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On, the. Application , of. Communicative , Approach , to, Vocabulary, Teaching, in, Middle , SchoolOn the Application of Communicative Approach toVocabulary Teaching in Middle SchoolContentsAbstract2.Introduction2.I. The Communicative Approach4.A. The Definition of Communicative Approach3B. The Features of Communicative Approach4C. The Principles of Communicative Approach4II. The Current Situation of Vocabulary Teaching in Middle School.5A. The Main Problems of Vocabulary Teaching6B. The Reasons of Causing These Problems6III. Adopting the Communicative Approach to Improve VocabularyTeaching in Middle School7.A. Transforming the Roles Between Teachers and Students7B. Creating Real Teaching Atmosphere in Classroom8Conclusion9.Notes9.Bibliography9.Acknowledgements1.0Abstract: For many years, vocabulary teach ing has bee n un dervalued. Moreover, a lot of problems appear i n the process of vocabulary teach in g. It is harmful to the efficiency of teaching and learning. Accordingly, this paper tries to get an overview of the vocabulary teaching and learning situation in Middle School of China, and introduce a useful teaching approach Communicative Approach to improve the efficie ncy of the vocabulary teachi ng and lear ning based on previous researchers findings and real teachi ng practice.Key Words: Communi cative Approach; vocabulary teach ing; applicati on摘要:很多年来,词汇教学没能得到很好的重视,而且在教学方法上也存在不 少问题,这严重影响了学生学习和教师教学的效果。因此,本文写作的目的在于统观中国中学词汇教学的现状,在前人研究的基础上,提出运用交际法来提高词 汇教学。关键词:交际法;词汇教学;运用Introductions the cct changeAs all we known, the ultimate goal of learning Ianguage is to communicate. And vocabulary is the very foundation of learning a foreign Ianguage. The number of vocabulary one mastered will certainly affects his Ianguage level and it stone of other Ian guage skills developme nt. But the En glish vocabulary teachi ng situation in middle school of china is far from satisfaction, even some teachers and researchers have improved the vocabulary teach ing way. For in sta nee, Shen Jia nyuan (1996) proposes to teach vocabulary by placing lexical items into semantic fields. Wang Yang (1999) dwells upon vocabulary comprehe nsion in con texts. Liu Qiaolin (2001) aims at provid ing in sight and suggesti ons for vocabulary. It can situation that teachers and students still concentrate on the meaning and form of vocabulary rather than practical application. Therefore, based on the facts and observati on, this paper will in troduce a useful approach Communi cative Approach. The Communi cative Approach occurred in 1970s cateri ng to the developme nt of global economy. According to the Communicative Approach, the roles between teaches and students will be altered, and students interests will be improved to motive the classroom atmosphere.The n, stude nts can lear n words faster and better,#and teachers will reach their goals. Mean while, the efficie ncy of En glish vocabulary teach ing will be improved.Chapter one makes details about the Communi cative Approach, emphasiz ing the definition, features and its principles. Chapter two make a brief introduction about curre nt vocabulary teach ing in middle school of China, emphasiz ing main problems and reas ons. Chapter three expo unds the applicati on of the Communi cative Approach to vocabulary teach ing in middle school, emphasiz ing role of teachers and stude nts, and the real classroom atmosphere.In the conclusion, the significant meaning of the Communicative Approach in vocabulary teach ing is emphasized aga in. Higher requireme nt in vocabulary teach ing for a teacher in the long run are raised.I. The Communicative ApproachThe Communi cative Approach has developed for about 50 years since proposed firstly. During the process of perfection, there are many linguists who proposed new ideas about Communi cative Approach, which paved the way for the Communi cative Approach.A. The Definition of Communicative ApproachThe Communi cative Approach refers to the theory of teachi ng to the prin ciples that the stude nts and teachers should genuin ely com muni cate with each other using the target Ianguage. It was brought up in 1970s European, and it is one of the most popular and in flue ntial teach ing approaches in the world. The lin guists have bee n en rich ing it by their opinions from their practice and research.The Communi cative Approach is also called Functional Approach, which regards the fun cti on of Ian guage as the basis and pays much more atte nti on to com muni cative compete nee. Some lin guists thought that the Communi cative Approach is much better than Fun cti onal Approach as it reflects the master of the com muni cative compete nee. Fun cti onal Approach believes that Ian guage is the tool of com muni cati on and that learning a Ian guage well is based on the applicati on repeatedly.Communicative Approach reflects the transformation from emphasizing on Ian guag
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