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Unit 5 Viewpoints on ScienceIn this unit you will:1.learn about the scientific method,viewpoints on science,and scientific discoveries from reports,speeches and lectures given by professors;2.familiarize yourself with the words and expressions related to the theme of the unit;3.learn to use these words and expressions;4.learn how to speak English with correct intonation and listen for numbers in spoken discourse;5.practice listening with other non-theme-related audio and video materials;6.use the proper expressions and sentence structures to apply for a visa.Learning objectivesPart I Theme-Related ActivitiesPart I Theme-Related ActivitiesPart II Listening and Speaking Part II Listening and Speaking Strategies Strategies Part III Extensive ListeningPart III Extensive ListeningPart IV Communication SkillsPart IV Communication SkillsPart V Assessment LogPart V Assessment LogPart I Theme-Related ActivitiesPart I Theme-Related Activities Section I Report About Scientific Discoveries(Part I)Section II Report About Scientific Discoveries(Part II)Section III Interview1.How do you feel about new scientific discoveries?2.What do you aspire to invent or discover if you were a scientist now?Lead-in questions:Unit 5?Part I?Section I?Lead-in questionsWord Bankself-evident/self evdnt/adj.显然的显然的diagnose/danz/vt.诊断,查出诊断,查出spontaneous/spntenis/adj.自发的自发的generation/denren/n.产生,发生产生,发生formulate/fmjlet/vt.制订,规划制订,规划hypothesis/hapss/n.假设,假说假设,假说hypothesize/hapsaz/v.假设,假定假设,假定flask/flsk/n.长颈瓶,烧瓶长颈瓶,烧瓶broth/br/n.肉汤肉汤neutron/njutrn/n.中子中子microbe/makrb/n.微生物;细菌微生物;细菌sterile/steral/adj.无菌的,消过毒的无菌的,消过毒的Unit 5?Part I?Section I?Word BankNotesUnit 5?Part I?Section I?NotesTask 1 Watch the video clip and then decide whether the following statements are true or false.TaskUnit 5?Part I?Section I?Task 11.The ancient Greeks were acclaimed as great thinkers and observers because they tested their ideas in a systematic and scientific way.2.The scientific method is widely used in daily life,from troubleshooting car problems to major scientific discoveries.(They did not believe in testing their ideas in an orderly,unbiased way.F_T_3.French scientist Louis Pasteur was the first one to apply the scientific method.4.There was a controversy over where microbes come from.5.Pasteur conducted an experiment to prove that microbes are created by a special life force in the air.(But the video only claims that he conducted an experiment with all the features of scientific method.)(He rejected this theory and the purpose of his experiment was done to disprove this idea.)T_F_F_Unit 5?Part I?Section I?Task 11.Pasteur believed that .2.He hypothesized that .3.He placed the broth in and heated it to .Task 2 Watch the video clip for a second time and then complete the following sentences.microbes could be carried by,but not created by the air _ _ TaskUnit 5?Part I?Section I?Task 2 a flask of broth would stay sterile as long as no airborne microbes could get in and use the nutrients in the broth to multiply _ _ force out all the air_ a special swan neck flask_ 4.He observed the cooled broth and found that when he broke off the neck of the flask .5.Pasteur concluded that .Unit 5?Part I?Section I?Task 2 airborne obes could get in and the broth became cloudy as they multiplied _ his experiment proved his hypothesis/he should accept his hypothesis rather than rejecting or modifying it _Task 3 Watch the video clip again and then work in pairs to describe the experiment Pasteur performed,based on the video clip and the following pictures.Afterwards,each group will give a brief report to the class.TaskUnit 5?Part I?Section I?Task 3【Script】ScriptUnit 5?Part I?Section I?ScriptWord Bankgerminate/dmnet/v.(使)种子发芽(使)种子发芽address/dres/vt.对付,处理对付,处理variable/veribl/n.变量变量vermiculite/vmkjlt/n.蛭石蛭石deprive/dprav/v.剥夺剥夺straggling/strgl/adj.四散的,散落的四散的,散落的modify/mdfa/v.改变,修改改变,修改Unit 5?Part I?Section II?Word BankNotesUnit 5?Part I?Section II?Notes1.A hypothesis is _.A.an educated guess or prediction B.a discussion after data is collected C.a conclusion drawn after observations and experiments D.a scientific method used to prove or disprove ones belief2.The experiment is intended to test the hypothesis,“_ A.do plants need light to grow?B.plants need light to grow.C.the plants without light dont look healthy.D.without light,the plants will eventually die.Task 1 Watch the video clip and choose the best answers to the following questions.TaskUnit 5?Part I?Section II?Task 13.The way to test the accuracy of an experiments results is to_.A.repeat the experiment B.find a basic experimental model C.keep trying different approaches and collecting data D.change the variables and repeat the experiment4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the variables that affect the growth of plants?A.The presence or absence of light.B.The temperature of the air.C.The type of soil.D.The quality of seed.Unit 5?Part I?Section II?Task 15.If the data partly support the hypothesis,researchers should_.A.extend the
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