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精品资料www.ks5u.comUnit 5 Section .单词拼写1There was a _ (有系统的) approach to solving the problem.2The meeting is of such great _ (意义) that I have to attend it.3We must stop him seeing her _ (以某种方式)4Its very rude to s_ at someone.5He wanted to d_ my name from the list.6The photos belong in an a_7She sends her little daughter to the k_ every day.8I want a _(滑板)9When I was a child, I didnt like _ (洋葱), but I dont mind it now.10The hotel r_ wants to know when we will be checking out tomorrow morning.答案:1systematic2significance3somehow4spit5delete6album7kindergarten8skateboard9onion10receptionist.根据汉语提示,完成句子1这个项目的失败在很大程度上是由于他的粗心。The failure of the project was largely _ _ his carelessness.2不知怎么地,我感觉事故的目击者在说谎。_, I felt the witness to the accident was telling a lie.3贝拉受够了无趣的工作,决定再找一份新的。Bella was _ _ _ the boring job and decided to find a new one.4格雷丝代表公司在会议上介绍了新产品。_ _ _ her company, Grace introduced a new product at the meeting.5互联网的使用在社会发展中具有重大意义。The use of the Internet is _ _ _ in the development of society.答案:1due to2Somehow3fed up with4On behalf of5of great significance.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。As a young girl, I know how easy it is to lose your selfesteem(自尊). I used to, and I admit that I sometimes still_1_my opinion of myself on other peoples opinions on me. But in order to_2_anywhere in life, we must learn to have selfappreciation.When I was in middle school, I was a pretty_3_student, so when tryouts(选拔赛)came around for a tutoring programs, I_4_tried out, thinking I was suitable enough for a_5_. We went through a round of_6_, in which I had thought I did pretty well. But when the final_7_came out and my name wasnt on it, I was discouraged. Why didnt_8_it? Was there anything wrong with me? I thought over these questions for weeks_9_my mother sat down and told me plain and simple: There is_10_you can do now. Your sadness will not change anything._11_, my mother told me to look back at the interviews and find out what my faults were, and then_12_from them. I began to see what my_13_had been, and worked on them and_14_skills that I would have never learned otherwise. Whenever I come across_15_, I will focus on whats good about myself.Learn from your mistakes, and then move on! Remembering your positives_16_you to turn your attention to the_17_, instead of wallowing(场面)in the past.No one goes through life_18_experiencing one form of failure or another in their life. But what sets people_19_is how they deal with that failure. Some give up. But others grow, and from that failure, they become stronger and more_20_for any challenges to come.文章大意:本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章通过叙述作者在一次面试失败后母亲对自己的开导,悟出一个人生道理:必须正视失败,从中发现问题,吸取经验教训,为将来的挑战做好充分准备。1AdependBbaseCbuild Dchoose答案:B此处是指“根据别人对我的评价来评价我自己”。base.on“建立在的基础上”,是固定搭配。2Aget BliveCtravel Dmake答案:A根据句意“要想在生活中取得成就,我们必须学会自我欣赏”可知,答案选A。get anywhere表示“有所进展,有所成就”。3Aclever BnaughtyCgood Dhardworking答案:C由下文内容可推知,此处表示“我在学校时是一位表现相当不错的学生”,故答案选C,其他选项与语境不符。4Ahardly BimmediatelyCfluently Dfinally答案:B考查语境理解。既然“我是一位相当不错的学生,非常适合辅导工作”,那么应当是“立即报名参加选拔赛”,因此答案选B。immediately“立即”;hardly“几乎不”;fluently“流利地”;finally“最终”;均与语境不符。5Aprogram BproblemCposition Dcharacter答案:Cprogram“节目,计划”;problem“问题”;position“位置,职务”;character“性格”。此处表示“我想我可以胜任一项工作”。6Aexaminations BtestsCquestions Dinterviews答案:D由上文内容以及下文“to look back at the interviews”可知,答案选D。7Apaper BlistCresult Dmark答案:B此题易误选C,但只要注意到后面的“my name wasnt on it”,便知道答案为B,因为名字只能出现在名单上。8Aaccept BreceiveCmake Dtake答案:Cmake it表示“成功到达;获得成功”,是固定搭配。9Abefore BuntilCsince Dunless答案:B此处是指“好几周我都在考虑这些问题,直到母亲”。10Aanything BsomethingCeverything Dnothing答案:D由上文可知,作者面试失败,因此此处表示作者不能再做任何事情来改变挫败的事实。11AInstead BFirstlyCTherefore DFinally答案:A此处意为“反而母亲告诉我可以回顾一下面试情况,从中发现问题所在”,依据前后句的关系,空格处应表示“相反”之意,因此答案选A。而不是firstly“首先”;therefore“因此”;finally“最终”。12Alearn BgrowCunderstand Drealize答案:Alearn from表示“从获得(教训)”。13Apower BstrengthsCweaknesses Dadvantages答案:C由上文“find out what my faults were, and then_12_from them”可推知,此处表示“我开始反思我的弱点”,故答案选C。power“力量”;strength“优势”;advantage“优点”,均不符合句意。14Afound BdevelopedCdiscovered Dpractised答案:Bdevelop表示“(使)成长;发展;壮大”;find“发现”;discover“发现”;practise“实践”。15Afailure BsuccessCdifficulty Dtrouble答案:A根据上下文内容,此处表示“每当遭遇失败时”。16Aasks BallowsChelps Dchanges答案:Chelp表示“改善状况;促进;促使”。17Afate BfutureClife Dpast答案:B由“instead of wallowing(沉湎)in the past”可知,答案选B。用future与past相对应。18Aby BwithCwithout Don答案:C句意:人的一生都会经历这种或那种形式的失败。without与no one构成双重否定,表示肯定。19Aabout B
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