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湖北省襄阳市第四十七中学八年级英语下册unit6 sectionB3a-selfcheck学案(无答案) 人教新目标版【学习目标】:1、知识目标:New words:stamp,kite 2、能力目标:would like to do have been doing 3、情感目标:培养情趣,爱好【重、难点】:1、How long has he been collecting kites ? 2、He has been collecting kites since he was ten years old.一自主预习:(一)预习任务: Task1. 词组互译给寄_ 事实上_ 顺便说_ under the bed_ run out of_ would like to do sth._ anyone else_ on my seventh birthday_放风筝_听音乐录像_ 看英文电影_ 用英文写作_对感兴趣_Task 2、完成句子: 阅读课本3a,完成下表Ellens hobbyCollecting snow globesHow long1. _How many2. _Moms idea3. _The first one4. _A gift from Jack 5. _Globes with animalsOne with bears, one with penguinsShe wants to start6. _Task 3. . 完成self check 中的1,单词填空. (二)预习诊断:根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. Its Lucys birthday today. She with her friends is eating a birthday c_2. They are twins. They have many c_ characteristics(特点)。3. Its said that there is a _(怪物) in the river.4. His father is a great _(收藏者). He has been collecting many coins.5. My father is very busy, _(特别) on Monday.6. She found a box to s_ the books.7. She has a lot of friends, but only s_ close friends. (三)预习反思:Do you have any question?_二课中实施: Step1.预习交流 Step2. Warming-up Step 3: Lead- in Step4 Practice Step 5 精讲点拨:.because weve run out of room to store them. .因为我们已经用尽了家里的空间来储藏它们。1) run out of用尽,用完eg: They have run out of ink.他们已经把墨水用完了2)room n. 在这里时不可数名词,意思是“空间”“地方”,相当于space。Make room for sb.给某人腾出地方Eg: Please make room for the old man.请给这位老人腾出地方。room 还可用作可数名词,意思是“房间,室”Eg: The building has 20 rooms.这座建筑有20个房间。Store, run out of, nine by the way giveStep 6 拓展延伸:选词填空1. Next Saturday will be his_ birthday.2. _, who is your best friend?3. He didnt buy that pen because he _ his money yesterday.4. Thanks for _ me so much help.5. In summer, people_ meat in fridges(冰箱)。三、 限时作业 选择1. _ did you skate today?For six hours.A. When B. How long C. What time D. How soon2. It has been a long time _ I met you last time.A. since B. when C. as D. for3. This is an _ shell. Maria and I are_ in it. A. interesting, interesting B. interested, interestedC. interest, interested D. interesting, interested4. Thanks_ me the snow globe_ the monster.A. for to send, of B. for sending, of C. to send, from D. to sending, from5. I would like to give you a present_ your birthday.A, on B. at C. of D. to6. He _ for 5 years. A. left school B. has learning EnglishC. came to school D. has been learning English7. Has worked in that factory for_. A. two and half years B. two and a half years C. two years and half D. two year and a half句型转换:8. He has been collecting kites from China for 5 years.(划线提问)_ _ has he been collecting kites from China?9. I have been away from home for 12 years.(同义句)I have been away from home _ 12 years_.10. I love the English song ”Colors of the Wind” best of all.(同2)The English song ”Colors of the Wind” is my_.学后反思:_
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