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对划线部分提问:1. My telephone number is 8677.Whats your telephone number?2. His name is Jim.Whats his name?3. This is a pen?Whats this?怎么做这类题目呢?一找:找特殊疑问词;二代:用特殊疑问词代替划线部分;三移:把特殊疑问词移至句首;四变:未划线部分变为一般疑问句。My telephone number is 8677.做道题试试吧Whats your telephone number ?一找:对号码是什么提问用What二代:用What代替划线部分;三移:把What放在句首。四变:把My telephone number is变为一般疑问句。She is Rose.再来一道简单的Who is she?一找:对人进行提问用Who;二代:用Who代替划线部分;三移:把Who放在句首;四变:把she is变为一般疑问句。再来一道难点的The boy is 10.How old is the boy?一找:对年龄提问用How old;二代:用How old代替划线部分;三移:把How old放在句首;四变:把the boy is变为一般疑问句。再来一道更难的The jacket is red.What colour is the jacket?一找:对颜色提问用What colour;二代:用What colour代替划线部分;三移:把What colour放在句首;四变:把the jacket is变为一般疑问句。This is a schoolbag.再来一道简单的Whats this?一找:物体进行提问用What;二代:用What代替划线部分;三移:把What放在句首;四变:把this is变为一般疑问句。The books are on the desk.再来一道简单的Wherere the books?一找:对地点进行提问用Where;二代:用Where代替划线部分;三移:把Where放在句首;四变:把the books are变为一般疑问句。让我们来练一练吧(1)That is a bike.Whats that?(2)My name is Li Ping.Whats your name?(3)She is Rose.Whats her name?(4)My pen is in the bag?Where is your pen?(5)The bike is black.What colour is the bike?(6)Hes fine.How is he?(7)The book is near the TV.Wheres the book?(8)His name is Tom.Whats his name?会了吗,有潜力的硕子(9)His last name is Bob.Whats his last name?(10)My QQ number is 45112367.Whats your QQ number?(11)My notebook is under the chair.Wheres your notebook? (12)The English books are in the bag.Where are the English books?
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