断机安全操作规程42Steel cutting machine safety operation procedures4218、钢筋弯曲机安全操作规程44Steel bar bending machine safety operation procedures4419、混凝土搅拌站安全操作规程46Safety regulation for concrete mixing plant4620、圆盘锯作业安全操作规程49Disk saw operation safety technical Disk saw operation safety technical disclosure4921、压刨床作业安全技术操作规程51Planer operation safety technology operating rules5122、塔吊安装与拆除操作技术交底53Technical Disclosure for the Installation and Remove of Tower Crane5323、塔吊安全技术操作规程55Tower crane safety technology operating rules551、小车及载重汽车安全技术交底Safety Technical Disclosure for Small Vehicles and Load-Carrying Vehicles工 程 名 称: The name of the project:施工单位Construction unit 建设单位The construction unit设备名称Device name作业内容Job content交底部门Disclosure department交底人Disclosure of交底日期Date of disclosure接受交底班组或员工签名:Accept clarificaiton team or staff signature:安全操作内容:Safe operation Regulation:1.运送超宽、超高和超长物件前,应有领导制定妥善的运输方法和安全措施。Appropriate transport program and safety precautions shall be prepared by leadership before the transport of over-wide, over-high and over-long objects.2、中方人员不得私自驾车和学车,随车中方人员应对车辆的车速及驾驶员的违章情况进行监督和控制,严禁超速行驶,一般公路不得超过80公路/小时,乡村小道不得超过50公路/小时。 车辆行驶时车内人员必须带好安全带,无安全带的位置严禁中方人员乘坐。Chinese personnel are not allowed to drive or learn to drive without permission. Chinese crew onboard shall supervise and control the speed of vehicle, as well as the violated operation of driver. It is strictly prohibited to speeding. The driving speed on ordinary highway shall not exceed 80km/h, while on township road it shall not exceed 50km/h. Passengers must wear seat belt while driving. Chinese passengers are strictly prohibited from sitting where there is no seat belt.3.启动前应进行重点检查。灯光、喇叭、指示仪表等应齐全完整;燃油、润滑油、冷却水等应添加充足;各连接件不得松动;轮胎气压应符合要求,确认无误后,方可启动。Key inspections shall be conducted before starting of vehicles. Lights, horn, indicators etc. shall all be in readiness and completeness; fuel, lubrication oil, cooling water etc. shall be full; connection fastenings shall be prevented from becoming flexible; tire pressure shall conform to requirements. Vehicles can only be started after confirmation. 4.启动后,应观察各仪表指示值、检查内燃机运转情况、测试转向机构及制动器等性能,确认正常方可低档起步。起步前,车旁及车下应无障碍物及人员。After starting a vehicle, the indicated values in the instruments shall be observed, the running status of IC engine shall be checked, the performance of knuckle mechanic and brake detent shall be tested. Vehicles shall accelerate from a standstill at downshift after confirmed normal. There shall be absolutely no personnel or barriers beside or under the vehicle before accelerating. 5.水温未达到70时,不得高速行驶。行驶中,变速时应逐级增减,正确使用离台器,不得强推硬拉,使齿轮撞击发响。前进和后退交替时,应待车停稳后,方可换档。Vehicles shall not run at a high speed if the water temperature doesnt reach 70. When proceeding, the acceleration and deceleration of vehicles shall be changed step-by-step, and the clutch shall be operated correctly without forcible push or pull, making noises when gears hit against each other. During the alternating of moving forward and backward, the shift of gears shall be operated when the vehicle is steady. 6.行驶中,应随时观察仪表的指示情况,当发现机油压力低于规定值,水温过高或有异响、异昧等异常情况时,应立即停车检查,排除故障后,方可继续运行。The status of indicator instruments shall be observed at any time when vehicles are proceeding. If oil pressure is lower than specified value, water temperature is over-high or there is abnormal sound or smell etc. Vehicles shall be stopped for inspection and be restarted after fault is remedied. 7.应根据车速与前车保持适当的安全距离。遇有凹坑、明沟或穿越铁路时,应提前减速,缓慢通过。Appropriate safety distance with front vehicle shall be kept based on speed. When coming across pit, open ditch or crossing railway, vehicle
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