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立夏过后,温度可能逐渐攀升,人们难免会觉得烦躁上火等。天气一热,人们食欲也有所下降。膳食调养中,我们应以低脂、低盐、多维生素、清淡为主。下面为大家推荐几款适合立夏节气养生的食谱:荷叶凤脯:配料 鲜荷叶2张,火腿30克,剔骨鸡肉250克,水发蘑菇50克,玉米粉12克,食盐、白糖、鸡油、绍酒、葱、姜、胡椒粉、味精、香油各适量。做法 鸡肉、蘑菇均切成薄片,火腿切成10片,葱切短节、姜切薄片,荷叶洗净,用开水稍烫一下,去掉蒂梗,切成10块三角形备用。蘑菇用开水焯透捞出,用凉水冲凉,把鸡肉、蘑菇一起放入盘内加盐、味精、白糖、胡椒粉、绍酒、香油、鸡油、玉米粉、葱节、姜片搅拌均匀,然后分放在10片三角形的荷叶上,再各加一片火腿,包成长方形包,码放在盘内,上笼蒸约2小时,若放在高压锅内只须15分钟即可。出笼后可将原盘翻于另一干净盘内,拆包即可食用。功效 清芬养心,升运脾气。可作为常用补虚之品,尤为适宜夏季食补。鱼腥草拌莴笋:配料 鱼腥草50克,莴笋250克,大蒜、葱各10克,姜、食盐、酱油、醋、味精、香油各适量。做法 鱼腥草摘去杂质老根,洗净切段,用沸水焯后捞出,加食盐搅拌腌渍待用。莴笋削皮去叶,冲洗干净,切成1寸长粗丝,用盐腌渍沥水待用。葱、姜、蒜择洗后切成葱花、姜末、蒜米待用。将莴笋丝、鱼腥草放在盘内,加入酱油、味精、醋、葱花、姜末、蒜米搅拌均匀,淋上香油即成。功效清热解毒,利湿祛痰。对肺热咳嗽,痰多粘稠,小便黄少、热痛等症均有较好的疗效。麻酱拌豆角:原料:鲜豆角、芝麻酱、精盐、味精、花椒油、姜末;制法:1、把豆角抽筋,折断,洗干净,在开水锅里焯熟,后用凉水浸泡,捞出控去水,放在调盘里。2、再把芝麻酱用冷开水调成糊状,把花椒油烧热,加入精盐、味精、姜末浇在豆角上,拌匀即可装盘。特点:颜色翠绿,香味可口。黄瓜拌虾片:原料:虾两对、黄瓜一节、青蒜苗两棵、青菜叶三棵、酱油、香油、陈醋、水泡木耳;制法:1、将对虾脱皮,入开水锅里煮熟,捞出晾冷;把黄瓜洗净,直刀切成半圆片;青蒜苗、青菜叶拣洗净,直刀切成段,全部放在案上待用。这时将冷虾推切成片。2、再行装盘和调味。摆盘的次序是:先用青菜叶铺底,接着将虾片摆成花样(可自选),上层将黄瓜片、青蒜苗摆上,撒上水木耳,倒入酱油、香油、陈醋即好。特点:鲜艳美观,清香利口。After the beginning of summer, the temperature may rise gradually, people might feel irritable angry etc. Hot weather, peoples appetite also declined. Diet nursed back to http:/www.zxljkf.com/post/72.html health, we should give priority to the low-fat, low salt, vitamin, light. Here we recommend several suitable for summer solar term health diet:Lotus leaf chicken breast:ingredients fresh lotus leaf 2 pieces, ham 30 grams, boned chicken 250 grams, 50 grams of dried mushroom, corn flour 12 grams, salt, sugar, chicken oil, Shaoxing wine, onion, ginger, pepper, MSG, sesame oil.approach chicken, mushrooms are cut into thin slices, ham cut into 10 slices, onion cut short, ginger cut into thin slices, the lotus leaf wash with boiling water, a little hot, remove stems pedicle, cut into 10 triangular standby.Mushrooms with boiling water boiled thoroughly with cold water showers, fish, chicken, mushrooms into the tray, monosodium glutamate, sugar, salt, pepper, wine, sesame oil, chicken oil, corn powder, onion Festival, ginger stir evenly, and then placed in 10 triangles on a lotus leaf, and then add a slice of ham, wrapped a rectangular package, stacked in a tray, cage steam about 2 hour, if placed in a pressure cooker for just 15 minutes. The release of the original turning to another clean tray, remove the package can be eaten.effect Qingfen Yangxin, lifting temper. Can be used as a general tonic products, particularly suitable for summer tonic.Houttuynia cordata mixed lettuce:ingredients Houttuynia 50 grams, 250 grams of garlic, lettuce, onion 10 grams, ginger, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, MSG, sesame oil.approach Houttuynia pick to impurities roots, wash and cut into sections, with boiling water boiled fish, pickled with salt stir stand-by. Lettuce peel and leaves, washed clean, cut www.lushou1.com into 1 inch long and thick filaments, with salt pickled juice stand-by. Onions, ginger, garlic, optional washed chopped green onion, ginger, garlic stand-by. The lettuce wire, Houttuynia cordata Thunb on the tray, add soy sauce, MSG, vinegar, scallion, ginger, garlic stir, pour sesame oil.effect Qingrejiedu, Lishi expectorant. Cough, sputum viscous effect on lung heat, less urine yellow, hot pain disease have better.Sesame mix beans:Raw material: fresh beans, sesame, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper oil, ginger;System of law:1, put the beans cramps, broken, washed clean, boiled and cooked in a pot of boiling water, soaked with cold water, remove and control to the water, put in bowl.2, put the sesame paste with cold boiling water to tune into a paste, pepper oil pan, add salt, MSG, ginger, pour in the beans, mix well and dish.Characteristics: the color green, fragrant and delicious.Cucumber Salad Prawn crackers:Raw materials: shrimp two, cucumber, garlic seedling section two trees, leaves, soy sauce, sesame oil three, vinegar, blister fungus;System of law:1, the shrimp peeled, into the boiling water pot cooked, remove and cool; put cucumber is abluent, straight knife cut into round tablets; green garlic, cabbage leaves picked www.wxgs7.com clean, straight knife cut into sections, all on the case for. Then push the cold shrimp, sliced.2, and then transfer to a plate and seasoning. Set order is: first with cabbage leaves bedding, and then put into a pattern of prawn crackers (optional), upper will be cucumber, green garlic put on ear, sprinkle with water, pour soy sauce, sesame oil, vinegar is good.Features: bright and beautiful, Li Kou fragrance.
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