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Unit 4 Making the News(reading)备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记)【Learning Aims】Knowledge goals:1) Students can talk about the jobs in news papers, and express their opinions in English well.2) Students can read the passage and know about zhou yangs first work assignment .Ability goals:1)Develop students reading ability: skimming and scanning2)Enable the students to talk about jobs in newspaper and what is needed to work in a newspaper office Emotion goals:1) Stimulate students interests in newspaper and the basic procedure of making the news .2) Develop students sense of cooperative learning in finishing learning tasks.【Importance & Difficulties】Importance: 1)Get the students to read the passage and master the main idea about the text.2) How to develop students reading skills: skimming and scanningDifficulties: How to get the students to read the context with different reading skills and express their opinions in English well .【Teaching method】Task-based method、 Discussion 、reading、listening自主学习I.Now read the following tongue twister(loudly/slowly/fast).Good better best, never let it rest .Till good is better, and better is best.T: Wonderful reading/your reading is excellent ,and can we make our lessons best? Ask the question and show the pictures of the news paper on the screen, and get the student to speak out .II.Pre-reading1. What kind of jobs do the newspapers have? And what do they do? 1)Reporter- Interviews people or finds out about events from onlookers 2)Photographer- Takes photographs of important people or events 3)Editor- Makes sure the writing is clear and accurate; checks facts 4)Designer- Lays out the article and photographs5)Printer- Prints the newspaper 2. Have a discussion in groups.T: Just now we have talked about the different jobs in a newspaper, please tell me: What are the qualities a good news reporter needs to have? Now lets watch a short video. After that ,you can have a discussion in groups to get the answers.1.be brave and smart2. Be well-trained and have a higher level of education3.Be experienced or have rich working experience 4.Have good communication skills ,speak fluently 5.Be Hard-working and devoted to the job6. Be enthusiasm for the job and prepare to work long hours.7.Ability to work in a team(so many kinds of jobs )合作探究III. Reading 1. Fast reading T: now turn to page 26 to look at the reading passage. You can have a small discussion to finish the following questions.Look at the pictures and the title and first paragraph on page 26.1) Who were talking and where did the conversation happen? What do they do?Zhou Yang was talking with his boss, Hu Xin at the office of China Daily. They are journalists.2). Try to guess which one of the following statements is the main idea of the reading passage? ( D )A. The skills necessary to become a good journalist.B. The skills necessary to become a good photographer C. How to conduct a good interview D. A and C 2.Listening to the tape.T: Now let listen to the tape after the listening finish the following question.while listening under the answers to these questions.How many questions does zhouyang ask huxin? And what are they?seven1). Can I go out on a story immediately?2). What do I need to take with me?3). What do I need to remember when I go out to cover a story?4). What should I keep in mind?5). Why is listening so important? 6). How can I listen carefully while taking notes?7). Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick? 3. Careful reading T:Read the passage carefully, tell the following statements True or false according to the answers from Huxin to the questions above and give reasons (find the exact sentences in the text) .lets have a competition among the groups to see which group can do them better. Group one group two group threetry to find the exact sentence in the context to support your ideas.1) Zhou can go out on a story immediately. F2) Zhou took a notebook , a camera with himself. T 3) While interviewing, the reporter would just ask the questions prepared before hand. F4) The footballer admitted he took the money . F5) Zhou took a course of photography at mid-school. F6)Zhou is very enthusiastic. T巩固提升4. post-reading Writing for assignmentSuppose you are a journalist, you are having an interview with a boss in a newspaper and the boss asks you :what qualities and skills should a journalist have ? Try to write a short paragraph to answer the questions of the boss based on what you have learned in this period. SampleTo the reporters, its unnecessary for them to take a camera because they have professional photographers with them. The reporters should be curious and they must have a nose for a story. They know how to acquire the information they need. While interviewing, they wont b
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