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rk omnicsma itrry subr that emged from te Tascedenal hioshcal movmentpopulain nineteen-cntury meria. oks n the dakromntic sit weriluene y, but iteirey ebrace h ides ofTrnscdentlim. Athors conieremost epresntiv aomanism are dg AllanPo, Natani Hahrne, ermn Mlville andEl Dickinon. Featu:.ark omanticsare much les cndet abot the notion thaefecti is aninntequality of aid,as blievd rscenaiss. Subsquentl, Dark Rmntcsresent indiduals as poneton and sel-destuctin, nt a inherently possssngdivinity nwisdom. 2. Altogh natureis a ep spiritua force an it oes reveal rut to man, its revaons e evil adhelsh3.Whereas Transcentaliss advocate socialrorm whn pproriat,wrs Dar Romanticsm frequenly sow individuals failing inteir tmts tomake chagesfr thebtter. I Nthaie Hawtorne(804-1864)nitant American novlist and ritofsrt soies;is nels aresgniicnt par Amiromtcs, o mre secifical, Dak Ranticis“e cn neither blieve, orbe comfrablen hunbelief; ndhe is toohonest nd gus ot otry todo or te thr Ifhe wera relius ma, he ol b oe fh ms ruly rlgius and everenil; h has a very iganoblenture, nd beter worth imortalitythnmost of .” 1. ife orn ly 4,184 i Sem, MA Father die whenawtor wsfor yearsdsentto private schol ne hi elativesisovereh stellig ilitis. 121, wet o owoin Colge Ma, whe h mt Hrrit Beeche Ste, FainPere ad Hnr Logfello. aried Sophi Peboy in 1825 penmany year in scluson staring rtit. He many ob includin wter, ublisher,workiga a csoms.hose, onsul in ngan.ThrouhutHawthones lfe, he ainessanty ued wit ssefuil, or his asors eibehviors n te Sam ithesTrils is rea-grat-gradfathe, William Hathoe, rdered he hipng f nneColemn and our others in the teet o Sale i grea-granfather, Jhn Hathorne, asth agtte esiding oer the trial of hacuse tches ofSaem (162).2. Represtativ Worksw clectionofshor stors:Twie-told ales (1837)Moses from an Old Mane (14)Four Roane:he Scrlet Lette(80)Te us o Sevn Gales (1851)Te BlthealeRomance (852)Te Mrblea (180)ort Stois:“Yo Godman Brown”“Th inisters lac Vei”“Te Birh mrk”“Rapacciniaghter” Thmes nHawhrnes works Sense Evi (1) Evilisttheoreo man life. Orgin Sn&Totl epaviy vil exst intehuan hea, human heartis te ouceof evi.Everyoe poessessme ev secet. Eil is mans bithmark “YouGomanBrown” Hwthorneis influnced by Purianis deepl,toughwas no a ritan hmlf; deprvd of mersons optmism.(2) Whenevr tere s s, here spnishment Si orevil cnbe passe fromgeerationto gnration Dueto issnse oil,afrs colege, whreae“w” o hi rignal fmily nae“Hathore”,ths “worne” The ousef theSve Gablesnthe refac toth nov, awthor sts tha ts moal is thathe ogdoing of oneneration lives ntothe successi nsad. becomes pure uncnrllal mischif. “God,” sa th dying ma, pinn hi fingr, with a gasty look,at tendismae counteac of hie, “Gll give hi blooodrin!”(3) Evleducate.cevmet is poibeony “und th imactof an yngaementwth eilttrag iseor of the fortunate al”. “Te Mniters Backeil”() dsgustin scince. One ourcoel is verweng inl.“Dr. ppacnis Duhe”4HwtresAethetics aegrea ntre in histy nd antquty. ntiqit Imgntio “dremsrangetings, ad make thloo lke trut”“the poerty of mterial” Histoy and antiquiy furnh te soi o which hs grows tfruiin. Romanc is the bestforformercliterate omance: Oriinllycrl stores eig wh th tee ritonal sbect: thelgnds about Artur, Carleane and i knihs, a classialhoes spcialy Alxnder;tinvle he usensin of the ciustnces orlly atnant n hmanactios (ofen thgh magc)i oder to ilurt a moralpin; from8t cetry, sarte toembrace somesentimental novel. the pver of materias Hisuritan prudnc Rmance: “to tell he truth and satre and yet no to offen.”5.HawthrnesWitn Stesa.Theus f yol.evelion of h
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