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2022年沪教版三年级上学期英语看图写单词专项课间习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据图意,写出相应的称谓,每线词。1 2 34 5 62. 把单词序号填在合适的位置。A. face B. foot C. head D. arm E. mouth F. eyeG. leg H. ear I. hand J. nose3. 根据句意和图片,在横线上填写一个正确的单词。1.Its hot. Please_the window.2. Its time for breakfast. You cant_now. OK, Mum.3. Is this your_, Helen? No, its Yang Lings.4. Wheres my cap, Dad? Its_the table.5. How old are you, Tom? Im_.6. Hurry up! Its time for_.7. Whos this_? Hes my friend Jack.8. Look! What are these? Theyre_.4. 数一数,填一填。1-How many girls can you see?-I can see_girls.2-How many pencils do you have?-I have_pencils.3-How many apples can you see?-I can see_apples.4-How many cats can you see?-I can see_cats.5-Amy, how many ballons do you have?-I have_ballons.6-How many books can you see?-I can see_books.7-How many pencils can you see?-I can see_.5. 看图,完成句子。1This is my_.2This is my_.3This is my_.4This is my_.6. 看图,找单词,选择对应的序号。A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.J.1mouth(_) 2cat(_)3foot(_) 4bag(_)5fish(_) 6ruler(_)7pen(_) 8pencil box(_)9juice(_) 10elephant(_)7. 根据图片,填入所缺字母补全单词。1g_rl 2g_r_ffe3p_p_l 4 gr_ndf_ther5sh_t8. 看图,补全单词。1b_n_n_ 2_ppl_3_r_g_ 4p_r9. 同学们一定很了解身体各个部位,请仔细观察,并将相应单词的序号填入对应方框内。(可以重复选择)nose ear eye mouth arm hand foot head leg1_2_10. 看图,回答问题。1How many candles?2Whats that under the table(桌子下)?3How many books?4Whats the boys name?5How old is the boy?11. 根据图片填写单词。1._ 2._3._ 4._5._12. 看图,写学科单词。123413. 给图片选择相应的句子,并把所涂颜色写在横线上。A.Its a red balloon. B.Look at my green cap.C.The clock is yellow.D.I like the black pen.E.This is a blue chair.1(_)_ 2(_)_3(_)_ 4(_)_5(_)_14. 看图,补全单词。1Mi_Li 2Mi_e3Bo_y 4 S_m15. 看图片,根据字母提示写单词。1(a, o, n, e, r, g) 2(p, e, l, a, p)3(s, k, d, e ) 4(i, k, l, m)5(u, k, d, c)16. 看图补全对话或句子。1I can go home_.2A: Can you see a bus?B: No. I see_.3Please_on the read!4A: Mike, point to the_.B: Wow! Its so_.17. 根据图片补全句子。1The elephant is_. 2She is_.3They are_. 4He is_.18. 根据图意,写出问题的答案。1.Whats this? 2.Is that girl cute? 页码 / 总页数
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