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丹 阳 市 实 验 小 学 英 语 备 课 纸五年级上册Unit 4 Hobbies 单元分析一、教学内容Unit 4 Hobbies二、教学目标1. 知识目标(1).能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写形容词hobby dance、 draw、play the piano、 read、 sing、 watch films、be good at、 story、a lot of、also、with、both、group、about、idea、ice、 hole、wet等(2).能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型I/We like doing He/She likes doing (3).了解字母y在单词中的读音。(4). 能正确理解、朗读story time 和cartoon time.2. 能力目标(1).培养学生阅读能力及阅读技巧。(2).能理解故事大意,较流利的朗读并试着表演故事。3. 情感目标1、能唱歌曲 We all like climbing.三、教学重难点1.教学重点(1).句型:IWe like doing. HeShe likes doing.(2).词汇:be good at, read, story, a lot of, dance, sing(3).语音:字母y在单词中的读音2.教学难点(1).句型:IWe like doing. HeShe likes doing.(2).词汇:be good at, read, story, a lot of, dance, sing等词。 (3).语音:字母y在单词中的读音四、教材简析本单元话题是兴趣爱好,这一话题是自我介绍的一个重要部分,也和学生的生活密切相关。重点教学非三单like doing,三单likes doing,以及这一句型的否定句、一般疑问句以及特殊疑问句。五、教学思路 教师可以结合学生用书四年级上册 Uni4 的话题,设计导入活动。教师也可以结合学生喜爱的颜色、科目、动物、季节、食物、衣物、玩具词汇,设计综合活动,操练动词like。 词汇教学方面,教师可以利用四年级上册Unit 4体育运动类的词汇做铺垫,教师可以请学生运用句型I like .分享自己的兴趣爱好,或运用句型HeShe likes .介绍他人的兴趣爱好。语法否定句一般疑问句可以适当补充一些习题。六、课时安排第一课时:Story time & Song time第二课时:Story time &Grammar time第三课时:Fun time & Cartoon time 第四课时:Sound time & checkout time第五课时:复习词汇,学习否定句和一般疑问句第六课时:总复习书中知识,完成及评讲练习册内容Unit4 Hobbies主备教师赵卫华 上课教师_一、Teaching contentStory time & Song time二、Teaching aims1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:dance, draw, play the piano, read, watch films.2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:I like likes3. 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己或他人的爱好。5. 会唱歌曲。三、Important and difficult points of teaching教学重点:能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。教学难点:能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己或他人的爱好。四、Teaching aids教学课件和图片五、学生预习情况分析课时安排:共 _6_ 课时 第 _1_ 课时六、Teaching produces个性修改Sing the song: We all like climbingStep 1 Greeting and warm up1Free talk What day is it today? Whats the weather like today? Do you have a nice house? Whats in your house? Do you like animals? What is your favourite animal friend? What colour is it? What does it have? What can it do? (可让同学之间交流对话)Step 2 Presentation1游戏中学习单词dance, read, play the piano 同桌合作,根据提示,试读单词。2师生对话:What can you do? 3T: What can I do? Guess. 猜教师会做什么?A chant 揭示答案: I can draw. I like drawing. I can dance. I like dancing. I like swimming and reading. They are my hobbies.师生问答:What can I do? What do I like doing?4Read the words: swim swimming read reading climb climbing dance dancing play playing draw drawing run running skate skating5揭题:Hobbies 师生问答:What are your hobbies? What do you like doing?Step 3 Story1.Show some students: Mike, Liu Tao, Yang Ling, Su Hai, Su YangGuess their hobbies: What do they like doing?2.Watch and tick. 生看卡通,找出他们的爱好。 What hobbies can you see?Check and learn: watch films, read the hobbies.3.Read and find their own hobbies, fill in the blanks. NamelikesHobbiesCheck and learn: read stories1、 Read in groups and answer the questions.Can Liu Tao play football well?Can Mike play football well?Does Tim like drawing? Check and learn: be good at, with2、 Read.a) Follow the tape.b) Follow the teacher.c) Read in groups.3、 Lets say.a) 回顾内容,说说每个人物的爱好,生上台贴图片。b) 四人小组,选择人物,介绍爱好。Step 4 Consolidation介绍家人的爱好。I have a happy family.My father likes_. My mother likes_. My grandpa/grandma/sister/brother likes_.And I like_.I love my family.Step 5 Homework1。Listen to the tape and follow the tape 5 times.(听录音,跟读课文5遍。)2Tell your friends about your familys hobbies.(向你的朋友介绍你家人的爱好。)七、板书设计 HobbiesMike playing basketball and basketball drawing Liu Tao playing football and table tennisYang Ling likes reading stories and playing the pianoSu Hai dancing swimmingSu Yang watching films swimming八、作业设计抄写划的词语(1+1)九、教学反思Unit 4 Hobbies主备教师赵卫华 上课教师_一、Teaching contentStory time &Grammar time二、Teaching aims1.能正确熟练运用What do you/they like doing?以及What does he/she like doing?询问别人的兴趣爱好。2.能正确熟练运用I/They like doing sth以及He/She likes doing sth.来表达自己或他人的兴趣爱好。3.能正确运用like和likes.4.能初步掌握动名词的变化规则。三、Important and difficult points of teaching1. 能正确熟练运用What do you/they like doing?以及What does he/she like doing?询问别人的兴趣爱好。2. 能正确熟练运用I/They like doing sth以及He/She likes doing sth.来表达自己或他人的兴趣爱好。3. 能正确运用like和likes.4. 能初步掌握动名词的变化规则。四、Teaching aids教学课件和光盘五、学生预习情况分析课时安排:共 _6_ 课时 第 _2_ 课时六、Teaching produces个性修改Step1 Review1Free talkT: We learned a story last lesson. What is the story about?S: About hobbies.点题:Unit4 Hobbies2Watch and answerT: Do you remember what are Mike and Mikes friends hobbies. Lets watch the cartoon, it can hel
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