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2022-2023年四年级英语第一学期期末试卷Class Name Number 听力部分(60 %)一Listen and choose. ( 根据听到的内容选择正确答案。)( ) 1. A. uw B. qw C. uq ( ) 4. A. 30 B. 13 C. 31 ( ) 2. A. air B. iar C. rai ( ) 5. A. 345 B. 543 C. 645( ) 3. A. SXY B. FXS C. FSX ( ) 6. A. 9871 B. 9781 C. 6789( )7. A.MNOP B. NMOP C.MNQP( ) 8. A. 6349 B. 6579 C. 6538( ) 9. A. AJHK B. HJKA C. HGKA( ) 10. A. 7458 B. 9548 C. 7549二Listen and draw.(判断听到的内容与图片是否相符合,用 或 来表示。) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三Listen and choose. ( 根据听到的内容,选择正确的图片完成句子。)( ) 1. I can use . A. B.( ) 2. This is my . A. B.( ) 3. Id like some . A. B.( ) 4. My family has members. A. B.( ) 5. My father is a . A. B.四Listen and match. ( 根据听到的内容连线。)1. tall2. strong 3. thin 4. short 五Listen and match. (按听到的内容把人与所在房间连起来。) 笔试部分 (40%)一、 填上所缺的字母,使单词完整,并与相应的图片连起来。 n _ _ seb _ dd _ _ rb _ _fm _ lk二把相对应的问句与答句连起来。 Yes, they are.What would you like?Theyre under the desk.Are they on the desk?Hes a driver.Where are my books?Id like some noodles.Whats your father?Shes my teacher.Who is she?三将单词进行分类,并把它们抄写在四写格上,knife sister farmer doctor sofaanut fork rice beef shelfPEP 小学英语第三册期末试卷听力稿Listen and choose. (10%)1 qw 2.rai 3. FXS 4. 13 5. 345 6. 9871 7. NMOP 8. 6538 9. HGKA 10. 7458二 Listen and draw. (14%)1. My father is a driver.2. Answer the phone.3. Close the door.4. Id like some noodles, beef and vegetable5. Wheres my mother? -Shes in the living room.6. Have a snack.7. Sarah likes reading.三Listen and choose. (10%)1. I can use chopsticks.2. This is my study.3. Id like some rice.4. My family has three members.5. My father is a doctor.三 Listen and match.( 12%) I have a friend. Hes Mike. Hes thin. He likes hamburgers and juice. This is my brother, Zhang Peng. Hes strong. He likes chicken and milk. Im Amy. Im short. Id like vegetables and coffee. My name is Cheng Jie. Im tall. Id like noodles and water.五Listen and match. (14%)1. -Where is my mother? -Shes in the kitchen.2. -Where is my father? -Hes in the living room.3. My brother is in the bathroom.4. My sister is in the study.5. Where am I? Im in my bedroom.6. This is my friend , John. Hes in my bedroom, too.7. Mr Black is watching TV with my father.笔试部分比分:一、(10%) 二、(10%) 三、(20%) 附送:2019-2020年四年级英语第一学期期末试题一 听读音,选出正确的图画,并在括号里打“”。(10分)1. 2. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. ( ) ( ) 二听读音,判断图画是否与读音相符,相符的请打“”,否则打“”。(10分)1. 2. ( ) ( )3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( )三 听读音,给下列图片涂上正确的颜色。(10分)四. 听读音,给下列图画标上正确的数字序号。(10分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五听读音,填上恰当的数字。(10分)六听读音,选出你所听到的单词或数字。(10分)( ) 1. A. family B. friend C. father( ) 2. A. plate B. play C. player( ) 3. A. math B. much C. many( ) 4. A. music B. milk C. Mike( ) 5. A. teacher B. picture C. parents( ) 6. A. phone B. photo C. people( ) 7. A. on B. an C. no( ) 8. A. 15 B. 50 C. 35( ) 9. A. 28 B. 8 C. 18( ) 10. A. BDP B. DPT C. BPD七根据你所听到的句子,找出每题中正确的答句。(10分)( ) 1. A. A board, ten fans, many desks and chairs. B. A pen, two erasers and a crayon. C. A pencil-case and ten books.( ) 2. A. Its under the desk. B. Its on the plate. C. Its in the door.( ) 3. A. Good job. B. All right. C. Good idea.( ) 4. A. No, she isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, they are.( ) 5. A. Thank you. B. Here you are. C. Me too.笔试部分八根据图示把短文补充完整,每空只填一词。(10分)Wele to m
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