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Unit1 FriendshipWarming Up审核人: 审批人: 班级: 姓名: 组评: 师评: 一、 学习目标1、 Learn to be good to your friends.2、 Learn to use the following words freely.upset , calm down , have got to , be concerned about, add up二、 学习方法1、 Read Warming Up fast and do the survey.2、 Read the words in bold aloud and try to memorize them.三、 学习过程Part 1. 自主学习1、 Answer the following questions.a. Do you have friends ? b. Are you good at making friends? c. What do you want from a friend? d. What do you do for your friend? 2、 Do the survey (Page 1) and add your score and see how many points you get.I get_ points.3、 Underline the following sentences and read them aloud.a. And up your score.b. Your friend comes to school very upset.c. You will tell your friend that youve got to go to class.d. You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.e. You will tell your friend that you are concerned about him and you will meet after class and talk then.Part2.合作探究1、 Discuss the following question.What should you do for your friends? 2、 Understand the underlined sentences and try to recite them.3、Write these five sentences down.a._b._c._d._e._Part3课堂检测Complete the following sentences with the words given according to the Chinese meaning.upset , calm down , have got to , be concerned about, add up a.你怎么这么不高兴?Why are you so_? b账单数目不对。This bill doesnt _.c.我们都冷静一下。Lets all _.d.我们都要更努力。We _try harder. e.我很关心污染问题。Im_ pollution.Part4 课后活动Make some sentences with the following words and phrases . upset :_calm down :_add up:_have got to: _be concerned about:_改好的句子_ _ 2
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