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2022年考博英语-哈尔滨师范大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Jims close _ to his brother made people mistake them for one another.问题1选项A.accuracyB.confusionC.probabilityD.resemblance【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. accuracy精确,准确 B. confusion困惑;混乱C. probability可能性;概率 D. resemblance相似,相像【答案】D【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】按照句意“吉姆和他哥哥的_使人们误以为他们是彼此”可推知,吉姆兄弟俩让人们认不出来,说明吉姆和他哥哥长得相似,resemblance是指与某人或某物相似或看起来相似,与介词to搭配使用,故该题选择D项。【干扰项排除】A、B、C项不符合句意。【句意】吉姆和他哥哥长得很像,这使人们误以为他们是彼此。2. 单选题_ elephants are different from wild elephants in many aspects, including their tempers.问题1选项A.CultivatedB.RegulatedC.CivilD.Tame【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. Cultivated用于耕作的;有教养的 B. Regulated调节的C. Civil国民的;平民的 D. Tame养驯的,驯服的【答案】D【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】按照句意“_的大象和野象在很多方面都不一样,包括它们的脾气”可知,野象脾气不稳定,而驯服的大象会更温顺,所以空格处表示“驯服的”符合句意,该题选择D项。【干扰项排除】A、B、C项不符合句意。【句意】驯象和野象在很多方面都不一样,包括它们的脾气。3. 单选题Passage 3The process of perceiving others is rarely translated (to ourselves or others) into cold, objective terms. “She was 5 feet 8 inches tall, had fair hair, and wore a colored skirt.” More often, we try to get inside the other person to pinpoint (强调) his or her attitudes, emotions, motivations, abilities, ideas, and characters. Furthermore we sometimes behave as if we can accomplish this difficult job very quicklyperhaps with a two-second glance.We try to obtain formation about others in many ways. Berger suggests several methods for reducing uncertainties about others; who are known to you so you can compare the observed persons behavior with the known others behavior, observing a person in a situation where social behavior is relatively unrestrained or where a wide variety of behavioral responses are called for, deliberately structuring the physical or social environment so as to observe the persons responses to specific stimuli (刺激因素), asking people who have had or have frequent contact with the person about him or her, and using various strategies in face-to-face interaction to uncover information about another personquestion, self-disclosures, and so on.Getting to know someone is a never-ending task, largely because people are constantly changing and the methods we use to obtain information are often imprecise. You may have known someone for ten years and still know very little about him. If we accept e idea that we wont ever fully know another person, it enables us to deal more easily with those things that get in the way of accurate knowledge such as secrets and deceptions. It will also keep us from being too surprised or shocked by seemingly inconsistent behavior. Ironically, those things that keep us from knowing another person too well (e.g. secrets and deceptions) may be just as important to the development of a satisfying relationship as those things that enable us to obtain accurate knowledge about a person (e.g. discloses and truthful statement).31. According to the passage, if we perceive a person, we are likely to be interested in _.32. Some people are often surprised by what other people do. According to Berger, that is mainly because _.33. We may have known someone for ten years and still know very little about him because _.34. There are things that we find preventing us from knowing others. These things are _.35. This passage mainly concerns _.问题1选项A.what he wearsB.how tall he isC.how happy he isD.what color he dyes his hair问题2选项A.some people are more emotional than othersB.some people are not aware of the fact that we will never completely know another personC.some people are sensitive enough to sense the change of other peoples attitudesD.some people choose to keep to themselves问题3选项A.we dont accept the idea that we might never fully know another personB.we often get information in a casual and inexact wayC.we pay more attention to other peoples motivations and emotionsD.we often have face-to-face conversation with him问题4选项A.disclosuresB.deceptionsC.stimuliD.interactions问题5选项A.the perception of other peopleB.the relationship between peopleC.secrets and deceptions of peopleD.peoples attitudes and character【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:B第5题:A【解析】31.【选项释义】31. According to the passage, if we perceive a person, we are likely to be interested in _. 31. 根据文章,如果我们感知一个人,我们可能会对_感兴趣。A. what he wears A. 他的穿着B. how tall he is B. 他的身高C. how happy he is C. 他有多快乐D. what color he dyes his hair D. 他染什么颜色的头发【答案】C【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第一段第三句“更多的时候(More often),我们试图进入对方的内心,找出他或她的态度、情感、动机、能力、想法和性格”可知,在感知一个人的时候,我们更多的是进入对方的内心,感知他或她的态度、情感、动机、能力、想法和性格,C项“他有多快乐”属于情感上的感知,故该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A项“他的穿着”、B项“他的身高”和D项“他染什么颜色的头发”都不属于感知对方内心的内容,这三项属于曲解原文。32.【选项释义】32. Some people are often surprised by what other people do. According to Berger, that is mainly because _. 32. 有些人经常对别人的所作所为感到惊讶。伯杰认为,这主要是因为_
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