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辅导中心 年级 姓名 Unit 1 This is my day一、翻译短语。(10分)做早操 上英语课 吃晚饭 做运动 看电视 看书 吃早餐 吃午餐 去远足 看望祖父母 二、翻译句子。(10分)你周末干什么? 我通常去游泳。 有时我去爬山。 你什么时候起床? 我通常六点半起床。 三、连词成句。(10分)1. in , I , seven , the , have , oclock , evening , dinner , at ( . ) 2. go , in , I , afternoon , at , home , the , thirty , five ( . ) 3. go , you , when , work , do , to ( ? ) 4. at , I , sleep , go , ten , oclock , to , ( . ) Chen Jies Timetableget up 6:30 read English 6:45 go to school 7:10 go home 4:40have dinner 6:00 do homework 7:30 go to bed 10:20四、根据时间表完成短文。(10分)1、( )A.wait B.paint C.day D.appleLook! This is my timetable. I get up at 6:30 and then at 6:45. I at 7:10. Our classes begin at 7:45. We have six classes every day. In the afternoon I at 4:40. We have dinner . I do my homework . Then I at 10:20.五、根据实际情况回答问题。(10分)1When do you go to school? 2. What classes do you have on Monday? 3. Where do you eat breakfast? 4. What do you do in the evening? 5. What do you do on the weekend? 六、以“My Day”为题写一篇小短文。(不少于5句话)
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