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Teaching PlanforJunior Engish(Rading)Go mornng,jugs. Im numbe _. (鞠躬) Its my ret onot tnd hee and tal about myunertandigof htext.Now,Illsay Section_ f nit_ on k _. Mtopic _(写) This ia aing e Tmak ystation clear, ll itodue my thughts tou from6 apects. They r anlysis fteacing maerial, nalis of studets, taching mtods,arnin methods, teah procedures and bloar sn. Now, l introdc them toou on byonePat on, analysi f eahi mteral Thisunit ifocusdon _.Ltstuet_.Thecontet sclos stentreal ife, soits helpful to aseearnin inrestofstudens. Accoing to nw curriculumtanad,lngage s orcommunicaton, deveo thei fou skills, ay secl mpais o readig d deveopn tuen ailit of cmunicationSo my teahing bjecties are sets foow,knowlge bjcts: The studs anget the main ida of the ain e fthetextn lk about _Abliy objects:studets an aste smereng ils, uchas skimg, scanni andsuma.oina bjects:_Tchn importat andiffiult point: stdents can master somereang skil nd et the man ieaf h tex.hats al abut at e. Now,Ilike tosy omething bouhe tudets. The studenthave eane Elis fo about _ years. y udestad soe ord and expresons, butthey have dificulty i readngThe are cos,ctiv and fnd ogams.They ejoy earingtroughctio n arelax tmosphr. I st the follwng tahig metho: fve ste ethd, ts-based echimethod,communiaivepprch,audio-sualeaing mehod.orepondn, r ,laning mhd. The e curriulum stadard streses thtthe udnts shoud be e mster ofclas. Theyshoul lear by dong and using,o ther learng ethos aroopavethru grou work.Nw, letome o our mst detaild par. Pt 5aching prcedues.Bor teachi, ill ie the hoe class nt seveal gups to sme cometitos. As itareading cass, Iesignd th followin5 tepsSp 1 reraing(lead in)In thissep,Iwil showsmpictures abut oa top andask student some quesions:_So inthis uen andawer prces,I cn leadte wle cls to da toi auraly.Ste Whi-readng In this st, designed ctivites. Firstly, skimmg. The stuets wil kim h sag to e the main de f te pasag. Secondly, scanni Scan the ssage to idthe srucureof the age and bettr understanh ma idea. Tirdly, caref adin. This time,thesdents wilredthpssge areulyandpay attenio othdeta. finish 3b_S, tokin, sanningand carel ding, he tdens ca fuly unrtadhewhle passage.p 3 Pst-eadingIn h stp, th udentsll av agop or. heywill or grouand dscs th follng questins_ft sssing or abot 5 mnesI wl let stdetspreset theirnswers gou ygruThey can choose t doa roleplay ordo asuvey and so o. Forxample, if ey o rolepay. One cn ct a reporter,the ohrs ar intervewes. (画画)Te besroup ill get2 sil. On smie stnds frone oint.Se4 SummayAt h ed of our class, I il kthe students o suariz wha wev larned in cs. If hey haveprolems, we ilol th toether.At las, he stgrou ilberaise Theothergroi beoured tprform better nextlaSep 5 omeworkHoewor s er mportant, becauseit can help tuentsto reviw wa wevelearned class So wokfor the tudent:1. senothercing atclss.2. Wrtesmall osition sng hat v anafte cas.Now, letscom t ou as ar. lakarddesign. goolaboaddeghould eatisic an scentific wl dvid h bacbord ino 4 pars. The til wll bewrittenin t mi Pat 2 r thekeyocbury.Prt 3 isfr the imansnenes.The most impranpat, which isourleanin aims(板书)Ta all y techingplan, thank foryr attio.(鞠躬)擦黑版-交稿-离开
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