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武沟初级中学八年级英语讲学稿Unit 9 When was he born?(Period 1)课型:新授 主备:陈宝娟 审核: 班级: 姓名: 时间: 学习目标:1掌握新单词(104页P5354);2学会谈论所崇拜的名人;3学习时间状语从句.4学会谈论某人; 5能正确使用时间状语从句.6.本单元以谈论别人出生时间为切入点,要求学生学会be born 和动词过去式的用法,在学习Grammar Focus 时,注意:(1) When was sb. born? 问“某人出生时间”. (2) how long. 问“多长时间”. (3) When did sb. start ?问“某人什么时候开始做某事的”.学前准备1看图完成1a并尝试练习1c中的对话. 2记住1a中的词语.3回忆动词过去式及用法.4.句型转换1She went to school late this morning(改为一般疑问句) she to school late this morning?2I went to see mv uncle last Sunday(改为否定句) I to see my uncle last Sunday3He got here by bus this morning(对画线部分提问) he here this morning?疑难摘录_ 学习过程:1检查预习情况:(1) 检查新单词;(2) 检查1c对话练习掌握情况.2Section A P53 1b listening. 3双人小组操练1c对话.4Section A P54 2a、2b listening.5合作探究,掌握 When, how long 的疑问句. e.g. A: When was Deng Yaping born?B: She was born in 1973.A: When did she start playing ping-pong?B: She started playing at the age of five.A: How long did she play?B: She played for mone than 20 years.知识拓展:1born v. 出生; adj. 出生的. 1) bear 的过去分词. 例如:He was born in 1978. 他出生于1978年. Are you born in 1980. 你是1980年出生的吗?2) born 与补语连用,表示“命中注定”.例如:He was born a poet.他天生是个诗人.3) born 用作定语,表示“有天才的,天生的”. 例如:He is a born orator. 他是天才演说家.2start n.和v. 动身;出发.1) 作名词,表示“动身,开始”. 例如:We want to make an early start.2) 作动词,表示“开始,着手”. 例如:It started raining.3) 作动词,表示“出发,启程,动身”. 例如:We must start early.4) 作动词,表示“突然活动”,“开始,跃起”. 例如:Tears started to her eyes. 她们眼睛里突然涌出了泪水.当堂检测:一用所给单词的适当形式填空: 1. How long did he hiccup? He (hiccup) two days ago2. When she (join) the national table tennis team? In 1988.3. He was (bear) on June 5th, 19994. He became a famous professional soccer star when he (be) twenty-two5. Dont spend too much time (watch) TV6. You are never too young (start) doing things7. Stop (talk)! Its time for class8. The box is too (heavy) for me to carry二看例句,完成小对话。例:Michael Jordan basketball player. Born:021763A:Whos that? B:Thats MichaeI JordanHe is a great basketball playerA:When Was he bom?B:He was born on Februarv 17,19631Zhang Yining.ping-Dorng player, October 5.1982A: B: A: B: 3David Beckham,football player, May 2,1975.A: B: A: B: 4Liu Xiang,110m hurdles 131nner,July 13,1983A: B: A: B: 错题集_ _ (学)教后记_ Unit 9 When was he born?(Period 2)课型:新授 主备:陈宝娟 审核: 班级: 姓名: 时间: 学习目标: 1掌握新单词(104页P5556);2通过读短文,掌握谈论人物的表达方式.3学会谈论某人; 4会正确运用When 从句.学前准备 : 1熟读Grammar Focus,并完成3a填空内容.2阅读P55 3a课文,翻译下列短语,并记熟。打嗝69年 打喷嚏5个月 学习骑自行车3年 学习英语2年 开始打嗝 开始打喷嚏 开始学习自行车 开始学习英语 3. 句型转换1Mike was born in 1996(就画线部分提问) Mike born?2Donna sneezed for 978 days (就画线部分提问) did Donna sneeze?3He is so excited that he cant say a word (同义句转换)He is excited say a word4Mozart started writing music when he was four years old (改为同义句) Mozart started writing music at the four5She was born in 1932(改为一般疑问句) born in 193276She visited the US when she was fourteen (改为否定句) She the US when she was fourteen疑难摘录_ 教学过程:1检查预习情况,订正3a填空内容,了解对谈论人物句式的理解程度.2练习3b对话,并模仿做新的对话.34a,4b 合作探究,采访身边同学,完成表格内容并向全班汇报其中一个人的情况. e.g.Li Ping started things early. He learned to ride a bicycle. When he was eight years old. That was a b
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