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有关我的幻想英语演讲稿 i havea ream i amhpy to jin with yu todayn what will goown inhstr as thegretetdeosationorfreeom n tehitoy of ournationfivs years ago, a gret arican, i whose symbli shadow westand tody, signed the emncipatn proclamaton.thsmoentous ecee cme as ageat beaconlightof opetomll o gro slavs who ha en sered n thlae fwtering inusicet came asjos abreak to en the lg nightof trapvity. b o hundre ears late, the ngro sil is not reone hundred earlater, thlieof he nero is stilsly crippled by the manacs osegrato and tchans of diminaion. one hundred years atr, the negro vs o a loney islan of povety i the idstof a as cean omatia ropeiy o hdred earslater, the negs stillanguished in e corners of meican cet d fid himslf an exile inhs wn andn s we'ecome e ty to dramatze shamefu condii. nasen we'e cmeto ournatin#39;cpital to cahcheck.w the hitects ofrrublrot th mgnfcen wor f he constitution a t declaratonf indpendece, hewer gnig rssory nt to which evey ameican wao ll hir. ti o was pms that allmen, yes, black mn a ll a wit men, wouldbeguraed qut;unaienable righs" of&qut;if, iberty antheursut of hapines"iti obviou today tat erc hasdeateo is romissy not, insr as ercitzensof clr r ncn. istead ofhonong thi sacred blatio,amercahas gien th nropeople a bad heck, chck whichhacme ac maked&qut;isufficien und.&qut; ute refse t elive that the ban of jusic is bkrupt.e refs to elievethat there are insfficet funds n thegreat vaults fptunit f hisnaton. d so, we';ve ce och this chek, a heck that will gie us pn demnd herchesof freedm ad theity of ustc.hav als coe to this haloe spttoremind ameca f the ferce urgenc ofnow. tis is no tito enage in the lu o cong f or tae te ranquiin dug of grdualism.now s he time t ake real the proiseso moacy. nwis time to refrom the drkand esolatevlle of segregatintothe sunlit path o racjuic. now sthe i t li our nionfrom thquksans o rcial inustce to the sid ockf botheod nw isthe timetomae justice a realt r al of go'cildn it wold be fa for thenation o overookthe urency of th moment. ts swlterin sumeof th egro ; letimaiscontent wilno untl tere i aninigting autu of freeom nquliy. ineen sxty-thre inot an end, but a bginin. nd tos who opetha the egroneed to blow off steamand will nbe oten ll hv a rud awakeing i tention returns tobsins sal. an hee wl b neite rst nor tranulit in amercntil thnegr s gned hs cznshi rihts. the whilwinds ofevlt ilcontinueto sakehe foundtion of ur naton until the bit day o usticeemergs.but ter s mehng tht st say to my eople, h st n thewarm threhold hichds into e palace o stice:in the proceofaingou rihtflplace, we must notbe gulty of wrongful deeds let unotse to satisfyour thirt for rdom by drnki fm thecup of bierneand hr. w must foever condc ur struggleon the hih ple of dgityandsclie we mus no allow our cetv protest t degeneaeito pyical violc. agin ndaan, we ust riseto hemajstic ights of eeting hysil ewithsoul force. the areus newmiltcyhih has engud e eo cmmunity us nolea s o a istrut of al hie peopl, ormany f u white brothers, evdencdbyhi presencehre tay, hav cme realize that teir estis te up with r esti.and tey havecome t reize tt thr freom isextricaby bond o ur freedom.w anno lkaone.nd as w a, w stmk t pldthawe shall away marc ahea. we cnno tur bck. te a th wh are asking th devteso civil ights, "whn wil oubesatisfi?&uot;w can eer be saied as longas tegrois h victim o theuspaable horros f poic rtaity we can neve b satsfid aslnas ur bies, heavywith hetue of travel, cano gai lginint mtels o the highwaysan e hotel o hecitie wecn b saified a lo asanero i mississippcnnot vote and aneg new o blieves h has oing for hch t voe. n, no, we are satified,d e wll no b atisfied i&qut;utice rolsdown likewats,andigheosnelk a might strem本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1
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