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TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE培训活动纲要Task任务:Media Call 拜访媒体人士Code 序号:OH-SM-MC-D002Objectives 目的: At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to fully un dersta nd how to con duct media call professio nally.在此培训结束后,每一个学员都要了解如何以职 业化的方式来。Standard 标准:See Attached 参见附件Resources 培训器材:Whiteboard, Mark Pen.白板、马克笔Method培训方式Training Steps 培训步骤Time时间LectureMedia Call is an in teracti on with our clie nts, a good8 min讲座式cha nee to probe ads age ncy and suppliers compete ncy and pote ntial to work with. In the mean time, it is an opportu nity to con duct Customer Relati on ship Man ageme nt and to deliver hotel and brand image. 拜见媒体是与我们客户打交道的一个过程,是一个了 解广告商和供应商的资信度和合作潜力的良好机会。同时这也是一个实行客户关系管理和展现饭店和品牌 形象的机会。8分钟That is why we n eed to have sta ndards as follows:8 min所以我们必须拥有一定的标准:1. Appo in tme nt must be made beforeha nd. 拜访媒体人士必须事先做好预约。2. MarCom Man ager will be dressed in bus in ess attire or smart casual to meet the media pers onn el.公关部经理将着职业装或半正式装与媒体人 士会面。3. The MarCom Manager will be equipped with basic information of the media prior to the call. 公关部经理在会见媒体人士之前须对该媒8分钟体的基本情况有所了解。8 min4. A con tact report will be complied to record the contents of each media call.每次会见媒体人士后都须制作一份会面报告。5. Go through Procedures 1-6 讲解程序 1-6 条8分钟Group Discussi on 小组讨论6. How to obta in releva nt info about the media?如何在拜访媒体前了解媒体的情况?a. Obta in a copy of the publicati on or preview the TV for a basic idea of the media.获取一份该媒体的刊物或预先观看电视的节目b. Visit website on in ter net if available如果该媒体有网站的话,上互联网 上查看其网站c. Refer to those in media circle you are familiar with咨询媒体中的熟人了解情况d. Review bus in ess pla n and MC strategy and check if there is any possible and potential opportu nities for co-operati on重新审阅饭店的经营计划及公关策略,是否有潜在的商业合作 机会。7. Hav ing familiarized with the media would effectively help us to build up con fide nee and break up the ice and to commu ni cate with the media pers onnel successfully.在了解了媒体的情况后再与他们会面,会十分有效地 帮助我们建立信心,打破僵局,成功地与媒体人士沟 通。8. Question 提问a. How to obta in releva nt info about the media?如何在拜访媒体前了解媒体的情况?b. What shall we obtain from the media?我们在会面中应当从媒体那获得什么?8. Summary with emphasis on Procedure 2 & 4 总结时把重点放在程序的第2和第4条上。15 min15分钟3 min3分钟8 min8分钟10 min10分钟
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